Chapter 116 The collision between the strongest creature and the strongest man!

Kaido didn’t understand very much in his heart, he just felt the attack.

There is the power of Shock Fruit in it, as well as the powerful Conqueror’s Haki and Armament Haki, this is definitely not an attack that Joz, who is the third captain, can cut out.

Rather, it’s like Whitebeard’s attack, and it’s powerful

Kaido is noncommittal, what’s up with this knife?

And the weird fan gate. From now on, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates should have arrived directly on his territory from this gate.

Until now, there are still a steady stream of pirate groups under Whitebeard’s command to join this battle.

What is all this about?

Kaido’s voice was faint, and he shouted violently: “What’s wrong with you guys, Whitebeard?”

“That knife, and that door, why are there so many weird things?”

Below the “four seven three”, the three disasters, the flying six celestial beings, and all the real fighters also had extremely solemn eyes, and they all turned on their fighting stances and turned into the strongest human and beast forms.

Facing the Whitebeard Pirates, who are also Four Emperors, they did not dare to take it lightly.

On the opposite side, Whitebeard grinned and didn’t say a word, while Captain Marko laughed, “Kaido, do you think we’ll tell you?”

“You just need to know that today you Beasts Pirates will usher in the reckoning of our Whitebeard Pirates!”

“I’ll show you another good thing!”

After that, Marko and the other group of people in the white group were all smiling, and Marko took out an all-purpose capsule from his pocket.

On the opposite side, everyone in the Beasts Pirates frowned, and for a while, no one dared to do anything.

Another new thing, what will it be this time?

The powerful black knife that just broke Kaido’s physical defense is still vivid in their eyes, and everyone’s hearts can’t help sinking.

On the opposite side, Marco threw the omnipotent capsule directly to the ground under the watchful eyes of the Beasts Pirates.

With the sound of “bang, the next second, a bunch of super-large artillery turrets that can only be reproduced on land appeared, and there were also a large number of shells.

Super-large turrets are lined up neatly in a row, waiting for the release of the Whitebeard Pirates.

On the opposite side, the Beasts Pirates were shocked, all of them were horrified and dazed.

“This, what’s going on here?” The leader of the three disasters fell into deep amazement. He didn’t understand why these forts appeared here.

Jack, the iron-headed reckless man, looked at the row of giant gun muzzles with black holes, and his scalp felt numb.

In the face of absolutely terrifying power, no matter how terrified he was, Jack was still injured.

Quinn was stunned. He stared at the omnipotent capsule in Marco’s hand. He was sure that this thing summoned the bunch of turrets.

As a scientist, he still knows a lot about technology. Could it be that there are technological props about space!?

It shouldn’t be! Even Vegapunk can’t make this thing..

It is simply unreasonable that such a small thing can hold such a large number of turrets.

But the facts are in front of you…

Opposite Whitebeard let out his trademark Shock Fruit laugh, then snapped: “Shoot them up!”

Everyone is excited to go to launch the turret, and now the crushing battle excites them.

A few seconds later, a deafening cannon sound rang out.

On the opposite side, the givers watched the sky-filled cannonballs come straight towards them and the others, and they were terrified.

Kaido’s face was extremely ugly, and he screamed: “Stop me all!”

The Three Disasters, Fei Liubao and Zhenda started frantically blocking these shells.

On the opposite side, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was extremely excited.

“Quick, quick! Reload!”

“Blow them up!”

“Let them see, what is the sky full of shooting stars!”

A large number of shells were filled and then fired. The interval was less than a few seconds. Even if the Beasts Pirates on the opposite side tried their best to block them, they could not intercept them all in the face of this powerful firepower.

An explosion sounded in the Whitebeard Pirates camp, along with screams and desperate roars.

Whitebeard looked at this scene and let out a laughing sound of “Kicka”.

He said loudly, “Brother Oden, today, Dad, I’m here to help you get revenge!”

On the opposite side, the powerhouses such as Three Disasters and Fei Liubao tried their best to intercept him, but he was exhausted by the artillery fire like money.

Chi looked at Kaido and said anxiously: “Lord Kaido, this is not the way to go, they have too many shells, they must destroy their fort.”

It is difficult for the strong to parry for a while in the face of a powerful heavy weapon attack.

Continue to let the Whitebeard Pirates continue to bombard them, fearing that they will suffer heavy losses.

Kaido naturally knew this, and now he was furious.

He hissed and roared, and his huge body quickly went in the direction of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Dark red lightning appeared from the mace in his hand, and the thunder was wrapped around it. Kaido shouted: “Thunder Eight Trigrams!”

The mace in his hand swept out directly, and this powerful blow was enough to destroy several giant artillery batteries.

However, the Whitebeard on the opposite side roared out, and the burly figure was like a giant cannonball, leaping away and taking Kaido directly.

A faint red light burst out in Whitebeard’s eyes, and the broadsword in his hand slashed directly, blocking Kaido’s blow.


The attacks of the Four Emperors Kaido and Whitebeard collided.

It takes time for the two energies to continue to spread around, and at the same time, the dark red thunderbolt explodes wildly around the point of the fight.

“The collision of Conqueror’s with Conqueror’s!”

Some people exclaimed.

“You, you look at the sky, the sky is cracked!?”

The two Four Emperors fought each other with Conqueror’s, causing the clouds above the sky to roll over and over, leaving a gap for a day, as if the sky was split open.

“Is this the power of the Four Emperors? 4.7

The battle of the Four Emperors is basically difficult to occur once in more than ten years, and today it is still a collision between the strongest man and the strongest creature.

In just a split second, Kaido and Whitebeard were already fighting hundreds of moves.

“Hahaha, Dad!”

“Kaido will be left to you, the rest will be left to me!”

At this moment, a voice sounded from the sky.

This sudden sound made the hearts of the Beasts Pirates officers on the opposite side sink.


A group of cadres quickly looked up at the sky, but it was not Marco, the captain of the phoenix they imagined, but Vista with two swords.

Bista danced in the air, smiling brightly, with two Zanpakutō in hand.

Chi pupils shrank suddenly: “Bista!?

Jack’s face didn’t look much better: “Why does he fly!?”

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