War in Heaven

Chapter 867: Double death

Two soldiers in black cloaks ran on the streets of the night and ran towards the park.

At this time, their faces and bodies were wrapped up in the cloak, not only could not distinguish between men and women, even people are ghosts can not be identified.

The two men's actions were extraordinarily light, and did not even leave any footsteps. If it is not detected by the optical sensor, the Royal Armor may not be able to find the existence of these two people.

- However, for the Royal Armor, from the moment of discovery, these two people are already dead.

The royal armor, hidden in the shadow of the corner, takes out a miniature drone with only the size of the palm. The propellers mounted on both sides of the fuselage begin to rotate at high speed, flying silently into the sky with the drone.

Then, the Royal Armor launched his special skills - a quick scan, began to use this drone, scanning all enemies within three hundred meters nearby.

Two seconds later, two red dots appeared in his small map. In the range of three hundred meters, it is true that only these two enemies are correct.

In this case, you don't have to hesitate.

"let me do it."

The Royal Armor waved the soldiers behind him to stay in place. He himself used his hands with tactical gloves, clenched the hk-417's cold handle, held his breath and stared at the small map and was running along the street. Two red dots.

When the two red dots rushed to his side, the Royal Armor finally opened fire.

After three shots, the two men who were bombarded by the bullets fell to the ground without a word. In order to rule out the possibility that the enemy is still not dead, the Royal Armor fired a few shots on the two, and the bullets brought out a small spark when they hit one of the heads.

It seems that that person should have something like a helmet. Unfortunately, on this battlefield, it is impossible for a steel helmet to block any bullets...

"Just a scout."

Seeing that the two were directly killed, the Royal Armor did not venture close. After all, the enemy may wear something like a "self-explosive vest". If it is such a trap, it will be too awkward.

He turned on the computer and took a little operation. The drone that was just used for scanning, swooped down directly toward the two bodies, and turned into a burning fireball at the moment before landing.


Watching the two bodies disappear into the sea of ​​fire, there was no explosion, and the brows of the royal armor finally recovered.

Due to a problem with the radio, he now does not know the status of the entourage and soldiers in the park. However, the situation on his own side can be described as exceptionally smooth. With this foresight, the enemy should not continue to send scouts for the time being.

- But, is this really the only way?

Despite the resolution of the enemy, the Royal Armor has a bad feeling in his heart.

If you are in the passers-by, there are a lot of guys who just send people to the head. But at the level of the tournament, no one should be so stupid.

Are the two idiots that were just killed, really just a "bait" or a scout?

I noticed that something was wrong. The Royal Armor immediately ordered the subordinates to evacuate the area and turned away.

He just turned around and heard a snoring sound in the fire.

The voice sounded like someone was stretching the joints, and the royal armor jerked back, then suddenly widened his eyes.

A figure appeared in the flame, and it seemed erratic behind the burning flame. One of the people who had been slashed in the past was not dead yet!

Seeing the moment of this scene, with the instinct of the shooting game player, the Royal Armor has once again picked up the hk-417, a three-point shot of a precise shot on the other's head, and shouted to the soldiers behind him: !"

The figure that was once again headshot, suddenly strode out of the smoke, dragging the white smoke toward the direction of the royal armor. Entering the sight of the Royal Armor is a thin steel body with a thin limb, a red-hot shell, and a vaguely visible silver.

- Is this also a drone?

The Royal Armor has not figured out what happened, the robot that moves far faster than the human has rushed to the front, seeing the commander is in danger, the two Sri Lankan Special Forces soldiers have pulled the knife up, but they are still running It is only now that the enemy is not human at all.

As the robot's hands caught the two soldiers' wrists, a roast of roasting sizzles rang and the two soldiers screamed and tried to break free from the steel hand and then twisted their wrists.

At the same time as the soldiers died, the Royal Armor and the other three soldiers on this side have begun to retreat. In order to block the robot's way, the Royal Armor pulled out an electromagnetic pulse grenade from the backpack and pressed the purple button above the grenade.

Even if the robot follows, it should not be able to resist the baptism of emp at close range, as long as this grenade -

His wishful thinking was only halfway through, and he was interrupted by the burning pain. The royal armor held the right hand of the emp grenade and had no time to throw a bullet. He had left his wrist and flew into the sky together with the grenade.

Even the top players in the shooting game have a limit on the speed of the reaction, and the enemy's attack speed is even so fast that the Royal Armor is completely out of reach!

While the right arm of the Royal Armor was cut, the three Sri Lankan soldiers behind him fell. The three flying knives thrown out by the robot nailed their heads with precision and were pierced into the brain by the red-hot knives, turning their brains into "cooked soy milk."

"You...in the end..."

Looking at the other side's incredible operation, the Royal Armor even forgot the pain for a while, then was knocked down by the robot.

The iron hand that had just been flame-baked, slammed the neck of the royal armor, the robot did not answer this question, but began to increase its strength quickly.

At the end of the battle, the two people popped up a line of tips:

The special forces under the player's "Royal Armor" have all been killed, destroying the players of this unit "reverse" to get a little points.

At the same time, the points of the Royal Armor have also decreased a bit. As the sight of the Royal Armor began to blur, he seemed to see the robot shook his head and then sent an electronic tone with frustration:

"Cut, it's a pity, isn't it me..."


The neck of the Royal Armor was broken, and the tragic commander who lost all of his soldiers ushered in a miserable end.

Then, another line of tips appeared in front of all players:

The player "Royal Armor" is killed by the player "Carol"!

After completing the killing, Carol, who was transformed into a robot, stood up and saw that his points had been raised from four to five. The "electronic possession" skill in the skill bar has also changed from gray to blue after triggering:

Electronic possession:

Passive skill.

When you die, consciousness will be attached to your mechanical followers and gain control of the entourage. This effect can only be fired once per game. After the effect is activated, you will lose the number of kills and points you have previously acquired, and the backpack will be disabled.

“For those who are terminally ill, modern artificial bodies give them a second chance. You can also get this opportunity... but only once.”

If it is in a normal game, Carol certainly does not choose to actively trigger this "continuation skill." However, under the rules of the invitational tournament, even if the number of kills is cleared, it does not matter at all.

After all, this game is to win by points, and when you are attached to the robot, the points will not be cleared...

"Goodbye, my flesh."

Carol looked back at the burning fire on the street, then stood in the middle of the road, slammed his right hand and shouted:

"Sas guys, you can come out! Come and join the ball!"

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