War in Heaven

Chapter 947: Fraudsters and ancient sacrifices

You have achieved the achievement "Hell Devil's Blade"!

You get 500 gold coins, 100 prestige values, and 100 points to control points.

The few lines that popped up in front of me slowly disappeared. Lin Chi looked down at the space around him. The battlefield created by Ba Fengte had disappeared and disappeared, and he changed back to the original square.

A mouse and a cockroach, which was crushed by black on the square, was fleeing in all directions. After the death of Ba Fengte, these things completely lost their power and changed back to the ordinary "urban public hazard."

With the end of the boss battle, Lin Chi flashed a bright light in front of him, and several lines of tips appeared in front of him:

You have acquired the spirit of the Ba Fengte (large).

You unlocked the new skill "Duel Field".

Duel field:

Through the duel with the demons, you gain the ability to create a duel field, and now, with special conditions, you will be able to launch a duel against the target player. When the duel is going on, the venue of the duel will be blocked, and no one other than the two sides will be allowed to enter until the death of one of the parties to the duel will disappear.

This skill can only be used once in each game.

"There is a kind of single-handedness! Don't be a man!" - Soldiers who participated in the Battle of Stone City can only say this last word when facing the enemies that flooded the tide."

"Ha, is there such a skill?" Looking at the new skills in his skill bar, Lin Chi’s face slowly emerged with a mysterious smile.

When participating in the invitational tournament, the strange skills that other players carry are so eye-opening. This time, I finally got a special technique that looks very good. Moreover, this skill can be used in the next place...

——What does the “premise to meet special conditions” in the skill introduction mean?

Lin Chi tried to select this skill, but did not see any other introductions. Because there are no other players nearby, this skill is also in a gray unusable state.

"I will try to find someone to try and see..." He made a secret decision.

The surviving players in this game have about 20 people left. It is not difficult to find someone to experiment with the "Duel Field" skills. However, there are other things to deal with before looking for a poor worm that is forced to fight:

Where is Mo Liya?


Hearing the low sobs, Lin turned his head and looked at the alley on the right hand side. He saw a white figure appearing there, listening to the sound like Mo Liya.

Lin Chi picked up his eyebrows and said nothing. He just walked over and saw that the Maifi's sect was sitting on the ground with powerlessness. The makeup on his face was completely eroded by the tears.

"The messenger is an adult..."

Mo Liya jerked her head up and focused her attention on Lin’s face. The distorted expression on her face turned into an incredible mistake, and then turned into a joy of life.

The white woman stood up against the wall and dragged her injured body toward Lin. She had not walked a few steps. The soft body was weak and fell in Lin Chihuai, whispering: "You are finally here..."

"Nothing?" Lin Chi looked down at the other side of the head and gathered a long hair.

"I am very good, thank you, messenger." Mo Liya's words are full of gratitude.

"It's okay." Lin Chi patted the back of Mo Liya with his left hand.

From this point of view, he couldn't see Mo Liya's slightly rising mouth and the left hand around his neck and lifting the poisoned dagger...



A blood spurted out of the mouth, dyed the other's clothes, and the pierced body twitched.


Mo Liya slowly lowered her head and smashed the **** eye. She stared at her chest, which was penetrated by the invisible sword. At the moment of being pierced by the dark sword, her body was already nailed to the wall behind him. On the top, the hardened dagger in the hand also slipped weakly.

"The messenger adults... Why do you want to..." Mo Liya desperately extended his right hand to Lin Chi, and the blood in his mouth poured down like a waterfall.

"The guy who is straight and straight, will not make a kidnapping. With its power, it is impossible for Mephistop to disappear. What is happening here is not a kidnapping. It is just a simple trap."

Having said that, Lin Chi stepped forward and stared at the scorpion that "Moliya" began to darken. Shen Sheng said: "I am right, Mamen?"

After being exposed to the true identity, Mamen, disguised as Molly, suddenly had a lot of wrinkles on his face, and his body dried up. The threat of evil was: "You are... oh God... you will pay the price... ..."

"Go, don't play this boring trick again next time."

Lin Chi said that he pulled out his blade and squatted on the waist of "Moliya". The body camouflaged by the greedy demon blasted directly. The plasma spurted like a blooming safflower, stuck in the dark. Corner.

Whether it is the previous "kidnapping letter" or the fake Mo Liya that appeared when he arrived at the square, it should be the trap set by Mamen. This greedy demon, known as the unbelievers, probably found the Ba Fengte hidden in the ground, and used the "power to find the strong" as a bait, and together with Ba Baite, who was bent on fighting, completed this trap.

It is a pity that Mamen’s attempt to kill people by knife has been seen by Lin, and it can be said that it is a complete failure.

He stayed on the battlefield again, and determined that the weak Ba Fengte did not drop any props. Lin Chi opened his wings and flew away from the place and moved back to the house of worship.

When he returned to the other side, I saw that Mo Liya had already appeared in the house, and the snoring of Mephistopheles sounded again in the ear:

"The dead body, how come you are back?"

"What have you been doing just now?" Lin Chi went straight to the point.

"Under Mammon's proposal, a discussion about blood gods was carried out. Mo Liya went out to find a sacrifice for me." Mephistopheles replied.

"Oh, this way..." Lin Chichang took a sigh of relief.

"The messenger, what's the matter with you?" Mo Liya looked at him with some confusion.

"Nothing." Lin Chi took this topic with ease and then entered the current theme: "Where can I find the altar of the blood **** besides the dead zone?"

He tried to solve the blood god's method, and still tended to find the altarpiece of the blood god, and then tribute to the plan of the **** outside the city. As long as you can find ways to get the fragments of the blood god's altar, and then sneak out of the city, you can bring a curse of terror to the blood **** in the city.

After Lin Chi raised the question, like Azlar, Mephistopheles immediately alerted him and asked, "God, what are you looking for in the altar?"

Lin Chi knew very well that Mephistopheles must have noticed his own thoughts. In the face of this god, he did not intend to continue to conceal, but he bluntly said the words learned from Yazlar:

"Ancient sacrifice."


As soon as this was said, there was a long silence in the house of sacrifice. After about a minute, Mo Liya finally weakened the way: "The messenger, you are afraid to be completely crazy."

"The corpse, do you know what you are talking about?" Mephistopheles sounded very nervous: "Don't say this to anyone else, or you will be chased by all the gods in the city and their messengers." of!"

"But, don't you think that ancient sacrifices are the only way?" Lin Chi stared at the Mephistope statue on the wooden table: "Aside from this method, is there any other way to get rid of the blood god?"

"I don't know where you got the 'Ancient Sacrifice' way, but you'd better forget it and go to the body immediately." Mephistopheles said categorically: "An ancient sacrifice can indeed weaken the blood god, but It is to dedicate the power of the blood **** to a more horrible monster!"

- That is to say, the reason why Samuel and Mamen became weak is not cursed by the ancient gods, but the power is absorbed by the **** outside the city?

Recalling the sounds sounded like Samuel, who could hang at any time, and the two illusions that were weak to be directly killed by the Dark Sword. Lin was thoughtfully bowed his head and stared at the dirty floor under his feet.

It seems that the leader-level entourage that you can recruit this time may be more "horrible" than originally thought. If you can really recruit the existence that can absorb power, you may be able to directly become an invincible existence in the game!

However, it is obviously not easy to achieve the extremely dangerous "spirit" obeying yourself.

After listening to Mephistopheles’ warning, Lin Chi didn’t mean to have any retreat. Instead, he was more interested in the god. It was already here, and he was completely determined to confirm the next course of action:

"Then I will go first, see you later."

"Don't want to carry out ancient sacrifices, the walls and the airspace leading to the outside of the city have long been blocked by the 'God King', and you can't get out even if you get the pieces." Mephistophelm said loudly.

Unfortunately, his warning was completely swayed by Lin Chi. He had just killed Ba Fengte’s “cursed person” and had already rushed out of the house and began to fly back to the undead zone.

Mo Liya stared at the open main entrance of the Sacrifice House with a dull gaze. After a while, she finally came back and asked, "May Feld, is the messenger really doing this?"

Although I have heard of the name of the taboo ceremony of "ancient sacrifice". But the saint who had been trapped in the cemetery with Lin Chi before did not know that Lin Chi was doing it, it was an ancient sacrifice that was forbidden. Until now, she finally realized what happened in the foggy cemetery.

"Look at him, it should be determined." Mephistopheles sighed: "I can't change anything. After all, he is not the kind of low-level corpse. But if he really did ancient sacrifices, It’s only him who can’t recover.”

"Why?" Hearing this, Mo Liya browed slightly, showing a worried look.

In the candlelighting house of rituals, Mephistopheles began to tell the story of what happened a long time ago to the last remaining gods.

"Before the arrival of our gods, Sodom has had other existences, in addition to being guarded by the blood family, there is one outside the city. That is the object of the 'ancient sacrifice'."

"In order to seize the territory of the city, we have sent the cursed, crushed the statues of other gods, and carried out the ancient sacrifices. This is why we cannot be in the world because most of our strength is taken by the city. The 'thing' outside is sucked away..."

"Nalivene, why is the adult not weakened?" Mo Liya asked curiously.

"Leviathan is very clever. He actively destroys all his altars and converts all his followers into monsters in the sea. He communicates directly with believers through the gods directly over the territory. The **** sea monster does not need it at all. What altar." Mephistopheles whispered.

"Once the cursed person has completed many ancient sacrifices, the thing outside the city will directly kill the cursed person who offered the sacrifice to it, and then use the cursed person as food to further strengthen his strength."

Having said that, Mephistopheles sighed again:

"If the corpse is bent on his own way, he will only be able to end the corpse wilderness. I don't want to lose the powerful subordinates... I can only see how he will choose."


At the same time, Lin Chi has returned to the sky near the dead zone.

The "angel" who created the dark void is squatting around the dead zone, not knowing whether to curb the blood god, or to find the sacred **** who is preparing for the ancient sacrifice.

In order to avoid a conflict with Yazlar again, Lin Chi circumvented the patrol range of the angel, changed from a flying posture to a landing walk, using the houses on the street as a cover, and sneaking into the undead area to sneak past .

The scarlet blood pool created by Blood God has expanded a few points more than when he came here last time. It has eroded other nearby spiritual sites and transformed some of Samuel’s territory into bubbles. Blood pool.

Lin Chi once witnessed the scene of the demon who was close to the blood pool being strangled. Naturally, he would not rush to the blood pool. He just stared at the pool here, looking for traces of the altar fragments in the thick plasma.

The altar of the blood **** is a white bone that can be moved. It has already been washed away in the bloodstream. It is necessary to find the fragments of the altar of the blood **** from here, and the difficulty is similar to that of a needle in a haystack.

Even more troublesome is that even if you are risking being killed by the blood god, you can find the bone fragments from the blood pool. Lin Chi is not sure whether it is a fragment of the altar or from the inhabitants and demons swallowed by the blood pool. .

- What other solutions besides salvaging the altar fragments from here?

Realizing that the altar fragments were not so easy to get, Lin Chi had big eyes and stared at the blood flow that was creeping. Quickly think about it in my mind and start looking for ways to solve the current predicament without entering the blood pool.


Ah, it’s a busy day (fishing)... Don’t forget to vote for me~

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