Chapter 128 Brother Ming’s ecstasy: This is the knife!

In the dark, this scene surprised the two forces that were secretly observing.

Fan Oka said with sharp eyes: “Captain, if we have this ability, our Blackbeard Pirates will have the ability to fight in the air!”

“And you know what? It’s very small, and it’s extremely convenient to use!”

Blackbeard listened to it with great anticipation, and wished he would use any door to come over and witness the flying artifact in Van Oka’s mouth.

On the luxurious ship, the Golden Emperor took a deep breath and looked at the bamboo dragonfly on Diamanti’s head on the screen with incomparable jealousy.

As the No. 1 local tyrant in the world, what flying props has he not seen before?

However, he had never seen such a simple, small and arbitrary flying prop.

He felt that this was the flying prop worthy of his identity.

The Golden Emperor can’t wait to rush out now, wanting to ask what is going on, can he also get these things?

On the screen, Doflamingo and other family cadres watched Diamandi fly freely and happily, and the two bamboo dragonflies left in Feith’s hands had glowing red eyes.

Feith hands it to Doflamingo.

Doflamingo took the bamboo dragonfly carefully as if he had obtained a treasure.

This means that there are three more members of the Donquixote family who are capable of air combat.

Seeing how Doflamingo and others were grateful to him and shouted, “Good things, good things!”, Feith couldn’t help laughing.

He feels like a bunch of hillbillies who haven’t seen the world. If anime is also popular in this world, maybe Doflamingo and the others won’t have this expression.

Feith said lightly: “Where is this going, the next thing is the real domineering.”

“Show you this!”

After speaking, Feith took out two black knives.

In the distance, on a pirate ship at sea, after Van Oka saw Zanpakutō, he quickly reported to Blackbeard.

Blackbeard’s heart ached when he heard it, “Damn it! Why didn’t I draw this time!~!”

When he was at Naval Headquarters before, he had heard the name of Zanpakutō.

To say that Feith’s things are amazing, and the most powerful, it is Zanpakutō.

The artifact in the knife, the existence that can stand above and beyond the sword.

However, he didn’t draw 500 million Bailey before, but now he heard Van Oka say that Doflamingo had drawn, and it was still two!

This made Blackbeard almost beat her chest.

On the other hand, Taizolo, the golden emperor watching the broadcast, was staring at Zanpakutō.

Even across the screen, he could see that the two knives that the young Marine soldier took out were two peerless knives, which might be comparable to the existence of the supremely fast knives.

“Who is this Marine soldier?” At this moment, the golden emperor Tezzolo made a wild guess about Feith’s identity.

It can take out a lightweight space container that can hold huge items, a simple flying artifact, and these two superb knives that look comparable to the supreme knife…

As for the blue pill, Tezzolo couldn’t see anything, but from Doflamingo and the expressions of their cadres, Tezzolo could see that the blue pill was not ordinary.

“No! When Doflamingo and his party leave, I must try to touch this soldier!”

Tezzolo made up his mind secretly.

On the screen, Doflamingo and the family were ecstatic after seeing these two Zanpakutō!

They have heard Vergo say that Zanpakutō is powerful.

Diamanti, the knife-wielding cadre, said quickly: “Your Excellency Feith, is this Zanpakutō?”

His tone was sharp and his eyes were bright, anticipating Feith’s answer, as were the others.

Feith nodded, “That’s right! These two are Zanpakutō!”

After everyone got a positive answer, they were even more ecstatic.

“This is the famous sword that is better than the supreme sword!”

“It has the ability to absorb, and it can also release the ability, and the power can be increased several times!”

“This is definitely a powerful weapon of lethality!”

Feith said with a half-smile, “Your information is well investigated.”

Doflamingo and other members of the family laughed embarrassingly.

Feith doesn’t bother about this issue either, because there is a Vergo.

Hands the two Zanpakutō to Doflamingo, “Listening is always just listening, now you can experience these two Zanpakutō for yourself!”

Doflamingo was delighted, and cautiously and respectfully went to take the two Zanpakutō from Feith’s hands.

– Getting started, Doflamingo, who doesn’t use weapons very much, has his eyes instantly brightened.

He was extremely shocked by this Zanpakutō’s best quality, “I, who don’t use knives very much, can actually feel the incomparable fit!”

Sure enough, “It’s a peerless sword, and it is the existence that surpasses the supreme sword!

Doflamingo can’t wait to start experimenting with the power of this Zanpakutō, which is the ability to absorb!

He started to use the String-String Fruit ability, and the thin line of ability was instantly absorbed by Zanpakutō.

This made Doflamingo happy, and as Vergo said, it can absorb any Devil Fruit ability, whether it is Paramecia or Logia.

Then he injected Conqueror’s Haki and Armament Haki respectively. Once these Haki came out, they were also absorbed instantly.

Doflamingo was shocked again and again: “The absorption capacity of this Zanpakutō is like a bottomless pit, as if it can absorb dissatisfaction no matter what.”

On the screen, the Golden Emperor watched as Doflamingo used his String-String Fruit ability, and countless white threads like waves poured into the superb black knife.

Then he uses Armament Haki, and then the Armament disappears, and the Conqueror’s Haki also disappears immediately

It made his heart skip a beat, and he realized something, something he couldn’t believe.

This knife can absorb Devil Fruit power and Haki!?

“What kind of knife is this…?”

“Should have surpassed the Supreme Sword, right?”

Tezzolo looked at the two black knives, his eyes were extraordinarily fiery.

You must get this knife yourself, no matter how much you pay!

Tezzolo was even more determined to reach out to Feith.

On the screen, Feith wasn’t in a hurry to announce the next prize, he watched with interest as Doflamingo injected Devil Fruit abilities and Haki entered Zanpakutō.

Doflamingo injected frantically, and as time slowly passed, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

The absorption limit of this knife is too amazing, right?

The other cadres were also horrified.

When Zanpo reached the upper limit of absorption on the sword, Doflamingo was already sweating on his forehead and gasping for breath.

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