War in Heaven

Chapter 806: Hellfire Eye-3

At six in the morning, the young man sitting up from the cold bed board stared at the eyes surrounded by dark circles and stared at the smoked black walls in the residential area.

Because the environment in this place was too bad, he did not rest well last night. Lin Chi stood up and squinted and looked at the simple structure of the residential area and the large number of bullet holes on the wall that were blasted by six-barrel machine guns.

If you have time, you can let the engineer renovate the place. But the first thing to do now is to prepare for the battle.

Lin opened the game menu and looked at it. Now the time in the game is 6:40 in the morning. Because he doesn't have to worry about the enemy in the safe house, he will not be photographed live. He is also very lazy at this time. Slowly, I walked into the warehouse and asked Dalyan, who was yawning on the side of a shelf, "How is the chip?"

"I was pulled out here, here is here..." Dalian’s eyes could not be opened, and she was very patient with Lin’s report: “As long as you are not connected, you can send a signal to the equipment outside the city. This chip has no threat."

"What is it used for?" Lin Chi asked.

"When connected to an electronic device, this chip will detect the operation of Mr. Qi. If you do not receive any signal from Mr. Qi within 30 minutes, the coordinates of the location will be automatically sent to the city. Somewhere outside." Darian explained with her eyes closed: "It seems to be able to summon a ground-penetrating missile or something..."

When I heard this, Lin Chi realized that he had guessed it correctly. This is really not a good thing. It is quite normal to leave this kind of pit goods in the style of a refuge technology company.

Fortunately, after the war began, Kayaland had a strong signal interference, the chip could not transmit the signal to the outside world, otherwise the 137 refuge should be directly blown into pieces.

However, in Lin Chi’s opinion, this chip is not only a simple negative effect.

"Do you want to dispose of it?" Dalian was still asking questions, her hands were holding the sides of the chip, and she was going to get rid of the chip.

"No, you go to sleep, just give it to me." Lin Chi said that he took the chip from the weak girl and put it in his backpack.

In some special cases, this chip that can summon "day robbery" may also come in handy. It’s a pity that it’s broken directly.

"Then keep it, I am going to sleep. I have been analyzing it for a night. It’s really a sleepy thing."

I don't know if it is because of the degree of confusion, Dalyan's speed is much faster than usual, staggering to the residential area, looking for a place to sleep.

After sending away the hacker girl who worked overnight, Lin Chi turned his attention to other people in the warehouse and immediately noticed that the SOG soldiers who were resting on the wall, although seemingly unprepared, actually had a "hidden murder." ":

Even when they are sleeping, these guys still hold weapons in their hands. In addition, no one snored, and even the breathing was extremely small.

For SOG soldiers, any details can be dangerous. Because they often need to rest in extremely dangerous environments when performing tasks, these soldiers not only practice the "cultivation skills" that can sleep for a long time, but also do not emit any noise during sleep, and will not make any big noise. action.

Looking at them like a corpse, it is like a corpse holding a gun. Among these "corpses", one man is still awake:

The urban camouflage uniforms on Frank Woods are much more dirty than the clothes of other soldiers. There are still many places that have been damaged. Seeing that the man is still standing by the wall, Lin walked over and asked: "You don't rest." ?"

"I was thinking, this time a few of my brothers can go back alive."

Woods looked up and stared at Lin Chi’s eyes with some red eyes: "The commander just sent us here, and did not mention the danger of the city. We thought the worst situation was also It was the same as that of Hue City at that time, and I did not expect it to become this ghost."

-- The fighting intensity of the abandoned city of Kayaland is even more terrifying than any battlefield in Vietnam. Suddenly encounter such a high-intensity battle, even Woods can not hold back.

"Do not worry, this battle should end in four days." Lin Chi Yan said.

There are only four days left in this game. When these "commanders" in the city hang almost, the war in Kayaland is estimated to be over.

Lin Chi opened the player's standings to confirm it. I saw that the highest score is now 3 points for "coach" and "burning". There are also a lot of players who get 2 points. In addition, the names of the three players are grayed out and it seems to have been killed.

"It seems that the victory and defeat of the Bureau of Complaints came out." Lin Chi smiled.

—— At this time, before the war, the vowed person who said that he wanted to blew the blood-blade dog head, the name has become a bleak gray, but the blood blade is still alive, and also got 2 points, in the rankings. The position of the front row.

Lin Chi didn't know if these guys didn't find a refuge, or gave up sleep as much as possible to get points. However, the difference is not big enough to catch up, and I should start now.

"Prepare for action." Lin Chi waved to signal Woods to come over, then opened his own tablet, called up the map of the city of Kayaland, and turned his attention to the location marked with the blue cross symbol on the map.

-- The "strategic place" that can be occupied has been unlocked and appears on the map of the remaining players. According to the rules of the game, as long as you occupy these areas for three hours, you can get 2 points.

At a location about two kilometers from the safe house, there is a strategic location marked.

Lin Chi, who had already backed the map, did not choose to attack the location directly in order to unlock the safe house yesterday. Now, the time is ripe.

"To attack this place?" Woods stared at the blue logo on the map.

"Yes." Lin nodded.

It was like sensing the call of the mission. The SOG soldiers who were still resting in the warehouse did not know when they all woke up, surrounded by Lin Chi and Woods, and they looked like a plastic toy soldier that children liked.

Lin Chi looked around and looked at the murderous soldiers around him, and there was a sense of insecurity in his heart...

I have to say that it is more reassuring to be surrounded by a group of macho men on the battlefield than the beautiful women.

After checking the weapons in his backpack, Lin Chi issued the first order for the remaining soldiers of SOG:

"Our mission is to occupy an underground workshop and then defend for three hours, ready to go, friends."

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