War Love Snow

Chapter 69: Envoy to the Republic of China

This is a world of lust, the whole cave is filled with roars, groans, and screams. In that adult pool, there was a clear disproportion between men and women, and the ratio of men to women was about five to one, but there were more girls in the child pool than boys. Except for a few men holding each other in pairs, playing with each other, at this time, there are four or five men taking turns around a woman-dry-work, this party twitches and shoots-semen-liquid retreat, and that hurriedly raised The stick-meat-stick was inserted, and the women caught in the crowd were basically drowsy, and I do n’t know what the past is.

Han Xue covered her mouth and looked intently, her eyes were complicated and incomprehensible, the chill in her heart was not full of taste, but she felt that sour gas rushed into her throat, and finally she could not bear to slam someone in her arms. Then he sealed the fuchsia's little mouth fiercely.

The chilling kiss was rude and fierce, with anger and resentment, and the severe lack of oxygen in the brain made Han Xue almost faint.

"You **** girl!" The chills were jealous, staring at Xuexue fiercely, angry and angry in heart, but I didn't know what to do with her, and hugged her tightly in front of her.

Han Xue even took a few deep breaths to feel that she was alive, and when she looked up, she saw that the cold face was cold, staring at her like a cannibalism, and her neck shrank with a guilty conscience, and she did not deliberately stare. Ah, I'm just surprised.

"I didn't mean to watch it, that ... I just didn't expect them to be the same as those wolves ..." Han Xue opened his innocent eyes and stared pitifully at the chill, his little hand caressing him up and down quickly. His chest, I hope he can calm down.

I heard that Hanxue compared the people below with the wolf that had been treated with aphrodisiacs on the grassland that day. The chill was funny, and his face still stared at him sharply, but the anger in that eye had dissipated.

It ’s not a day or two since the two were together. Han Xue chuckled and laughed. He pulled his chiffon shirt and put on his toes, kissed his face, and laughed, "Don't be angry, people are just a bit surprised. I'm not scared, and I didn't mean to stare. "

Wu Hanzhan gave her a white look and turned her head away from her.

Han Xue's eyes widened, and she mischievously grinned, leaning on Han Huaijiao and chanting, "I just saw a woman holding the man's" that thing "licking vigorously, and that thing can also eat What? Would you be comfortable if I treat you like this? "

Sure enough, the chill heard a stiff face, staring at Han Xue with incredible eyes, and seeing her mischievous tongue, she knew she was being played, and it was a deep kiss to catch her in her arms.

The two of them were playing for a while, and the chill pulled Han Xue down to sit on the ground.

"Aren't we going back? Nothing can be found if we stay there again." Han Xue puzzled.

She chilled Hanxue on her lap and said, "The door can only be opened by a token. We just saw it when we came in. We can't go out until the people below have stopped."

Han Xue frowned slightly and leaned into the arms of the chill. "The depth of Huagan's mind is really rare in the world. I just saw it. Most of the men in the pool have seen it in the temple. He gave birth to so many sons. They all hide that the world is pressing on the center. If you do n’t know, which one is going to buy them, Kai will jump into Qing Qing ’s suit? !! If you look back, you must pay attention to Yanniang ’s side. If you want to buy news, you must not start with these people. Otherwise, it will reveal little things, and it will be a big loss if you fold in the entire layout of Qing. "

"Things are not as serious as you think. Looking at the situation below, we can see that the children of Qing King are very eager, you may start from here." The chill reminded.

"Beauty measures may be the most effective, but I don't want to do that." Han Xue sighed and looked up at the chill road: "The sisters in the village are all good girls, and I don't want them to fold in the hands of those who are below . "

The chill touched her hair lovingly, held her in her arms and exhaled quietly: "Some things are inevitable, let Yan Niang choose voluntary," Qing "is not a good bone, now it can only be I tried my best to win, and I did n’t know how to divide for a while, so I just took one step at a time, and we lost enough intelligence. "

听 "Listen to the Huagan military, they must have reached an agreement with Jinsha and Longyue. If they want to win it, it will not be easy." Han Xue rubbed his forehead with a headache.

"It is man-made. There are only eternal interests and no eternal friends in this world. As long as we have conditions that are more favorable than Longyue and Jinsha, I believe that the Huagan Army knows how to choose." Tap on the cold snow sun-holes- "The five kingdoms are ranked first in terms of national strength, followed by blue sky, ice crystals, dragon leaps, and golden sand in the bottom. Nothing better. "

Suffering from the east ... Suing from the east ... Han Xue closed his eyes and meditated for a long time, but there seemed to be a flash of light in his mind, but he never saw the truth. Time passed by bit by bit, Han Xue was still thinking hard, and a flash of light flashed through his head. If ... Xue Xue sat upright, his eyes turned back and looked at the chill, "If it besieged the Three Kingdoms The opposition is replaced by Sands, or the two strong forces jointly occupy Sands, and then attack Longyue ... "

The chill heard, and half-sounded, the tip of Nose's nose was helpless and laughed: "You clever ghost, I only mention a misfortune, and you want to hang two countries. Really ..." What words to use to describe Han Xue can only helplessly grin. "This is a really good plan. If Haotian agrees, this plan is settled. The two powers will work together to take the sands' current chaotic situation and will die."

Han Xue was a little embarrassed by what he said, and smiled with his head, "People just think that if the three countries fight one country, they will win by only three points. If the two countries pit two countries, swallowing one country is half, I can earn as much as I can with Long Yue, and I believe this sale will be based on King Qing's old plan. "

The chill fan thought for a while and thought, "I'm afraid that Longyue will eventually cling to Qing. At this time, the plan is changed. After returning, he will immediately send a message to Huangfu Haotian. Fortunately, before we set off, Huangfu Jingtian went to Ice Crystal. At this time, Huangfu Fengtian is afraid that he is already in Sands. If he can do something, it will be smoother to occupy Sands. We will only use empty hands to occupy more of this city of Longyue, so that Longyue will not rely on celebration. At that time, Qing ’s national strength was stronger, so that would be difficult to control. ”

Wu Hanxue listened to what he said, and pulled his face-flesh-with a smile, "Also said that I am cruel, and you are better than me."

The chill was also not angry. She took her face down and kissed her, and printed the spittle on Han Xue's face before whispering with a smile, so she said helplessly, "I'm helpless, who makes me have such a strong lady Then, the woman-singer had to follow. "

"呸!" Han Xue shook his big white eyes without a face, and stood up from the ground. At this moment, the voice underneath had softened, leaving only the man's rough gasping voice, which was unpleasant to the woman's voice.

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