War in Heaven

Chapter 885: Remnant troops

When the Frankenstein refreshed the page on the first five hundred and thirty-five, the official website finally showed a new announcement.

Looking at the title of "The First "War Heaven" Invitational Results Announced", Frankenstein instantly entered the announcement page and became the first reader of this announcement with a much faster computing speed than humans:

The audience and the contestants of the invitational tournaments:

Some problems occurred in the final stage of the game, so that there was an unexpected situation. In order to decide the final winner, we decided to change the rules temporarily. After the discussion of the organizing committee, the results of the competition are as follows:

In the absence of eight points, we decided to make the two players who won the seven points - "coach" and "countercurrent" become the final winner. The two will jointly join the podium and become the juxtaposition champion of the first invitational tournament of "War of Heaven"!

The winner's prize will be distributed by the two players after deliberation. The surviving members of the special forces selected by the two will join their majesty and become permanent followers.

In addition, regarding the results of the official forum quiz activities, we decided to adopt a special treatment plan: since the two players win in the competition at the same time, the participants who are betting on either of the two players in the quiz will be judged as a quiz. success. The odds of the two players are different, and the amount obtained after the successful bidding is also different. Please refer to the page of the quiz activity for details.

The above is the result of this invitational tournament. The live interview of the players will be online soon, so stay tuned.

- Your dear pulse entertainment company.

"It is like this."

After reading the contents of the announcement in an instant, the Frankenstein finally breathed a sigh of relief. Through the ifi in the house, I moved my consciousness back to the game bin, ready to enter the game to watch the live broadcast of the player interview.


"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Back to the middle-aged man in the command, his eyes stared at the coach's face and asked again: "You took the initiative to give up the bonus, and your troops are all gone. In this game, you It is equal to not getting any benefits, really want to do this?"

"I'm pretty sure." The coach's eyes were hidden in the shadow below the brim, and the voice was unusually calm: "Don't continue to ask."

"Okay." The commander turned to the metal door of the command: "The next two will be transferred to the private housing area. Later, the host will conduct post-match interviews with you. Please do not go offline immediately. The prizes for the competition have all been hit in the 'countercurrent' account, I wish the two good luck."

The voice did not fall, Lin Chi’s vision had turned into a darkness, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the private housing area.


Looking down at the gray "work clothes" on his body, feeling the "fresh air" in the private housing area, Lin Chi gave a sigh of relief and relaxed his arms.

"Hah, not bad..."

After continuous high-intensity combat, even if it is finally relaxed, the body can still feel a strong sense of exhaustion. At this time, you need to "salted fish switching method".

As the virtual character breathes to relax his body, a strong sense of powerlessness comes to mind, and when Lin Chi plans to return to the building in the private building area for a while, a childish voice is heard behind him:

"Ah, hello to the host."

When I heard the familiar voice, Lin Chi looked back and saw the petite teenager coming over. The dark long hair was swaying behind her back, and the big green eyes looked straight into her eyes.

Seeing that the teenager wearing the Soviet military uniform came to himself, Lin Chi reached out and patted the other's shoulder and asked, "Is it okay recently?"

As a "secret weapon" of his own, it is impossible for such a follower to be brought into the invitational tournament. Only in the passers-by that will not be broadcast live, this young boy can get a chance to play.

During the drill before the start of the invitational game, the work of building the house was handed over to the child. Although the plan could not keep up with the changes, the method of combat in advance was not used in the Kayland party that was razed to the ground. . However, this victory still has a credit for this child.

"I am very good, everyone is a good person." Jane raised her feet and her face filled with a happy smile: "Thank you for your master."

“Where are the other people going?” Lin Chi looked at the buildings that were very quiet nearby.

"Ivan and Darian haven't come back yet. Miss Media has gone to the field to mine. The father doesn't know where to go. The other ones are in the building." Jane asked: "Do you need me to call them?"

"Nothing, no need." Lin Chi smiled.

According to the explanation in the official announcement of "War Heaven", the followers usually do not stay in the private housing area, and occasionally leave with their will.

However, the action of the follower does not affect the player's game experience. As long as the player starts a new game, even if the player is not in the house area, the game will be brought into the map at the same time.

"Do you want to drink coffee? Voltka can also, there is in my house." Jane turned back and pointed to his strange "tree house."

On the thick trunks of brown trees, the crescent-shaped windows and doors are slightly open, the branches at the top of the trunk are swaying, and the leaves transform from bright red to ghostly dark blue.

This house of Jane is the most strange building in the private building area. If you encounter such a house in the game, Lin Chi will definitely turn around and leave, and will not die to find out.

However, in the private housing area, there is no need to worry about what is going to happen.

"A cup of coffee, thank you." Lin Chi said that he was heading to the building, and Jane immediately floated his feet and looked like a cute little girl.

Just when Lin Chi planned to enter the room, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

Lin Chi pulled out the phone used to add friends and contact the followers, press the call button to put it in his ear and ask: "Who?"

Then, from the ear, it was a familiar male voice: "Overlord, here is the eagle."

"Woods?" Lin Chi immediately recognized the other party's voice.

"We spent a little time on retreating, but we are about to arrive soon." The soldier who had fought with himself in Kayaland sounded a bit hoarse.

- That is to say, after you win the championship, the soldiers who will permanently join the Majesty as a follower will arrive soon...

At the thought of this, Lin Chi looked at the wasteland that had not been developed outside the private building area and smiled and said: "Welcome."

It seems that in the building area, there should be an additional barracks soon.

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