War in Heaven

Chapter 811: Dress up

As a team that once carried out various "dirty activities" in Vietnam, the macv-sog unit is familiar with the tricks of planting and framing.

Although the team also has Mason, the "honest man" who does not like to carry out the task of planting, but the guy just left the team temporarily because of the injury. As for Woods... it is the leader in carrying out this task.


Woods called the diplomat who was walking in front, looked down at the clothing on the other side, and sighed long:

"You need to change it as soon as possible," he said.

"Why?" The diplomat looked confused at the metal mask on Woods' face.

"Don't forget that you have been kidnapped by mercenaries, and they know your diplomat status. It is likely that you have already found your information." Woods explained in a serious way: "You think those mercenaries will let you go." 'Withdrawal machine'? The mercenaries we met on the road just now are definitely going to catch you."

"Yes, it is."

Lin Chi came up and nodded, eyes stunned and confronted the diplomat. It looked very reliable: "If you encounter mercenaries in your current dress, they might be like crazy, trying to catch you." go back."


Like recalling the tragic scene of being kidnapped, the diplomat couldn’t help but shudder. The middle-aged man in a suit and a suit asked at a very fast speed: "What should I do? There seems to be no clothes here." ......"

"We can take the material on the spot." Woods pointed to the body of a mercenary at his feet: "You can wear this."

The mercenary died from the eyebrows. The bullet looked like it was stuck in the skull. He did not fly out of the back of his head. The khaki desert uniform on his body was covered with dust, but he did not stick any blood. The preservation is quite good.

"To wear this, it seems to be a bit..." The diplomat glanced at his dirty suit. Even if he didn't know anything about the clothing brand, Lin Chi could see that the suit was definitely expensive.

"Do you want to keep your clothes or keep your old life?" Lin Chi asked.

When the words came out, the diplomats could not help but be silent.

Looking at the hellish scene on the street, he actually realized that in the **** of Kayaland, money or luxury goods have long been meaningless. but……

The diplomat’s heart was still bleeding when he thought that he would throw away his suit that cost $50,000. He was silent for a moment, and finally he took off his suit and threw it aside and put on the military uniform that Woods had pulled down from his body.

"Yes, that's it."

Seeing the appearance of the diplomat in the military uniform, Woods smiled with satisfaction: "Your body can still be maintained. If there is a beer belly, even wearing a military uniform will not be like it."

"I used to be healthy." The diplomat frowned and couldn't look at the deadly bodies on the ground: "But here, it seems to have no effect..."

When the diplomat was still feeling the emotion, Lin Chi had exchanged his eyes with Woods and nodded with an imperceptible level.

Now, this diplomat looks no different from the mercenary. It is no doubt easier to let him go out and "send a head."

Woods picked up the fn-2000 rifle next to the mercenary's body and handed it to the diplomat's hand. He explained intimately: "With this, you can use it to defend yourself."

Like being touched by his actions, the diplomat gratefully thanked again and again: "Thank you... how is this used?"

"Use the gun to hold the enemy's head." Woods' explanation is extraordinarily perfunctory.

Before the diplomat spoke, Woods had turned to the other side of the suburbs. Lin Chi did not say much, and immediately followed.


Looking at the assault rifle that was not used at all, the diplomat frowned and seemed to realize what it was. Just then, the roar of the helicopter sounded again in the distant sky.

"Your Majesty!"

With the voice of Lin Chi, the four men fell in the ruins at the same time, decisively began to pretend to die. An oh-6 "Little Bird" helicopter with a dark shell flew away from the distance and ignored the situation below, as if it was in a hurry.

In the city centre of Kayaland, the **** war seems to continue. But I haven’t been to Lin Chi in the city center yet, and I don’t know what’s going on there.

Since the safe house is on the outskirts, he naturally has no plans to enter the city center at all. It is too difficult to get transportation on this map.


The roar of the explosion shook the forest and the heart trembled. The whole person suddenly felt a lot of spirits. The mushroom cloud had already slowly risen, and the slower sound wave took a few seconds to reach their position.

"Cloud bomb!"

Looking at the dusty smoke in the distance, crazy Evan shouted excitedly.

In the first game of "War of Heaven" that I participated in, Lin Chi had already seen the power of the cloud bomb. The bomb was detonated by Frankenstein and instantly slaughtered the nearby 20 players and almost npc in the entire area.

In the fierce battlefield of Kayaland, this powerful weapon is naturally absent. Lin Chi is now more worried that the enemy may still have more weapons than the cloud bomb...

"Everyone, can we go now?" the diplomat lying on the ground whispered: "It seems unsafe here..."

"Well, we will **** you to the evacuation point." Lin Chi was standing up while talking, but suddenly Woods was thrown to the ground.


The broken wall around the two was bombarded with a large hole, and the tiny gravel hit the body, bringing out the pain of needle-like. Lin Chicai just reacted, and there was a burst of gunfire. The ruins of their hiding were smashed and fluttered.

"Is it ambushing over there?"

Realizing that there are enemies waiting for a few hundred meters away, Lin Chi immediately understood who he was facing, and he would use this type of combat, and only the players and the special forces they led!

Crazy Evan immediately threw out his special smoke bomb, a burst of yellow and green, looks like a poisonous smoke rising into the sky, blocking the enemy's sight. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Chi immediately seized the diplomat's arm and smashed the guy out rudely. He said in a concise manner: "Quickly withdraw."

The four talents ran a few steps, and the enemy's bomb rain came over again. The enemy army obviously carried the thermal imaging mirror, and the bullets played fairly accurately. A few bullets flew past Lin’s shoulder and almost smashed his head.

In this long-range battle, the firing rate of firearm bullets is actually very low. In contrast, Lin Chi has no way to take the enemy here. They don’t even have the meaning to fight back. They can only continue to run.

"You don't shoot?" The voice of the diplomat's panting sounded from the ear. The tired appearance of this guy was more tired than it was.

"Can't hit." Lin Chi's answer is still simple, dragging the "consumables" in his hand and rushing forward.

"You... shouldn't you lie to me?" The diplomat's voice suddenly fell.

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