War in Heaven

Chapter 843: Force search team is coming again

The US Marine Corps Force Investigation Team (USMC-Force-Recon) is the most elite team in the Marine Corps. Lin Chi had already confronted these people once in the battlefield of ice and snow.

But this time, the enemy will obviously be more difficult, because this time the force search team is not joining the battlefield as an NPC enemy, but an elite force under the player's command.

In addition, since the identity of the enemy's troops has been confirmed, the identity of the player is clear.

"The force search team... is ‘Scorpio’?”

Lin Chi remembered very clearly that it was a player named "Scorpio" who selected this unit in the tenth overall. Since the player did not participate in the interview, it is not a well-known player. Lin Chi’s understanding of the guy has only one name, and he does not know the other’s information.

Now it seems that "Scorpio" won the qualification to participate in the invitational tournament, and it is the same as Lin Chi, who won consecutive games in multiple games.

Now, why can this player win a game in a row, and the answer is already obvious...

"Commander, there is no chance of winning by our two people against the force search team." Eric reminded.

"I know."

Lin Chi said that he stood up and ran out more than a hundred meters with the super high attribute value before the enemy fired. Only when the smoke was out of the range, the soldiers of the force search team opened fire.


Lin Chi’s feet burst into a cloud of smoke. The soldiers’ guns were much more accurate than the mass-produced mercenaries. Lin Chi was about to kneel down, and another bullet hit the ground in front of him, and the dust was brought up. He looked at him.

The slamming sound of "噗", Eric, who was under cover screening by Lin Chi, fell down, and there was no armor-protected shoulder, and a **** fog floated in an instant.


Seeing that Eric was knocked down, Lin Chi didn't have time to pay attention to the soldier's injury. He just took out the ACR "Viper" assault rifle from his backpack and fired at the fire in the smoke.

Now only when you repel the enemy, there is a chance to live, even if you run away, you can only end the death!

As a scout's force search team, the speed is as fast as ever, Lin Chicai shot two shots, and several blurred figures have appeared in the smoke.

Soldiers wearing three-cylinder eyepieces emerged from the smoke, like ghosts equipped with high-tech equipment. Intensive firepower hit Lin Lin can not lift his head, can only drag Eric to hide behind the broken wall, throwing two grenade in the direction of the force search team.


A burst of gunfire sounded from behind the two, Lin slowly slammed back, only to see Woods do not know when to kill, holding M16 fire on the soldiers in the smoke.

"I" m-back! Woods, whose face is bloody, snarls.

"Hurry up," Eric said weakly.

During the speech, Woods had two shots in the chest, but it was blocked by the interceptor's bulletproof vest. After witnessing the waking comrade-in-arms, the emotionally unstable soldier seems to be in a state of violent again, almost standing in the same place and the enemy "just gun."

After a soldier was shot, the soldiers of the force search team used the wreckage and Woods to fight the position.

A few guns and grenade blew up, and the dust was scattered in the position of Lin Chi’s hiding place. Woods did not know where to pull out a "China Lake" pumped grenade launcher and fired a 40mm grenade on the military search team's hiding place.

After a burst of explosions, the smoke and dust on the battlefield, due to the high temperature smoke of the grenade explosion affected the thermal imaging, the two sides of the war did not see where the enemy is, and became a complete "eyes."

"Don't fight, we go around." Lin Chi gave orders to Woods.

"I want to make the Marine Corps' stupidity clear the gap between them and SOG today." Woods said that he had fired four more grenades and fired again in the ruins that were two hundred meters away.

Although it seems to be impulsive, but the face of the **** SOG captain, still quickly calm down, taking advantage of the stalemate of the situation, rushed to Eric, watching the wounds on the shoulders of his comrades.

"Stuck, man, you can survive." Woods stared at the bullet hole in Eric's shoulders.

The bullet didn't come out from behind. It looked like it was stuck on the shoulder blade. Eric kept sucking in, and the muscles of the upper body were very rhythmic and twitching. It looked like it was caused by severe pain. Hey.

"Fortunately, it is not AK-47, otherwise my arm will fly out." Eric, who was sore to death, made a serious joke.

"Don't tell me, I will take you to the doctor." Woods interrupted the words of his comrades, took out the gauze and slammed it into the wound of Eric's shoulder, making Eric twitching even more. The buzzing sound.

Although it does not hurt the deadly position of the artery, the wound still needs to be dealt with immediately, otherwise everything will not be recovered when the blood loss is too much.

"Commander, we have to retreat." Woods said with a bite.

"You go first, I still have something to deal with." Lin Chi looked at the two people with gray faces.

Now his war horn and anger two skills duration has not ended, although only less than ten minutes left, Lin Chi chose to fight. After all, if you let the "Scorpio" continue to violent, the enemy will only be more and more.

"good luck."

Realizing that Lin Chi planned to move himself, Woods thought about it and decided to send Eric back first.

As he turned and left, Lin Chi’s headphones sounded Woods’ low voice: “I will come back to you.”

"Then you try to hurry up." Lin Chi stood up with the ACR, and the cat leaned forward to the front of the smoke-filled battlefield.

Since the duration of the two skills is coming, he also chose the quick fix. The whole person went straight out and threw two grenade at the same time as the soldiers searched for the position of the soldiers.


There was another explosion in the smoke. Lin Chi didn’t know if the enemy was being bombed, and he didn’t have time to care about it. Just as he was about to rush out of the smog area, there was a sudden burst of gunfire in front of him.

As the gunshots sounded, Lin Chi’s whole man slammed into a ball and fell to the ground at the fastest speed. But he soon discovered that this time, the enemy's firepower did not seem to be coming in this direction.

- Are there other people attacking the force search team?

Recalling the "coach" who had been fighting with himself not long ago, Lin Chi’s face, which had been smashed into black, finally showed a smile again.

The coach should also discover the dangers of Scorpio, and may also plan to resolve the opponent here. In this way, he is not alone in fighting.

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