War in Heaven

Chapter 938: Weak anger

In the sky of Sodom City, the "Ace Combat Air Warfare" began.

After easily killing three players and capturing the soul of the other party, Lin Chi, who holds the dark sword, continues to hover in the sky to find other victims.

Relying on the invisible weapons in your hands, it is a breeze to kill them. However, while fighting, he found that things were not quite right.

It seems that not all the cursed people have gained the powerful power of the gods: most of the flying in the air are Leviathan's followers, and the Samel believers they have encountered before, but they have long since disappeared.

In addition to the believers of Leviathan, there are other believers in the air, but Lin Chi can be sure that there is no existence of the Samuel believers in this airspace, neither.

- What happened? Is it that Samuel’s players are killed? Or do they have other plans?

Lin Chi looked back at the sky in the undead area, and the blood **** that could not recognize the form was still there. At this point, the players who were given power, even one that was close to the other side, all fought outside the undead zone.

Will the disappearance of the Samuel believers be related to their actions?

Although the possibility is not great, Lin Chi still vaguely noticed something different. In order to confirm his own inference, he also decisively left the airspace still in battle and swooped down.

The players who had been killed were not aware of his "disarmament" who fled, and Lin Chi left the area smoothly and flew into the territory of Samuel to observe the situation on the street.

As the demon soldiers are busy fighting against the blood god, the streets here are also extraordinarily silent. Lin Chi, who once destroyed the altar of Samuel in the form of camouflage, went straight to an intact altar and asked:

"Is it? I am here to trade."


After a long silence. Samuel’s voice finally sounded, but without the last anger, it turned into a weak voice, which sounded even more "kidney deficiency" than the murderous Mephistopheles:

"The cursed person... give me the soul, I can exchange it with you."

"Are you not only the soul of Azlar?" Lin Chi looked at the sculpture of the angel.

"Now... you can use any soul... to exchange treasures." Samuel's voice was intermittent, as if he could break at any time.

- This once powerful **** has been completely weakened, even weak enough to be able to give the power of the cursed man.

As for why Samuel has fallen to this point, Lin Chi also thought of some possibilities:

Could it be that the act of handing Samar’s altarpiece to the ancient gods led to the great weakening of the power of this demon?

Even if it is not certain now, but if this is the case, the ancient **** hidden in the south of Sodom is perhaps the "curse"!

If you can recruit the gods, in other games, you may also directly weaken the players in the game, even the boss's fighting power!

However, if Samuel became weak due to the fragments of the altar, in order to avoid becoming weak, the fragments of the Memphis altar that he had just received could not be enshrined to the cemetery for the time being.

As for the players who belong to other gods... just can be their own experimental goals.

In order to determine the sacrifice of the fragments of the altar of the gods to the sealed ancient gods, will the gods and the players under them become weak, and Lin’s next step is to find the altars of other gods and hand over the fragments to the outside of the city. Ancient god.

But before that, you need to solve the "blood god" before you have the opportunity to leave the blocked city.

With this in mind, he began to turn back to the undead zone where the war broke out. Only in a **** sky, a large number of giant shadows appeared again.

This time, it was not the gargoyle that was spiked, but the "winged dragon" with huge wings behind it. From the shadow of those monsters, it was like something like a dragon lizard with wings.

The flying lizard is covered with purple scales. If it is bigger, it can be called "dragon". These monsters that emerged from hell, surrounded by the undead zone, players who were already fighting in the vicinity, were also driven out of the airspace to fight closer to the ground.

Another wave of attack by Hell on Blood God kicked off. The soldiers they sent this time looked much more powerful than the gargoyles.

It’s a pity that it’s too reluctant to rely on this evil dragon-shaped monster against the blood god...

In the bloodstream on the ground, something flew out and ascended to the sky at a speed unrecognizable to the naked eye, like a sharp spear, nailed to the body of a dragon-shaped monster.

Puff puff……

The tears of flesh and blood echoed in the sky of the undead zone. The screams of "Dragon" shocked the whole city, the scarlet blood rain poured down, and the bodies of the monsters fell.

- Can this boss really be crusade?

Seeing the scene of this wave of attacks being repelled, Lin Chi’s heart raised a strong suspicion for the second time. He can be sure that it is impossible to harm the blood **** by relying on the players who are fighting in the nest and the demons in the city.

This powerful boss, there should be other ways to attack. In addition, the other "spirits" who ruled the city of Sodom should not continue to let the blood gods raging.

Then, in order to avoid being killed by the blood god, the next step is to wait and see, and by the way, kill other players nearby...

Lin Chi landed on the street near the undead area and planned to take a break before continuing to kill. Like ridiculing the devil's uselessness, the roar of blood **** broke out from the sky again:

"From the abyss, I am the guardian of Sodom, giving me a hot heart!"

"If you can't satisfy me, wait for an unstoppable death!"

The roar of fury sounds like a guardian who has completely lost his mind and is possessed by the blood family. It can be said that it is completely incurable.

Lin Chi looked up at the sky and saw the wave of scarletes erupt again. But this time, the new demon that came from **** resisted the indiscriminate bombing of the blood god.

Four "angels" shrouded in darkness, approaching the blood **** from four directions, and the scarlet clouds around them were evaporated, and the time disappeared without leaving a dignified black.

"Yazlar, following the command of the king of God, came to kill the blood god."

Four black shadows floating in the sky, with their cold female voices on their own names.


The time for pickpockets is here!

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