War in Heaven

Chapter 975: Pirate ship in heavy rain

Lin Chi’s feet stepped on the wet planks, and there was a bang in his feet.

Before the vr device started, he looked around curiously and saw that the game area behind the curtain was exceptionally wide. Since the lights were not turned on, the lighting conditions were very poor and it was impossible to see what was going on.

"Hey, put on this."

The girl reached for a yellowed loose cloth, and a few small lights lit up in the game area, reflecting a dark "pirate ship." Lin Chi looked down at the broken clothes in his hand and asked, "What is this?"

"Of course it is to put on!" The girl said that she was wearing a long gown outside her black sweater, and she had a rough straw hat on her head. The shape was quite a bit of "pirate".

——The supporting props of this game are quite professional...

Lin Chi put on the seemingly worn out cloth and immediately found that a waterproof film appeared on the inside of the clothes. It has a slippery feel on the skin.

Taking note of this, Lin Chi frowned slightly and seemed to understand something.

"Come, let the captain take you to play~" The girl who wore the pirate costume reached out and took a shot of Lin Chi's back.

"Your id has changed again? It used to be called 'Sailor'." Lin Chi gave a look at the girl around him.

"It’s been a year, and I’ve been promoted.” The girl who claimed to be the "captain" smiled and lifted her chest and pressed her small hand on the "mast" inlaid in the center of the wooden deck.

"Ready? The game is over!"

With the captain's voice, Lin Chi's vr helmet finally started to work, and the picture in sight began to turn into a large mosaic, and then began to rebuild.

Unlike the intra-brain imaging games, the old-fashioned vr games generally have limitations, and some of them feel impossible to simulate. But this is said to be the "out of print game machine" from Australia, obviously not so simple.

When Lin Chi’s vision returned to normal again, he found himself standing on the deck of a pirate ship. The edges of the hull were fixed with several rifles and ropes. The wooden fence around the deck was already broken.

The waves hit the ship and made a dangerous snoring. The deck under the feet kept shaking, and people could not help but wonder if they would fall into the sea. The pirate ship was sailing in the storm, waiting for the crew to be whistling, and... rain that should not have appeared.

"I go……"

Standing in the storm, feeling the "rain" falling on the body, Lin lately rubbed his hand to wipe the water stains on his face, but more water fell on his face.

"You game machine...and water spray function?" Lin said with difficulty.

"Hah, I said it, this is the top goods a dozen years ago!"

The captain standing in the storm, laughing, in the sight of the vr helmet, the girl who was originally slim, has become a mature female appearance: her wave-shaped golden curls are scattered in the wind, left-handed There is an iron hook in the position, wearing a brown fur coat, and the chest is covered with various types of gold and silver medals.

"Are you really the captain?" Lin Chi reached out and grabbed a rope hanging from the mast to stabilize his body.

The immersive degree of this large vr game machine is completely beyond his imagination. At this time, Lin Chi even had the illusion of really standing on the pirate ship. If all the vr games of that era were so "moving away", then the brain-based imaging game that came up later might not have developed so smoothly.

"Of course, who do you think I am?" The hot female captain waved the iron hook instead of the left hand, and used the body of the royal sister to make a girl's voice, which sounded like a strong sense of malice.

"Do you have an exoskeleton? How can you still stand unstable?" The captain leaned against the mast and hung a knot on the mast with an iron hook. Standing in the turbulent waves, he was full of heroic spirit, completely a medieval sea heroine.

"Don't step on the deck?" Lin asked.

"Don't underestimate the vr equipment of the past, no problem!" The captain's voice was mixed with the sound of the wind.

"That's okay." Lin Chi said that he increased the running power of the exoskeleton. He had some unstable bodies and suddenly became stable.

The exoskeleton he purchased is a relatively reliable one in the exoskeleton model available for civilian use. In the case of special circumstances, it can also allow the Frankenstein to remove the power limit and forcibly enter the military mode. However, of course, the "hidden power" is not used in vr games.

Lin Chi noticed that in addition to himself and the captain, some ragged pirates were trekking on the ship, trying to stabilize the pirate ship in the storm.

Needless to say, those people are definitely the "illusions" that appear in the vr helmet's picture. Now there are only two people in the game area.

"What do I look like now?" Lin Chi looked down at his hands in the game's screen, and the rags that he could barely call "clothes."

"Hey, you are a bearded bald pirate, your face is as round as a ball." The captain grinned.

"Can't you change a good image?"

Lin Chi’s voice did not fall, and the deck under his feet suddenly shook. If there was no exoskeleton strength, his “salted fish body” lacking exercise would probably fall directly on the ground.

"The level of immersiveness of this game is too high... Is there a spring under the floor?" Lin Chi said, walking quickly to the side of the mast and grabbing a rope again.

"Don't ruin the atmosphere, you are on the Queen Mary, sailor!" The captain pointed his nose at Lin Chi's nose: "Listen to me, go to work!"

"I think that you have made the pirates start the exoskeleton is already damaging the atmosphere." Lin Chi could not help but vomit.

The two were talking, only to see a ragged pirate, almost climbed up from the deck, stumbled under the foot of the female captain and shouted: "We have suffered an enemy!"

"Ah, how fast? Generally not all of them will stabilize the boat first..."


The dull crash sound shook the eardrums of the two players on the boat, and the unstable pirate ship shook again. Under the watchful eye of Lin Chi and the captain, the Queen Mary had a shot on the starboard side and exploded a large amount of wooden debris, and there seemed to be a pirate's remains in it.

The shells bombarded by the enemy ships will not explode or explode, just a simple metal "bowling", but for the pirate ship, which is mainly a wooden pirate ship, the shells are already deadly enough.

"Guys, fight back!" the captain shouted.

The ragged pirates began to walk towards the artillery on both sides of the hull. Lin Chi stood still beside the mast and noticed that the captain had cast a dissatisfied look. Lin Chiming asked: "What?"

"Go help, sailor!" The captain seemed to be deeply involved in the play and has begun to shout loudly: "Come on, do you want to be thrown to feed the fish?"

- Can the artillery really work?

Despite doubts about the setting of this vr game, Lin Chi walked slowly and walked over to a quaint artillery with heavy rain and reached for the lid behind the barrel.

Although the vr device was not started yet, he did not see anything similar to the artillery in the game area, but Lin Chi’s hand actually touched the cold gun body, and his strange hand stretched to the side with a round shape. The wooden box of the shells found that the shells inside were actually "real".

"This vr game is too exciting..."

Lin Chi raised his hand and picked up a shell. He stuffed it into the barrel from the back. With the help of the exoskeleton, his movements were still easy. But for those players who don't have exoskeletons, the game's operation is probably too hard.

In the real naval battle, the old-fashioned artillery in such bad weather is likely to be misfiring, but "Surprising Waves" is relatively humanized in this respect. After Lin has filled the shells, another pirate will come and ignite. The fuze behind the barrel, then shouted to Lin: "Beyond the distance! Be careful!"


The loud sound of the cannon overshadowed the roar of the waves. The black "bowling ball" was thrown by a gunpowder and flew to the sea in the torrential rain. It seemed like a hit, and a fire was shining on the opposite side.

"Hit the ammunition depot!" The Queen of the Queen's bow rang a rough sound like smoking for years: "Good job, boys!"

"Continue to fire, let the Spanish Navy taste our power!" The captain shouted loudly: "Guys, dry up their broken ship, let the **** ‘Invincible Fleet’ go eat x!”

"Long live the captain!" The pirates who stood on the station were cheering.

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