War in Heaven

Chapter 891: Corpse wake up

When Lin Chi woke up, he found himself lying in the dirt.

The air around him was filled with **** and rancid smells, which together formed an indescribable "fragrance." Lin Chi stretched out his right hand to cover his mouth and nose, trying to talk, but found his tongue and lips. , like all lost consciousness.

- What is the situation this time?

Because it is not a game, it is just an ordinary passer-by, as a story lover, in order to get the original "first experience." Before entering the map, I didn't look at the tips or discussion stickers that contained spoilers.

For this reason, he just woke up, it is a fog, in addition to knowing the name of this map, for other information, basically still in a state of ignorance.

The map that I arranged this time, the name is "the afterimage of the abyss." If you remember correctly, this map was updated at the same time as the "Ice Valley Savia Valley", "Hell Capital" and "Government City".

The other three maps, Lin Chi, have already experienced it. This map is the first time he came. Judging from the map introduction before entering the game, I should have come to somewhere in the medieval continent of Europe, but I can't tell where it is.

Lin Chi opened his eyes and saw the pale pale crescent moon hanging like a sickle in the sky. He reached out and touched his left hand and found himself lying in the dirt. And... I also touched the cold, round object.

He slowly sat up and adjusted to the feeling of his new body. The thing that touched the left hand through the moonlight and entered the line of sight was a yellow human skull.

"this is……"

Realizing that the opening was not quite right, Lin Chi looked around and found that the contours of the human bones were exposed in the soil, and there were several headless bodies that did not rot and still can see the contours of the human figure. The place of the meter.

- Is the player's role in this map the resurrection of the undead?

Lin Chi was speculating on the current situation and noticed that several figures appeared on the trail not far away, casting a long shadow in the moonlight.

Seeing someone coming, he just sat up, decisively lay down again, and began to pretend to be deadly. The eyes are not completely closed, through a narrow gap between the eyelids, looking at the scene around.

The heavy footsteps are far and near, it sounds like a tall and strong man. The big figure seems to confirm this point. Lin Chi, who is lying on the side, can’t see the other person’s appearance from this angle. I saw the brown leather boots of those people, stepping on the black soil.

Something was thrown around Lin Chi, blocking his sight. When the line of sight was clear, Lin Chi saw rough cloth and gray hands.

- It is a corpse.

Listening to the footsteps of the strong man gradually drifted away, until the sound disappeared completely, Lin Chi finally sat up again and turned to look at the bodies that fell to his side.

The bodies of two men and two women were thrown beside them. The skin color was the gray of the dead. The round eyes were only white, and the clothes on the body were the same as the clothes on their own. They were all unusually rough linen.

Just look at the dress and know that these poor people, like themselves, should be the identity of the poor.

In this era, it is normal for the low-lying poor to be killed. In this case, this place may be a corpse in the wild, or a place like a burial post.

But... is that really the case?

Lin Chi tried to move his numb legs, and finally recovered a little consciousness. He stood up slowly and lifted his right hand in front of him. He entered the sight of the same gray skin.

Now, he can be sure that his role this time is a resurrected body. Realizing this, Lin Chi reached out and opened his own clothes and checked whether the body was intact.

On the surface, there are no obvious scars on his body, and the internal organs are not as missing. With the numb lips and the faint smell of almonds in the mouth, Lin Chi has speculated that his death is poisoning.

He bowed his head and looked at the headless bodies that were not far away, as well as the heads on the ground.

It does not seem to be a graveyard, but a punishment ground for the execution of prisoners. One of his own characters must also be one of the executed prisoners. If you stay here, those who are suspected to be the executioners will come back again.

With this in mind, Lin Chi is also decisively turning around and intends to run the road first. Just then, a creepy, hoarse whisper rang from his ear:

"I will give you a second life... sacrifice."

"Which one are you?"

Lin Chi said suddenly and turned back and saw the skinny "corpse" standing on the execution ground.

Because the light was not very good, at first he thought that it was a poor prisoner who had been cut off. When he walked around, he found that the thing was a statue.

At the same time as Lin was approaching, two scarlet eyeballs appeared in the eyelids of the statue, staring at him. The whisper sounded again, as if the command was given to the servant:

"Go, clear other cursed people and bring back what we need."

"Wait a minute, I still don't know anything."

Lin slowly shook his head and stood in front of the hemp-like statue. He began to gather intelligence straight away: "Which are you?"

"I was born here, but my name is not clear..."

The statue's eyeball turned two laps, like some helpless look, and answered his question in a low voice: "The sacrifice, I am Mephistopheles, the gods in this place, remember to respect, I can withdraw you at any time. Life."

"Oh, this way." Lin Chi did not mean "keep respect" and immediately asked the next question: "So what do you want?"

"I need the lives of other cursed people to bring back the spirits of them." Mephistopheles' voice seemed a bit angry: "Come on, we can't wait too long."

Although Mephistopheles seemed to be a little impatient, Lin Chi still did not leave, and continued to ask slowly: "What is the cursed?"

At this time, he has completely regarded this "spirit" as a newbie tutorial npc that is common in old games.

Lin Chi certainly knows that his gameplay is in danger of being killed, but this is the passer-by that was casually arranged after the game. His attitude is not as serious as before.

The current situation is still not very clear. If it is possible to put out important information from the mouth of this self-proclaimed god, it is no better.

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