War in Heaven

Chapter 863: Another enemy

After leaving the block controlled by the wolf, the shadow of the "sparrow" appeared again in the nearby airspace.

The person who designed this map is not a fool, and does not leave the convenience of the players to move from the underground. Lin Chi, who originally planned to drill the water channel, soon found that the large pipes nearby for human passage were all broken. The stone is blocked.

To get to the park, you can only choose the path on the ground. In this way, their speed of action has once again returned to the previous state of turtle speed.

"Slow down..." Woods whispered to the soldier who had a slightly larger movement.

"You just came over like this?" the soldier whispered.

"Yes." Woods narrowed his eyes and stared at his comrades around him: "So you'd better pay attention, don't raise your **** too high, or the 30mm cannon will explode your chrysanthemum, man."

"Mom, I began to miss the jungle in Vietnam." The soldier said with emotion.

SOG soldiers once thought they were carrying out the most dangerous tasks in the harshest of the world. But these drones that appeared in Kayaland apparently refreshed their perception.

In the era when they were active, this kind of gadget has not yet reached the stage of history. Even in the secret labs of the United States, robots are still in the basic development stage. For SOG, the mechanical monsters that now appear on the streets are like products that have passed through science fiction.

Even so, they quickly accepted the facts and adapted to the extremely harsh battlefield environment. This is also a must-have for the special forces soldiers.

After a slow and drowsy crawl, they finally left the sparrow-intensive area and arrived at a distance of about 500 meters from the park. At this time, the sky has begun to gradually darken.

The second day in the city of Kayaland is finally coming to an end.

They entered a house, put on a night vision device again, and then continued the previous move. When the people arrived at the street next to the park, the sun had set, and the sky was turned into a thick gray.

The night is coming, and as visibility decreases, the next battle will become more difficult. But for other commanders, the same is true.

"I finally got rid of..." The baron sighed in a low voice.

——Maybe in order to make it easier for players to kill each other. There are no sparrows and wolves in the vicinity of the park. Lin Chi and others who have been numb in their arms for a long time, can finally stand up again. It is.

Dalian's body kept shaking, and the sweat from her forehead mixed with mud and left a trail of black marks on her face, a bit like a discolored watermelon rind.

"I'm going to... no..." She stared at her stomach and couldn't stand up.

Lin Chi gave Woods a look, and Woods directly grasped Darian's arm and slowly supported her to stand up. Everyone who is about to collapse is slowly walking into the park, using the energy drink provided by the doctor, and finally recovering a little effort.

Unlike the devastation in the city, this park is very well preserved. It is sandwiched between flower beds and groves. It is a slate paved path. The lawns on both sides are extraordinarily crystal-clear, as if it had been poured not long ago. The look of the water. The benches and trash cans alongside the path are also intact and there are no signs of damage.

For Lin Chi and others who have witnessed the horrible situation in the city, this place is like a "worldly paradise." However, Lin Chi is also very clear, I am afraid that there will be a **** battle soon...

While entering the park, he entrusted Dalian, who was still gasping, looking for a device that was transmitting signals in the park. Dalian sat on the lawn, picked up the laptop and began to look for nearby signals. On the dirty face, the expression began to be serious:

"It’s strange... there are three signals," she whispered.

"Are they moving?" Lin Chichen arrived at Li An, looking at the park floor on her computer screen and the three spots on the map.

"It's still unclear, but at this point in time they are still." Dalian, who has entered work, has begun to calm down, not as weak as before: "You see it too, the position is these three. , east, west, and center."

"Commander, do you need to split up?" The soldiers of SOG raised questions.

"No, it's too dangerous to disperse now, and other troops are also eyeing this thing." Lin Chi shook his head and made an ordering decision: "We go to the nearest target, the signal position on the east side of the park."

Soldiers wearing night vision devices, equipped with their own weapons, were ready to fight in 30 seconds. Lin Chi and Woods looked at each other and the cat leaned into the shadow of the grove and walked to the spot on the east side of the map.

The unusual silence in this park is like there is no creature except them. In Lin Chi’s opinion, this place is like a well-arranged “combat field”, and he and these soldiers are the gladiators who joined the battle.

"Slow down, slow down..."

The whispers of the soldiers in the radio, these long-time accustomed to the lurking soldiers, quickly entered the state. They are like being completely integrated into the shadows, and they are dying in the forests that cover the night.

As the army selected by Lin Chi in the 20th position, there is still a gap between SOG equipment and modern special forces. They do not have thermal imaging mirrors, and visibility at night has dropped a lot. Fortunately, these guys' skilled "business level" made up for some of the gap, but...

"Be careful, report the abnormal situation to me immediately." Lin Chi reminded.

——The hard gap in equipment is irreparable by the ability of individual soldiers. If the enemy is equipped with a thermal imager, capturing everyone in the night is a breeze. But now that time is tight, you can only choose to charge.

Continued delay is undoubtedly a chronic death, only to witness other people get the jammer. The only thing that can be done now is to gamble, can you get the jammer hidden in the park before other players arrive!

Lin Chi and the soldiers moved quickly in the woods, and Dalyan followed Woods and walked silently through the park's grove. Five hundred meters... four hundred meters... three hundred meters... they are getting closer and closer to the first light spot.

Then, the light spot that shines from a distance makes Lin a tight heart.

"Hurry up -"

He didn't even have time to say a complete sentence. The violent roar of the roaring air has smashed the air. The faster flying is the powerful bullet. A SOG soldier who is moving forward is going to lay down subconsciously. The upper body has already It turned into a blood mist under the eyes of others, and disappeared together with the waist and half of the thigh! The remaining feet also flew 20 meters away and fell on the grass with the flesh and blood.

"Grass, what kind of weapon is this?" Woods, who is well-informed, can't help but scream.

No time to feel sad for the death of his comrades, everyone has rushed to the opposite direction of the bullets, directly squatting to avoid the shooting range of the snipers. While seeing the soldiers die, Lin Chi has already judged the enemy's way.

"A large-caliber anti-equipment sniper rifle is a 'royal armor'."

- The shooting power of the opponent is even more amazing than the M82A1. In addition to the Royal Armor's MAG-FED 20mm caliber sniper rifle, it seems that no other firearm can produce such damage at a distance.

If the inference is correct, I am afraid I will have a hard confrontation with the famous shooting game ace players.


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