Chapter 170 Watching people drink Maotai and smoke Huazi, it’s more torture than torture!

Feith’s answer made Kizaru and others relieved.

The Chinese child in Huang Yuan’s hands was quickly drawn out, and he still felt some lingering fears in his heart.

Although Hua Zi’s shock is good, he likes drinking more than smoking.

So he looked at Zephyr and smiled slyly: “Mr. Zephyr, you have smoked the cigarette, or else take it out and try it?”

Now that the lottery is over, Kaido was beaten to death by Feith, and he won’t be able to recover for a while, so they don’t really have anything to do now.

Zephyr is also a person who likes to drink, but after hearing this, he became interested.

To be honest, he has not experienced Maotai yet. What will Maotai from Feith be like?

Thinking of this, Zephyr didn’t talk nonsense, took out Moutai directly from the universal capsule, and opened it immediately.

In an instant, the unique Maotai fragrance of the exclusive edition wafts out.

You must know that the sixth floor is a closed space, and the aroma of this wine will instantly fill the surroundings, and it will not evaporate for a long time, and it will continue to accumulate.

Shiryu of the Rain, a wine drinker, couldn’t help but his eyes were glowing with gold, and his eyes widened in disbelief, “This wine is the best wine I’ve ever had in my life…

Bullet, Red Earl and others also twitched their noses crazily. For these crazy people like 507, which one doesn’t like drinking?

The escaping aroma of the wine made them dumbfounded, the flowing water actually said that it was a little straight, the nose kept twitching, and they could not wait to inhale all the aroma of the wine in the air.

The same is true of Crocodile. He smells great after he smells it, and the yellow lion can’t wait to rush out of the prison door and grab the wine in Zephyr’s hands.

In another cage, Jinbei swallowed and murmured: “As expected of the wine from Feith, this tastes absolutely amazing!”

Opposite, Ace’s eyes flickered as if discovering a new continent.

He had smelled the aroma of wine before, but now the aroma of wine was more fragrant than he had ever smelled before.

It seemed, “The more advanced the lottery is, the better the drinks!” Ace murmured.

In the sixth floor, with the aroma of the wine, almost all eyes were focused on Zephyr, on the Maotai opened in his hands.

The best! The best in the world!

Zephyr’s eyes widened, and he looked at Maotai in his hand.

He thought that this wine is not simple, but he did not think that it is so simple, as if it is not like a mortal thing!

“It’s really beyond words! (bceh)”

He murmured a little in a daze, and when he murmured, there was still saliva flowing out.


Taking a mouthful of Moutai, Zephyr felt goosebumps all over in an instant.

The whole person fell into a state of intoxication, with a look of intoxication.

That feeling is like ascending to heaven, like returning to the happy time before.

After half a sound, returning from that indescribably wonderful situation, Zephyr only felt radiant at this moment, and his whole body was full of energy.

He looked at the wine in his hand and exclaimed again and again: “Absolutely, absolutely!”

“I’ve never experienced such a premium drink!”

All around, countless drooling eyes stared at Zephyr.

The big prisoners are constantly gulping their saliva, but even so, the saliva continues to breed.

They have been imprisoned for such a long time, and ordinary drinks are a luxury for them, and it is more like this top-quality Moutai.

The aroma of this wine is simply a fatal torture to them.

“Fuck! Zephyr can you go outside and drink?”

“That’s right, it’s causing us to have alcohol cancer now.”

“This is more torment than torture for me!

“Zephyr, can you give me a sip, even a drop!”

However, Zephyr turned a deaf ear, ignoring the screams of pain from the people around him, and he wanted to continue to eat and drink.

However, it was stopped by Kizaru, who stopped: “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…

“Mr. Zephyr, you are holding a hidden object!”

Zephyr was stunned. He was extremely sensitive to the term “Holding Sublime”. He knew that this was a fine wine, and he might taint it.

He quickly said: “How do you say?”

Kizaru smiled, with a wretched face and a mysterious face, and then he took out the Supreme Huazi from his omnipotent capsule and handed it to Zephyr:

“Mr. Zephyr, the best cigarette and the best wine, this is the real source of happiness, this is the real bliss!”

“Promise you to God!”

Aside, Feith heard that Chūnin couldn’t help pouting, God? Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t know what to say.

Zephyr is also an old smoker. He took Kizaru’s huazi and gave it to himself. Just one sip, he realized that it was several times better than his huazi.

This is the only one in the world, and for a moment Zephyr only feels that he has reached a height of bliss.

Then he paired it with a mouthful of Moutai. Under the dual effect of the best tobacco and alcohol, Zephyr let out a “Jie Jie” weird smile.

The thrill of those double enjoyments made Zephyr feel like he was in paradise.

He realized what is happiness and what is the beauty of the world.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!”

Zephyr only felt that his whole world had become colorful, and that the whole world was spinning, revolving around him.

Crocodile kept swallowing, and at this moment he hated Luffy,

If it wasn’t for that bastard straw hat kid, he wouldn’t be sent to Impel down, he wouldn’t be stripped of his Shichibukai title, he wouldn’t be here watching other people enjoy the best in the world,

He gritted his teeth and clenched his teeth: “Straw hat boy, Laozi swears to kill you!”

Jinbei and Ace also wanted to try the taste of wine and cigarettes, but they felt dry and uncomfortable.

The Red Earl, Bullet and others were all looking at Zephyr who was enjoying the blissful spring breeze, with longing written on their faces.

Shiryu of the Rain suddenly regretted at this time, he grabbed the fence and began to roar: “Magister Magellan, I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately in the future, I swear I will not kill anyone casually anymore, will you let me out?”

“I’m going to draw, I’m going to draw, I’m going to drink and smoke!

He kept shouting, some hoarse.

He wanted to go out so bad, he went out to find Feith’s lottery, whether it was tobacco, alcohol or those treasures, he was eager to see.

Magellan gave him a look and said coldly, “Go away!”

This made Shiryu of Rain grit his teeth, but he was helpless.

Why would you know this in the first place?

He felt that this top-quality tobacco and alcohol should be hundreds of times happier than when he murdered. If he knew this thing earlier, then he would not have such a sinful addiction.

On the sixth floor of the entire submarine prison, under the smell of tobacco and alcohol, the big prisoners shouted and shouted.

For their group of people who have been detained for a long time, this is undoubtedly an extremely painful torture.

This made Kizaru very unhappy and began to suppress it with his abilities!

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