War Love Snow

Chapter 41: Three of the True Features of the Cold War

When Huang Huangfu Haotian heard the words and stared at the chill, he almost smiled when he found a suspicious dark red on his face, "Aren't you jealous?"

He answered him with a dark shadow coming to his face. Huang Fuhao cleverly avoided the teacup that almost smashed the upper door, ducked into the connected study, and sat at the desk with a big hammer and laughed.

The eunuchs who stood outside the door all stood on tiptoes, and looked curiously into the door. There are not many things that can make the emperor happy. I don't know what joke the adult chills with a face frozen in can make the emperor so happy.

The rustling metal friction sounded softly, and the chill was already holding a seven-foot long sword at Huang Fuhao Tian's smiling face that was quickly pasted on the table.

"Ice ... iceberg, iceberg, 噗 ─ ha ha ha ..." Huang Fu Haotian barely spit out two words, looked up to see the face of the chilling red long-term iceberg, and could not help but burst into even greater laughter.

"Why is it so lively today?" Wen Yaqingrun's male voice sounded, followed by a touch of blue fragrance. Huangfu Fengtian dressed in a purple embroidered three-claw golden dragon's official uniform and walked slowly into the door. Seeing the scene in the hall, he first glanced at the shiver with blushing and picking the sword obliquely, and raised his eyebrows in a funny way, and said to Emperor Huangfu who laughed and slipped under the table, "What makes the emperor so happy?"

Xun Huangfu Haotian only raised his hand and waved at him, and continued to laugh. It didn't stop at all.

I saw that the face of the chill was getting more and more ugly. For the sake of Huang Fu Haotian's life, Huang Fu Feng stepped on the sky, and her clean fingers gripped the hand of the chill holding the sword. "If Xue's study is dirty, she may ignore her for a few days."

It's not that the emperor's life is not worth more than a small study, but in the heart of the chill, killing the emperor Hao Tian and venting his anger is compared with letting Xue Xue ignore him for a few days. Libra is obviously inclined to one side. Although the fact hurts, the reality is It was cruel, and the murderous spirit dissipated from the chills. He glanced at Emperor Fengfeng's hand with an iced face, only to see him close his hand, and then retract the sword.

The seven-foot long sword stroked a beautiful sword flower in the hands of the chill and disappeared in his hand. When he closed it, he could not see any signs of carrying a sword.

"So long, where do you take the sword?" Huang Fu Fengtian circled the chill, feeling a bit incredible.

Wu Hanzhan refused to give alms to him at all, and gave Huangfu Haotian a cold stare and a smile on his face, turned out of the study, and went back to the hall.

"Hey, don't ignore anyone, where do you hide the sword? Also teach me." Imagine if the royal guards had all learned this skill, and when the enemy was not prepared, he drew the sword out, and returned Afraid not to engrave the enemy to win?

"Don't find yourself boring. Hey, look, when did he talk to people except Xueer?" Huang Fuhao smiled and panted, and followed him out.

"Take care of your expression, and laugh again, I don't mind changing your place to strip your face off." The chill glanced at Huang Fu Haotian fiercely.

Huangfu Fengtian came to the chill, regardless of his cold air, and he was enthusiastic and had nothing to say: "Look, your sword is in your body. If Xueer accidentally hits it, it won't hurt." The art of war is clouded, and it is necessary to attack the enemy to be short, in order to engrave the enemy to win. I didn't believe that moving out of Cher could not tell what he was saying.

When the cold chills, Huang Fu Fengtian, who is posted on his body, is the air, just drink tea and press himself.

Huangfu Haotian sat on the other side with a smile, and took up the cold tea and sipped, "Seriously, you have to keep the sword. This thing blows hair. If you talk to Xueer then "What hurts Cher?" In fact, he didn't want to say so implicitly, but because he had stimulated him once before, in order to avoid overheating the chill, he really wanted himself if he didn't control it. Xiao Ming, Huang Fu Haotian changed his words a little.

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