War in Heaven

Chapter 926: Street hunting

"The messenger, here is the stench of the demon hunter..."

Mo Liya sucked her nose and looked at the end of the street with her brows locked. It felt like something, and the body could not help but shudder.

"Are we going soon?" she urged.

"No, I am very interested in these demon hunters." Lin Chi smashed his hand.

Now the demons in the city are searching for demon hunters everywhere. If there is a lot of demon hunters in the vicinity, as Mo Liya said, now the guys will be disposed of, and their strength will be further improved.

"But the demon hunter is too dangerous!" Mo Liya said with anxiety: "It is impossible to deal with them by your strength, messenger adults!"

"Do they like to group action?" Lin Chi looked at a quiet street.

"Yes, they are also a kind of cultist. Those red windbreakers and long swords are the standard equipment issued by the cult organization, just like a disgusting plague." Here, Mo Liya clenched her fists, like some Frightened look.

- The horror shape of the demon hunter makes all the people in the city chilly, and the powerful strength of those guys can even kill the city's model. However, if they are as light as the idiots, they still have a chance to fight.

Thinking of this, Lin Chiyu’s long-awaited question to Mo Liya: “Can you go back by yourself?”

"I... probably. But what about you?" Mo Liya still has some peace of mind.

"I don't mind." Lin Chi smiled.

"Well, good luck, messenger adults..."

Realizing that he couldn't change Lin Chi's choice, Mo Liya could only nod and turned to walk along the street and slipped past Mephistopheles' territory.

The devils on the streets have been cleared, and the pressure has been relieved for Mo Liya. She is not the cursed person. She is not actually in the pursuit of the devil. As long as she arrives in the territory of Mephistopheles, this name The saints can immediately hide their whereabouts.

At this time, Lin Chi’s actions have just begun.

With the blessing of the ancient gods, he does not have to worry about being discovered by the low-level demon at this time. Lin Chi’s goal is not a demon, but a demon hunter on this street.

The devils here have been slaughtered, and the sulphur fumes that have shrouded in the sky have long since dissipated, and the bleak moonlight casts on the streets, creating long shadows.

Lin Chi hid in the shadow of the street, cautiously sneaking, looking for the demon hunter's trace, when he passed the corner of the street, he immediately saw a red light.

Two men wearing long trench coats and carrying epees are patrolling the streets to find traces of other demons. In addition to these two people, there are also several ambiguous figures on the road in the distance.

As Mo Liya said, the demon hunters here basically act in the form of small teams. The unfortunate Lone Ranger just now is just a different kind.

Seeing the body of a large number of Hell soldiers on the street, Lin Chi finally understood why the street was empty. The enemy here had at least five people. If you rush out to face these demon hunters, you will only end in tragic death.

Because of the large number of players here, Lin Chi did not dare to act rashly, but continued to observe the situation on the street and look for the opportunity to do it.

Not long after, the demon hunters who had just slaughtered a large number of low-level demons finally suffered a real strong enemy.


Along with the heavy hooves, a wall in the west of the street was hit by flying. Five of them were riding a squad horse, wearing a red armor and holding a "knight" burning the epee, and rushed into the street.

Lin Chi once encountered the **** cavalry, waving the epee that was burning green flames, and the squadron underneath raised the scorching skull, and the strange green light suddenly appeared in the eye socket.

When the five cavalry rushing out of the cavalry, the flames on them immediately raised the temperature of the entire neighborhood, and the dangerous red text popped up and appeared in the player's line of sight left here:

Hell cavalry, heroic npc (leadership level), can not be recruited.

- Will they retreat, or are they going to fight?

Under the gaze of Lin Chi, several demon hunters on the street did not retreat. Instead, they raised their swords and greeted the infernal cavalry that had arrived!

"Is these idiots crazy?" Lin Chi muttered.


The loud noise of the blade collided in the street, the fiery fire dispelled the darkness nearby, and the red armor on the **** cavalry seemed to be burning, and the powerful attack made the demon hunters completely unable to cope.

A demon hunter in a red coat was directly hit by a knife in the fight with the Hell Cavalry Corps. He fell to the ground on his back and the sword was released. He had no time to stand up, and the **** of the Hell Cavalry had already lifted the front hoof of the burning green fire and stepped on it!

A scream, the data fragments are scattered all over the sky. What followed was a cold death reminder:

The player "adver" has died.

Seeing that it was not the opponent of the Hell Cavalry, the demon hunters dispersed and tried to lure the cavalry. But the leader-level monsters will naturally not be fooled by this trick, just continue to launch a cluster charge on the street and attack the remaining demon hunters.

Like Lin Chi’s expectation, the remaining seven demon hunters on this street are not the opponents of the five leader-level npcs. Not a minute before, there was another demon hunter who died under the epee of the Hell Cavalry.

However, Lin Chi is very clear that these demon hunters seem to have no rules of action, and certainly have another purpose:

"Is this idiot dragging time?"

Lin Chi looked at his skill cooling time, and the slow sword of the Dark Sword still had 12 minutes to start again. Although I really want to rush in directly, launching a surprise attack from the back of the demon hunter, but without this "main skill", now he can not enter the battlefield for a while.

The combat power of the Hell Cavalry is incomparably strong, and the rash action is undoubtedly a dead act. When the two sides hit both sides, it is their right time to play. and……

- What are these demon hunters waiting for?

When Lin Chizheng speculated, there was another change on the battlefield.

Two people wearing white robe suddenly entered, like a teleport to the battlefield, even Lin Chi did not see where they came from.

The weapons in their hands are completely inconsistent with their size. They are two-meter-long wide-blade swords. The swords are rusty and look very old.

When the two appeared, as if they were watching out, the pace of the **** cavalry slowed down. Lin Chi stared at the backs of two white robes for a few seconds, and the dark red text lit up from them:

The executor of the Magic Swords. Heroic npc (leadership level), not recruitable.

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