War in Heaven

Chapter 808: Plan change

Lin opened the map lately, only to see a green spot on the map, and a few small characters on the bottom of the "hostage evacuation point".

The marked location is in the southeast, about one kilometer from itself. According to the rules of the game, as long as the hostage can be brought to that place, you can get 1 point.

The strategic location that needs to be occupied two kilometers away is also in the southeast corner of their current location. In this way, after taking the hostages to the evacuation point, it is very convenient to continue to move toward the strategic position that needs to be occupied.

"set off."

After marking the location of the evacuation point on the map in the hands of Woods, Lin Chi issued a simple and easy-to-understand command. Woods, who had just completed the five kills, once again walked out of the ruins. He was the most dangerous squadron as he was yesterday, and was responsible for exploring the road ahead.

"You... really want to save me?" The diplomat pointed to his face and pointed to Lin Chi, as if he still couldn't believe it.

"If you don't save you, what are we doing right now, picnic?" Lin Chi glanced at the diplomat and said, "Don't make extra noise, there are too many enemies on the street."

In fact, he originally wanted to use the socks to plug the mouth of the hostage, but he still didn't think about it. After all, the hostage is not an enemy, the basic respect is still there...

"Yes, yes, I know." The diplomat nodded in a hurry, but his voice shook a little.

It seems that this old man who has just been rescued is also very clear about what to do now. It is the right choice to follow the group of people who are kidnapped by the criminals.

Seeing the other side is still a bit flustered, Lin Chi did not say anything more, just walked behind the diplomat, and prepared for the uniform when the unexpected situation was met.

—— Look at this hostage attitude, once it is attacked, it is likely to take the opportunity to escape. Lin Chi is also very clear, how can he explain it again, and the other party will only be able to convince the poor man who is overly scared.

Therefore, this guy can only be forced to take the evacuation point.

Woods, who walked in front, reached out and pointed to the right and hid directly into the ruins of the house on the side of the road. Lin Chi and the diplomat who walked behind, as well as the crazy Evan, who was full of laughter, immediately searched for shelter and hid in.

A patrol composed of more than a dozen mercenaries walked slowly from the side of the road. The weapons in their hands were all black FN-2000 assault rifles. The equipment of these guys was stronger than the gangsters who kidnapped the hostage. If it is an outbreak of fighting, unless you kill everyone in an instant, Lin Chi is not cheap here.

On the battlefield of Kayaland, a large number of mercenaries are still embarrassing, and it is also a huge instability factor for the players. Maybe they are fighting with other players, and suddenly they are bursting with chrysanthemums by the NPC.

For this reason, in the first day of the game, there is not much exchange of fire between the players. Among the players who left the game, the number of people who left the game due to being deducted to the negative points was more than the number of people killed.

However, in Lin Chi’s view, the situation in this game should be changed soon. After all, for this kind of invitational tournament to attract popularity, the hot PVP scene is undoubtedly more attractive to the audience. A group of people are using the wretched gameplay to "muffle the big fortune", which seems to be meaningless.

- The large-scale plot of this map of Kayaland has not yet appeared. According to the consistent style of war paradise, there should be a forcible battle like "full-band scanning" today.

In the ruins, patiently waiting for the patrol to leave, until the footsteps of the soldiers disappeared into the distance, the four finally stood up again, sneaking and moving forward.

There were a lot of mercenaries still alive in this block. They only walked 500 meters and they suffered four waves of mercenaries. Because of the hostages, the Woods did not try to assassinate the soldiers who had ordered the assaults. Instead, they chose to bypass the enemy and move forward at a slow pace.

It seems that these mercenaries should have learned about the hostages being taken away and are searching for hostages in a large area nearby. Although most of them were avoided by Lin Chi’s team. But there are also a handful of mercenaries in a position that is completely unavoidable.

At this time, it was time for the two "assassination masters" who were present to start.

"Look at him."

After Lin Chi sneaked into the crazy Evan behind him, he pulled out the tiger claw hunting knife and swiftly swung forward. The cat walked through the smoky ruins and appeared behind the broken wall of the house.

In the middle of the alley three meters away, there are two mercenaries who are chatting. These two idiots who are still fishing in the search mission are naturally not noticed at all. The two "death gods" who are stunned are hiding in less than five meters from them.

"Looked at the movie last night? Marilyn is so beautiful! I can play for a year!"

"Please, she has been dead for decades..."

The two men discussed the topic of boring and painful. Lin Chi and Woods looked at each other and did not need to speak. They had already completed the "combat deployment."


Woods suddenly patted his hands, but the voice was not big, but he was shocked by the two mercenaries, and his eyes cast at the same position.

While their eyes were looking at the other direction because of the instinctive reaction, Lin Chi, who was behind the side, had jumped into the ruins of the two houses. The two sabers in his hands brought out two cold lights on the sides of the body, such as "swords." Gas generally swings to the back neck of two mercenaries!

Titan's grip skill provides a four-point attribute value bonus, which makes Lin Chi's action extraordinarily fast. The two soldiers have no chance to respond, and they have been cut open by the blade and cut off the cervical spine and nerves, as well as the trachea. And almost all blood vessels.

The sharpness of the two epic swords is not at all human resistance. Seeing that the heads of the two soldiers had slipped down from the break, Lin Chi went straight to the front to hold the two bodies that had not fallen to the ground. Woods standing on the wall immediately entered the alley and took one from Lin Chi. The headless body was dragged into the ruins of the house.

After God did not know how to deal with the two bodies, Lin Chi was going to go back to inform the hostages and crazy Evan who were hiding behind, and there was a line of text prompts in the lower right corner of the line of sight:

- The strategic location "Government Army Warehouse" on the outskirts of Kayaland has been occupied by leprosy dwarfs.

With the appearance of this prompt, the strategic position on the map that Lin Chi regarded as the target, originally a blue cross mark, suddenly turned into a dazzling bright red.

"We are late." Lin Chi shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Woods, who had just concealed the blood on the ground, whispered.

“The plan has changed and I am ready to implement Plan B.”

Having said that, Lin Chi looked back at the ruins of the ruins behind him and continued to talk about the next step: "Now I may have to take the hostages to other places."

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