War in Heaven

Chapter 836: Life and death sniper

"Whose dog is out and running?"

Listening to the **** that sounded at the top of his head, even the crazy Evan, who has always been a big nerve, is not aware of it. Lin Chi was looking very dignified at this time because he had already recognized the voice.

The geek who had fought with himself before, with a **** hound. Lin Chi clearly remembered that he had just shot and wounded the dog a few hours ago. It is reasonable to say that the dog should not come out now.

Regardless of the way the other person thinks of saving the bloodhound, it is not a good thing to encounter such a monster. Fortunately, this time the SOG soldiers are also nearby, not as isolated as they were in the last encounter.

In the basement where the fingers are not visible, Crazy Evan seems to "see" the thoughts of Lin Chi. As the dog bark gets closer, the bald man asks intimately: "Do you need me to go out with him?"

"No need, SOG is still on."

Lin Chi’s voice did not fall. The gunshot that had just stopped for a moment was ringing again. Even if the radio contact could not be used under the influence of the jammer, the SOG soldiers were still firing and fighting for the two people hiding in the basement.

Seizing this opportunity, Lin Chi also decisively opened the secret door of the basement, but he even failed to stand up, and there were several bullets hitting the ruins around him, causing a smog.

The male voice that I had heard before once again resounded throughout the battlefield, but this strange laughter disappeared and replaced by boiling anger:

"I will kill you!"

"Then you try it." Lin Chi turned back and took ACR to shoot a few shots from the sound, and attacked the attacking one and one dog with the SOG soldiers who were screened in the hospital.

Like fearing that his dog is injured again, this time the opponent’s tactics are also conservative. I didn’t rush straight up like the last time. I just rely on the ruins to make shelters and use the submachine gun to fire. At the distance of 100 meters, the submachine gun Accuracy is naturally low.

Crazy Evan threw out his powerful "smoke bomb" and created a high-temperature smoke screen on the battlefield that could not be penetrated by the far-sighted infrared thermal imaging system.

Under the cover of everyone, the "Grozny Hound" shot was less accurate, and Lin Chi and Crazy Evan immediately rushed toward the hospital. Depressing the center of gravity, like the cheetah who found the prey.

However, it is not only two of them who have discovered the prey:

When Lin Chi used the light from the corner of his eye to illuminate the light on the west side of the street, a strong danger signal hit the top of his head and then burst into the body. Even though he had not heard the gunshots, he had suffered numerous lives and deaths in the game. The virtual body of the condition has begun to make an instinctive muscle response.

At that moment, Lin Chi's muscles were tight, and the feet that were already rushing were directly off the ground at the same time. The whole person jumped forward and tried to jump directly to the ground in a posture similar to that of a swimmer.


In the air, the harsh air whistling sounds, and the high-speed flying warheads rushed out, and when they spun, they brought out a violent airflow and flew toward the front of Lin Chi’s position.

Worse -

In the face of the bullets that broke the wind, Lin Chi had no time to do any evasive action. In addition to the heretical players such as "coach", the normal human reaction speed is unable to dodge bullets at this distance.

However, this does not mean that he will die:

In the last zero or five seconds before the end of his life, Lin Chi tried his best to reverse the body, welcoming the bullet from the side, and barely turned into a posture in front of the chest against the bullet. He didn't have time to adjust his movements, and he rang a loud bang on his chest.

The ceramic bulletproof inserts in the interceptor's bulletproof vests took over the powerful sniper rifle. Sudden shocks immediately made Lin Chi's chest directly paralyzed, and the heart beats five times as fast as the original. The whole person was slammed out to the east under the impact force, and fell into a pile of blood to cough up a blood.


"Comrade, you are fine!" Crazy Evan asked with concern.

"Don't worry about me, go quickly -"

Lin Chi’s words could not be finished. Crazy Evan’s head suddenly shook, his neck was **** and mad, and he fell to Lin’s side without any action.

"This madman." Lin Chi spit out the blood in his mouth and looked at the body he was following.

Needless to say, just look at the shocking wounds and know that crazy Evan is definitely not saved. Although it is not a permanent death, in this game, this unstable "bomberman" has already withdrawn.

Now there are only one of the remaining followers of Daryl, and there are not many remaining soldiers in SOG. However, it is imperative to leave this ghost place and hide in a relatively safe hospital.

- The guy who just shot, should be the coach of the "field ghost" followers, may also be the coach himself.

In fact, Lin soon thought of the possibility that the coach was waiting for himself, but did not expect the sniper to hide in that direction. According to the direction of the bullet in the previous battle, the sniper should be on the other side.

——The problem now is that the SOG soldiers in the hospital have limited range and cannot pose an effective threat to the snipers. From the accuracy of the other shots, they will be killed as soon as they stand up!

Fortunately, in addition to the mercenary hospital, there is not too high a building in this area for snipers to hide. If it is an ordinary block, let the sniper occupy a higher sniper position, and you must be hanging now.

Lin Chi dragged the injured body and turned around, took off the red backpack behind the crazy Evan, I wanted to use this thing as a large bomb, but thought about it or gave up the idea.

Crazy Evan’s backpack doesn’t know what to hide, and rushing to explode may kill him. Now he can only make cover by other means.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi also risked carrying the red "shoulder bag" on himself, taking two grenade from his backpack and throwing it to the ruins of a dusty house nearby.

The smog from the grenade provided some cover, although it could not be compared with the crazy Evan's effect, but it can temporarily obscure the sniper's line of sight. The time when the other party replaced the ordinary optical sight with the thermal imaging mirror was the last chance to escape!

With this in mind, Lin Chi stood up fiercely and rushed to the hospital fifty meters away. The SOG soldiers also threw out a few smoke bombs to cover their commanders.


Ten seconds later, Lin Chi jumped into the hospital from the window, sitting on the ground full of broken glass, raising his hand to wipe off the blood marks at the corner of his mouth.

"How." Eric came over and asked: "Commander, how it feels."

“I feel like I’m being peeked at an adult video and I’m being chased by my parents.” Lin Chi said, letting go of the red backpack.

- Now that Crazy Evan has been killed, he also needs to change his tactics.

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