War in Heaven

Chapter 978: deadlock

Lin Chi, who put on the exoskeleton again, took the drone into the bag and went to the front of the game hall. He turned back and waved to the "captain":

"See you next time, I will come back to play when I have time."

"Don't come over again..." The girl gnawed her teeth, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes.

"Sorry, my friend has been lying for a few months, and I want to vent it." Lin Chi made a reason.

The ruthless crushing of the Frankenstein just made the child's mood very bad. The captain who took care of the game hall for a long time couldn't think of it, and he would be so miserable in the best field.

If it is normal, Lin Chi may also go into battle, and the Frankenstein will come to a realistic matchup. But now he has something to do, and he has no time to play these antique-class arcades.

Returning to the home from the Emperor Shopping Plaza by taxi, Lin Chi pulled up the curtains in the living room and began to read the contents of the encrypted mail. Several photos entered his sight:

A round transparent plastic bottle with a small amount of powder left.

A small carton with a rough workmanship, the three words on the above-mentioned "magicactant" are twisted and twisted, and it is known to be a small workshop.

The other side of the carton was also photographed. The slogan above is: “Eat LSD, prepare to face the new world! You will get an immersive experience like never before!”

"This thing dares to eat, it is really a real macho..." Lin Chi felt secretly in his heart.

If someone handed this kind of packaged medicine in reality, Lin Chi would definitely throw it directly into the trash can. This so-called hallucinogen, from the packaging to the slogan, reveals an unreliable atmosphere. Even in this year, even those fake medicines that cure all diseases in TV shopping, packaging is much more formal than LSD.

- Is it just a placebo?

Lin Chi knows that if his own inference is correct, the players who use LSD are mad in the game. Find out what map these people have gone to before, which may help the investigation:

If the players are mad, the last time they entered the game, they will be on the same map, causing them to fall into the roots of madness, and they will definitely be in that map.

However, in the game authority's survey data, only the game id and real name of these people were written, and the maps used by the players when they last played the game were not listed. It is very difficult to trace from this aspect.

"Can you check the status of these ids when you last logged in?" Lin Chi asked the Frankenstein.

After receiving Lin’s instructions, the Frankenstein reviewed the encrypted document sent by Zhou Tianhao and immediately responded:

"I can't do it, the date they last logged in, before War Heaven launched the automatic storage of game recordings."

"The old game records have been deleted?" Lin Chi asked.

"Yes." Frankenstein replied: "Their video recordings don't exist. The game settlement data has been cleared because it has not been logged in for a long time."

"These chickens..." Lin Chi shook his head.

——Maybe in order to prevent players from watching a large number of defeats and self-satisfaction, the record statistics function provided by War Heaven is mainly used to record the victory. The record of the defeated game in the middle of the game will be cleared in a few days. .

Obviously, these rookies who used LSD have not even won in one game. Their game records have long been cleared and disappeared into Pulse's vast database.

Realizing that he could not start the investigation from this direction, Lin Chi did not intend to hang himself on a tree, but immediately changed his mind:

"Is their last chat record still there?"

If you can figure out where these people got the medicine, you might be able to pick up the behind-the-scenes black hands hidden in the shadows. The game authority's investigators, of course, also thought of this. But the results of Zhou Tianhao and others have been clearly written in the encrypted document:

“Submit the application to the staff of the Pulse Entertainment Company responsible for the forum and friend system maintenance. The staff indicated that the old content has been cleared and the chat history cannot be called up.”

- Is this road not going to work?

Seeing that the Game Management Bureau did not find any clues in this regard, Lin Qiao frowned and began to think about other possibilities.

According to the information provided in the document, several players who used LSD, used chat software to contact unknown users and provided their own address.

But there are no suspicious friends on their game accounts. The posting chats in the forums have basically been deleted.

Due to the large amount of postings every day, the official forum of War Heaven will clean up many old posts every day. Even if these players use LSD, they have contacted anyone in the forum. The communication between them should be It has long since fallen into the sea.

As a result, it seems impossible to conduct an investigation from the contact person.

However, with the help of Frankenstein, you may still find some clues:

"How long will the data cleared in the "War Heaven" forum be kept?" Lin Chi asked.

——In order to avoid misuse, the forum generally sets a buffer period. Those disappeared posts are not permanently deleted immediately, but will be stored in an area similar to the recycle bin for a period of time before they are completely cleaned up. Drop it.

If this buffer period is long enough, you might find the traces of these players posting. Unfortunately, the cold voice of Frankenstein once again rejected Lin’s proposal:

"Forty-eight hours."

"There is no way." Lin Chi sighed.

- Don't say forty-eight hours, even if the buffer period is 480 hours, these people's posts should have been deleted. After all, they became mad in the hallucinogen event, or what happened last month.

In this way, another investigation route has become a dead end. It seems more and more difficult to find out the truth about "the hallucinogen."

With the occurrence of the LSD, the discussion on this aspect was also suppressed by the official forum. Lin Chi experimented in the forum and planned to send a post related to LSD. It turned out that the word had become a prohibited word and could not be sent.

In addition, to search for content about LSD, you can only find a blank. The administrator of the forum should delete all posts containing this banned word.

"Is the clue all interrupted..."

Realizing that he had completely entered the dead end, Lin stood up slowly and took a can of ice cola out of the refrigerator and sat back on the comfortable sofa.

- No criminal can be without flaws, and the guy must have left any clues.

So the question now is how to make the guy who sells LSD come out.

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