Chapter 217 300 Advanced Draws!

Marine, the Five Elders, and the likes of Whitebeard and Redhead had been in contact with Feith for a long time without thinking about it.

As for the Big Mom Pirates, they were originally the top forces in the world, and now they realize that Feith is changing the world after seeing the scene where the two sides were just fighting each other.

Katakuri was even more dazed and unreal.

To know that this is a young man, a young man has changed the world.

But Auntie didn’t think about it so much. When he saw that Feith’s consciousness had returned, he quickly said excitedly: “Feith, what am I coming out of?”

Feith gave Big Mom a look and said nothing.

The next moment, in the stunned eyes of everyone, he took out 95 bottles of Maotai and 88 packets of Huazi.

This scene is really shocking, if you don’t know this, you would think Feith is a tobacco and alcohol wholesaler.

“Boom!” Kizaru pouted and murmured, “I have never seen so much alcohol and tobacco in my generation of “five-three zeros”!”

Although Akainu’s face was expressionless, his heart was moved.

How long can I be happy with so much alcohol and tobacco?

People who like to drink like Rayleigh, Garp, etc. are already drooling and gulping.

Tobacco and alcohol add up to 183 items.

The most envied is the Red Hair Pirates, to know that since they got Feith’s tobacco and alcohol and the random door, their pirates have become party monsters.

Fuck! With so much alcohol and tobacco, wouldn’t they be able to regret it all night if they had a party?

If this is adding water, it will be no problem to have a party for a few days.

As the aunt of the party, her face is not so good-looking.

What are you kidding?

This time, she is here to shoot useful prizes, not to buy cigarettes and alcohol.

At present, these tobacco and alcohol directly account for about two-thirds of the total.

Isn’t this lottery tricky too?

However, before she could express her dissatisfaction, Feith took out 34 universal capsules one after another.

Everyone in the Auntie Pirates suddenly became energized.

Katakuri hurriedly brought out an all-purpose capsule, and after inquiring about Feith’s operation, gave it a try.

Then he laughed loudly: “That’s right! This is the storage space, which can accommodate a giant pirate ship!”

The other retainers were overjoyed immediately, and they all stepped forward to take an all-purpose capsule in their hands.

You must know that there are nearly 85 of the aunt’s daughter’s, and it seems that there are many all-purpose capsules, but they are not more than theirs.

All around, the top Marines, the Five Elders, and the Twin Emperors watched everyone from the Big Mom Pirates snatch the Universal Capsule, all of them showing contempt and ridicule.

Really a bunch of things that have never been seen in the world.

Besides, when it comes to space baby, the most powerful thing is to live in the space ring, which is the “daddy” of the omnipotent capsule.

When I watched Pirates in my previous life, I didn’t pay much attention to some details, but now I see that most of the Big Mom Pirates are descendants of Big Mom, I couldn’t help swallowing.

In other words, how did the aunt give birth to so many children?

A total of 39 girls and 46 children would take 85 years to be born if they were born according to normal human beings.

Feith thought of some novels he read in his previous life, and his wife had 8 babies at one time…

Pigs are not so arrogant..

Stop thinking nonsense, Feith then took out 22 high-level physical strength pills.

It was the first time for Auntie and others to see a high-level physical strength pill, and they didn’t understand what it was.

Whitebeard on the other side sneered and explained the function of this physical strength pill.

This explanation directly shocked the aunt and others.

However, the aunt did not try it first, and let her son Katakuri try it.

After Katakuri tried one, he immediately exclaimed: “The upper limit of physical strength has really increased!”

When the aunt heard that it was really effective, she was overjoyed and put away the rest of the 21 types of physical strength pills.

I can’t help but be overjoyed, these physical strength pills are given to those old guys who are deficient, so that I can have more descendants, and the influence of the family can be further expanded.

This is simply the best health supplement for men!

If the aunt’s thoughts were heard by other forces, they would probably be scolded to death.

Although the effect of high-level physical strength pills is not very good, but the number is large, if you eat all of them, your combat power will also increase a lot.

Feith ignored it, and continued to take out a bunch of random doors. There were 33 doors, and each door was used 50 times.

Seeing this random door, everyone in the Big Mom Pirates was extremely happy.

They have just seen the usefulness of this arbitrary door, and they can travel everywhere.

If there was such a thing, they wouldn’t have traveled all the way to this Sabaody Archipelago for days..

At the same time, Auntie is the king of the industry. With this thing, it will be more convenient and faster for her to obtain information in the future.

However, at this time, a burst of golden light was about to shoot in all directions.

The Big Mom Pirate looked and saw that Garp was leaning against an arbitrary door, digging his nostrils carelessly, while frantically opening and closing any door.

Sengoku: “.

Whitebeard: “…

Red hair:

Big Mom Pirates: “…

It took time, and the joy in the hearts of everyone in the Big Mom Pirates who had been overjoyed immediately vanished.

Fuck! Show a hammer show?

The aunt shouted: “Garp, are you looking for something unpleasant?”

Garp turned his head to look at Aunt, pretending to be confused: “What?”

“I have nothing to do and play with our Marine’s god-level random door, what’s wrong?”

The aunt was speechless all of a sudden, is it wrong?

This thing belongs to other people, how to play how you like, naturally there is no mistake.

Feith in the middle smiled bitterly and had to say, Garp is really an old urchin.

No more nonsense, continue to take out the next prize, 18 bamboo dragonflies.

As soon as the bamboo dragonfly came out, this made Katakuri and other flightless retainers feel what it means to unlock the ability to fly.

One by one, they were flying happily.

But the aunt didn’t feel anything, she could fly by herself by Zeus.

However, the bamboo dragonfly is still good, increasing the air combat capability of their pirate group.

4.7 Feith continued to take out prizes, this time 3 Zanpakutō.

Although Aunt Ma and others just saw that many people present took out this Zanpakutō, they did not know the specific power of Zanpakutō.

After Feith’s teaching, the aunt tried it, waited until the absorption limit was reached, and slashed into the sky.

The power of this knife made everyone in the Auntie Pirates extremely happy.

This time they finally knew why when everyone was fighting with swords, one by one would take out this knife.

Peerless artifact!

However, at this moment, Kizaru swayed with his Super Zanpakutō: “Naruto! This blow is one-third of the power of my Super Zanpakutō!

Big Mom Pirates:

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