War in Heaven

: Halloween, night, night, evil spirits - end

Seeing that the broken van disappeared at the end of the road, Lin Chi couldn’t breathe a sigh of relief. The original hot head restored the original coldness.

“What do you feel?” the scientist asked.

"It seems to be closer to the human world." Lin Chi replied casually.

After the intimidation action, his body seemed to be more energetic than before. However, this game does not provide a property interface, Lin Chi can not see how the state of this character is.

"How are you?" He asked the woman around him.

"It's still the same..." The scientist shook his head. "I didn't enjoy the bonus."

"Next time you can try..." Lin Chizheng said, but saw the bridgehead across the river, suddenly lit a dark red light.

Some people are holding two lights to approach this side. From the quantitative point of view, it may be that the "president" and "dinosaurs" who just entered the game arrived. The strange thing is that when I saw the two red lights, suddenly there was a strong discomfort that rushed into Lin Chi’s heart.

The feeling was like a gluttony, and it was smashed on the stomach. Lin Xiao’s brows locked in two eyes, far and near, and said to the scientists around me: "We should go."

The two people noticed the two "ghosts" here, suddenly rushing through the bridge at a non-human speed. When they approached, Lin Chi finally saw the true bodies of the two people.

The two old faces of the president and the dinosaurs, under the red light map, have a strange cyan, and the extravagant monks, the red flashlight sticks to their shoulders, and the two black men On the hand, it is holding a big... a mace.

"What the **** are you doing?" the scientist said coldly.

Two seconds later, holding the mace, the sinister president, answered this question aloud:

"Go to hell, we are exorcists!"

"Someone used a mace to exorcise?" Lin Chi was shocked.

"Physical exorcism." While standing on the side of the dinosaurs, they had already waved a mace to fight.


The top is full of steel nails, bombing on the road in front of Lin Chi and scientists, raised a large amount of smoke, the white fog created to the eyes of Lin Chi. Lin Chi and the scientist slammed back, and the sorcerer around him ran on the side of the road and said, "I will definitely tear you back when I go back..."

"The revenge, up!" The president shouted a slogan, which sounded like a long-standing grievance.

- It seems that in the organization of the "Terror Game Research Society", the president and the dinosaurs should belong to the party being bullied. In this way, the game played today may be the revenge tool they have already prepared. but……

"Can your personal grievances not be with me?" Lin Chi said with no anger.

"Run fast." The scientist around him pulled him with a cold right.

In the face of the "physical exorcism" of the two mixed balls, Lin Chi and the scientists, who had no fighting ability at all, could only retreat in a wandering way, rushing along the unmanned winding road, and then ran out a few steps, and the hillside behind them suddenly collapsed. Down, the large pieces of gravel and mud together turned into a roaring torrent, landed near the dry well, and swallowed the well together with the side of the wine.

"The power of the mace is so big..." Lin Chi was stunned and began to stutter.

"It may be a coincidence." The scientist is very calm.

The president who rushed to the front escaped, but the dinosaurs behind him were not so lucky. Even a word was too late to say, and they disappeared into the mud that fell down, and instantly withdrew from this game.


In the face of the sudden landslide, the president was also shocked. Lin Chi and the scientists seized the opportunity to slammed out and tried to escape from the hands of this "exorcist".

"Don't want to run!"

Ten seconds later, the president who had come back to God, rushed over with a mace, and the speed was amazing. Seeing the other side will soon catch up with himself, Lin Chi grabbed the scientist's cold hand and slammed down the **** on the side of the Panshan Highway, trying to escape from the riverside position.

He didn't know why he chose this route, as if something was whispering in his mind. But it turns out that this choice is absolutely correct.

"Ah, I am going..." The president shouted in horror.

The speed of running too fast is the fatal mistake of his. When he rushes down the **** of the rock, the president’s body loses its balance directly. After rolling a few laps on the hillside, the body suddenly becomes bloody. I don’t know where to go.

The president’s body rolled a few laps on the bank of the river and fell into the rushing river. It melted like it, and the time disappeared.

"It's over," the scientist whispered.

"They are really enough to waste wood." Lin Chi gasped and bent down, the strenuous exercise just made his body exhausted.

He didn't know why his "ghost" body would still pant, but the woman around him seemed to have no influence at all, and he was not tired at all.

"What should I do next?" Lin Chi looked at the royal sister around.

"They have already gone, just like this, see you next time." The scientist waved at Lin Chi, and a blank smile suddenly appeared on his white face.


Lin Chi has not figured out what is going on, and consciousness has begun to blur. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had already withdrawn from the field and returned to the game bin.

- Is this over?

Lin Chi sat up a little strangely, opened the hatch back to the living room, picked up the phone and wanted to contact the "president", but found that there was no such person in his friend list.

"Isn't it going to be too bad because of death, and I am angry and deleted my friends?"

Lin Chi checked the chat history. It is reasonable to say that even if the other party has blackened himself, the original record should be queried. But...the records are like they don’t exist at all, and even a trace of them is left.

"what's the situation?"

Lin Chi was puzzled, staring at the projection on the top of the phone screen, and then suddenly thought of something, began to search online for news about Beicheng Medical College. After five minutes of searching, I finally found an old news twenty years ago:

"Two corpses brought out by the landslide":

This news, at midnight on July 3, a landslide occurred along the national road on the west side of the city, causing road congestion.

When the workers cleaned the gravel, they found a crushed body. After checking the ID card carried on the body, I found that the deceased was a student from the Beicheng Medical College. Due to the serious destruction of the body, the cause of death is still unknown. However, according to the reaction of the students, he did not return after leaving the dormitory five days ago.

In addition, on the way to the clean-up work, the workers found a body in the nearby river. It is reported that the deceased was also a student from the Beicheng Medical College. Regarding the cause of death of the two students, the police are still investigating further.


After reading this inconspicuous old news, Lin’s brows smashed up, and it seemed that there were two more “exorcists” who still had blue faces under the red light, and their sounds that seemed to be depressing. .

Recalling the weird actions of the students driving the van and the "images" they placed at the well. Lin Chi finally understood what it meant:

- Perhaps, "Night and Night" is not a game. But the deceased wants to use their own hands to warn their classmates and let the students avoid the deadly landslide?

But if this is the case, how did these ghosts come into the field twenty years later, who is that mysterious woman?

In order to understand these mysteries, after that, Lin Chi had tried several times to find the game "Night and Night" in the field, but he has never been able to do so.

He is very clear that he may never know what happened. Everything that happens this afternoon will probably be in the fog forever, and it will never be able to re-experience.

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