War in Heaven

Chapter 921: Sealer's request

After leaving the street near the demon hunter, Lin Chi got information about the demon hunter from Mo Liya, who knew the situation in the city.

The dangerous red men and the cultists who believe in the Holy Light are not all the way. They are not just the righteous demon slayers, but they are only used to kill the devil's power and use it for their own use.

Players who join the Demon Hunter camp can upgrade their power by hunting demons and monsters in the city. Compared to the cursed who can only exchange power for trading souls, it can be described as a different way to quickly and greatly increase power.

However, while gaining strength, it is also natural to pay the price - the demon hunter can be described as the presence of everyone in the city, as long as they enter the city, these people will be immediately chased by the demon soldiers, and this large-scale search Action, perhaps not with the demon hunter.

"Is this a reason for the large-scale dispatch of the guards?" Lin Chi asked.

"There are a few demon hunters, not many soldiers, messenger adults." Mo Liya, who is using the head on the left, answered with a rough voice: "The king of God probably discovered other threats."

Realizing that he could not easily complete the investigation task, Lin sighed and continued to investigate the movements in the city.

Of course, even with the camouflage provided by Mephistopheles, this work is not a smooth one:

With a slender tentacles and a piece of meat that is full of eyeballs, it is the monitor who enters Sodom from the gates of Hell. As long as they are caught by the monsters of these shapes, Lin Chi and Mo Liya will be exposed immediately.

While approaching the territory of the king of God, the number of monitors is also increasing. Still not able to enter the territory of the king of God, the two are already difficult to move, can only choose to retreat.

"It’s weird, shouldn’t there be so many monitors?” Mo Liya was also confused.

"Is there something else that has been mixed into the city?" Lin Chi said his own inference.

If it is a large invasion of the enemy, you can send a combat-type demon, and there is no need to send so many monitors. Deploying the watchers around their own territory, the gods are afraid of what, then the problem is coming - will make the gods feel fear, what will it be?

"There is no way to investigate this..." Mo Liya sighed with frustration.

Perhaps because of the long time in the chapel, this saint from the Mephis sect seems to be very curious about the situation in the city of Sodom.

Seeing that Mo Liya was very disappointed, Lin Chi manipulated the body of the double-headed demon to find a corner of the wall, and stretched out the rough big hand and groped around the waist, from the backpack hidden under the human cloak. The contract of the observer was published.

According to the experience in the "Apocalyptic Hotel", the contents of the observer's contract book will change constantly as the game progresses. Now the land of the king of God can't go, just to investigate whether there is more new content in the contract.

He tore off an oil lamp on the lamppost of the roadside, pressed the parchment to the ground with a rough hand, and read the text on the contract book by the dim light.

Sure enough, in addition to the previous line of words, there was a new text on the paper:

"Destroy their fallen altars and bring the fragments to the sealed altar. The true spirit will bring down the wrath from the abyss to the demons in the city."

"This is... what do you mean?" Mo Liya asked confusedly.

"Nothing." Lin Chi said in an understatement, stuffed the contract book back into his backpack.

- It seems that the "spirit" that was sealed in the south of Sodom is needed for the altar of the gods in the city. However, now Lin is still uncertain, what will happen to the altar of these gods in the city.

After asking about Mo Liya, the other party also said that he could not answer this question. As a "saint" under the command of the gods, Mo Liya naturally has never thought of the idea of ​​starting the altar.

That being the case... I can only try it myself.

The double-headed demon under the control of Lin Chi slowly stood up, and the head on the right turned and passed his long-sighted eyes to an altar of Samuel leaning against the wall.

Seeing that several infernal soldiers were patrolling nearby, Lin was moving slowly and moving forward a little, and while several Hell soldiers turned back and walked toward the other side of the street, they suddenly strode to the altar and punched. The statue of the statue holding the sickle smashed past.

"The messenger, what are you doing? This is the act of blasphemy!"

Mo Liya tried to control the fist of the double-headed demon to avoid the statue, but after all, it was a step later. The fist of the double-headed demon slammed on the chest of the statue of Samuel and shook a few pieces of rock.

Although it is only an illusion, the power of the "double headed devil" created by the deceitful demon Mephistopheles is real. The statue of Samuel fell apart under the punch, and the two-headed demon immediately bent down and stuffed several pieces of the statue into his backpack.

The three **** soldiers who heard the sound walked toward the statue. With the intelligence of these low-level demons, it is naturally impossible to understand what happened just now. At this time, the two-headed demon controlled by Lin Chi and Mo Liya had already gone outside the patrol of Hell Soldiers.

"The messenger, please don't swear any more..." Mo Liya had a big hand that controlled the double-headed demon and grabbed the dark chest: "This will be cursed!"

"I was originally a cursed person." When it came to this, Lin Chi suddenly thought of something and asked: "What is the meaning of the cursed person, why is this name?"

——According to the setting of this game, these players who were resurrected by the “God”, in the view of the aborigines of Sodom City, should be regarded as the messengers of the gods.

However, the players in the city not only did not receive a warm welcome, but were crowned with the name "cursed", and together with the cultists who believe in the light, became the object of the guards. This situation is really not very normal.

"I don't know this very well, but it seems that it wasn't like this before..." The left head of the double-headed devil shook and said that he didn't know.

"Well, let's go south and see." Lin Chi said.

Now that Samari’s altarpiece has been obtained, it is time to go outside the city to find the “cursed altar”. Lin Chi is still interested in what he can recruit this time.

Judging from the power level of this map, the leader-level followers here are definitely stronger than Jane, at least with Kel'Thuzad. As long as you can successfully recruit the follower, you are undoubtedly a big earner.

The two-headed magic walked away from this dangerous area and walked around the city to bypass the king's territory.

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