War in Heaven

Chapter 826: Air raid

The footsteps of the five soldiers in the corridor stopped for a moment in front of the storage room and then began to drift away. But when Lin Chizheng was about to let out his breath, he saw the round door handle begin to turn and make a squeaking sound.

The wooden door was not opened yet, and the voice of an impatient soldier was heard in the corridor:

"What are you doing? Old John is still asleep, he doesn't like being woken up!"

"The lighter that I borrowed from the mixed ball hasn't returned yet, that was what my father left for me..." the soldier standing in front of the storage room said, unscrewing the door of the storage room and pushing outwards. Pull.

At the moment of opening the door, his eyes suddenly became enlarged due to instinctive reactions, and the pupils were shrunk very small:

Entering the line of sight is a figure wearing a city camouflage uniform standing in front of the door, wearing a black metal mask.

The mercenary who opened the door didn't have time to talk. There was a sharp pain in his left chest. He lowered his head and saw that a saber had been inserted into his chest and directly fell into the majority. The exposed body was blood-stained. Red, the handle is held tightly by the big hand wearing tactical gloves.

- My heart... was pierced?

The thought stayed in his consciousness for less than five and five seconds. The mercenary didn't even yell at the time. Then the other person standing by the door grabbed his arm and dragged it into the house. Then there was another hot big hand. Hold his nose and mouth.

After a low sob, the battle without smoke was over.

Eric stretched out the wooden door of the storage room that had just been opened. Woods was very experienced to drag the body to the corner next to the shelf and put it in an inconspicuous place.

When the mercenary just entered the door, he was shot by three fierce men, and Lin couldn’t help but recall the strange idioms such as “Strong Man Locking Men” and “Left and Right Men”.

Take two books from the bookshelf, look through the cracks to the rear window, and the ruins of the bottom are invisible, a complete doomsday scene.

The city of Kayaland is absolutely completely destroyed. This building is still in a strong building, and it is estimated that it will not last long. Although I don’t know who the siege is, I haven’t been to the time to study this issue.

The time limit for the mission is thirty-six minutes. There are still a large number of enemies in the building. If you do not take time to act, the PMC members of these two floors will be executed immediately.

"First occupy the control room." Lin Chi issued a combat command, slowly opened the door of the storage room, spouted through the door, and immediately closed the door.

- The remaining four rebel mercenaries are still walking around in the aisle, patrolling constantly, although the three people present to solve the four soldiers is nothing but a blink of an eye. But as soon as they fire in the aisle, they will immediately trigger an alarm and will be completely finished.

According to the information on the map provided by the mercenary, the building's high-rise monitoring room is on the forty-nine floor. In the high-rise monitoring room, it can control all the cameras and alarms from the forty to seventy floors inside the building.

If you can occupy the house, you can poke the enemy's ubiquitous "eyes." But the problem now is that they simply can't enter the aisle. so……

"I climbed from the outer wall." Lin Chi whispered.

"Man, this is the forty-nineth floor. If you slip your hand, you will become a muddy mud downstairs," Woods reminded.

"Do not worry, I have no problem." Lin Chi said that he once again brought the "Gecko Adsorption Gloves" that can climb all kinds of cliffs, and looked out halfway out of the window.

A gust of wind hit and almost blown out his whole person. Lin Chi grabbed the window frame and stabilized his figure. He pressed his right hand on the wall on the outside of the building and tried to confirm that the adsorption was very firm and began to climb slowly. Out of the window.

Seeing his madness, Woods and Eric stood at the window and watched their commander squatting on the outer wall of the building like a gecko, swaying by the wind.

"This is crazy..." Woods said with emotion.

Because he used to use gecko gloves to climb higher floors, Lin Chi has long been familiar with this kind of “hand climbing”. He didn’t have any panic, just alternating his hands on the wall, from the outside to the monitoring room. The window is close.


A window that was less than five meters away from his body suddenly opened. Lin’s movement suddenly stopped and he waited patiently on the wall.

- Isn't that supposed to be discovered? But there is no monitoring equipment installed on the outside of the building...

He was guessing, but saw several smoke rings floating out of the house, being blown away by the wind and deforming quickly, dissipating in the sky.

Then it floated out of the window, it was a man’s complaint,

"Can you not smoke? I am almost smoked!"

"I don't open the window?" The voice came from the window.

"You are not afraid of the missiles of the Federation coming in? Their missile cars are downstairs!" The mercenary who had just complained was obviously very opinionful: "Yes, we are temporarily controlling them now, If they are ready to give up the hostage?"

"Are you stinky? The BOSS of the PMC Federation is still in our hands. Will they kill the boss?" The mercenary who smoked in front of the window was full of disdain.

"Not yet smoked by you..."

Listening to the quarrel in the house, Lin Chi had been able to judge that the mercenary complaining in the house should be on the west side of the house, and the mercenary who smoked was naturally at the window.

- Is there anyone else in the house?

Lin Chi, who was hanging on the wall, did not immediately start. He continued to wait patiently for a while, and the two people in the house were still quarreling. After two minutes, there was no third sound.

It seems that only two people are right, even if there are other people, there is at most one other person, and they can handle it.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi slowly moved toward the window and looked at the smoke circle floating from the window.

A cigarette **** flew out of the window, and then it sounded the crisp sound of the lighter. The mercenary in the house did not sigh with anger: "Can you not fuck?"

The voice did not fall, Lin Chi suddenly jumped and jumped, and the whole person flew out to the right hand, just past the window, facing the unbearable face of the mercenary who was smoking.


Seeing a "flying trapeze" in front of him, the smoke in the mercenary's mouth fell to the ground. Because he was too surprised, he even forgot to pull out the weapon.

Lin Chi grabbed the guy's collar with his right hand and pulled it hard. The mercenary's body was directly smashed out, and the whole person began to fall freely and fell down the square downstairs!

At this time, Lin Chi had already hanged by the window frame with one hand, and the body was crumbling on the outside of the forty-nine floor. The mouth was biting the gecko glove on the right hand, and the glove was pulled down.


Seeing an incredible scene, the mercenaries in the house were also worried about their time, and even could not believe their eyes. They thought that their companions were committing suicide.

He was about to get to the window and was shot by a dark vulture pistol with a silencer. The body leaned against the sofa and slipped a few bullet holes in his chest.

The gunshots dissipated in the gust of wind outside the window. Lin Chi turned into the house from the window and picked up the lighter on the ground. He laughed:

"Smoking is harmful to health, or stop it."

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