Chapter 244 Supernova debuts!

As soon as any door was closed, the third elder asked, “Why don’t you let me take action?”

He was a little depressed. Now that the Four Emperors had withdrawn, Marine and his five elders were all there, and basically all the senior leaders of the revolutionary army were dispatched. This was a good opportunity to eradicate the revolutionary army.

The first elder withdrew the third elder, “Young third, the older you get, the more confused you are.

“Didn’t you just hear what Feith said?”

The third elder was stunned for a moment, and then recalled what Feith had just said: Don’t you still want to draw a lottery? Let’s go??

The first elder looked at the third elder and said leisurely: “Now you understand why I stopped him?”

“You thought Feith was just casually saying that?”

“Don’t look at Feith’s youth, he is actually very smart. He doesn’t need to say that sentence at all. If he said it, it means that he said it to us on purpose.”

“Now the Revolutionary Army is his client. During his client’s time, we would not give Feith face when we go to the Revolutionary Army.”

For a time, the third elder did not know what to say.

Everyone saw Kaido’s end just now. Just like a dead dog, Feith, now, almost no one wants to provoke him.

The third elder said a little unwillingly: “Do you really want to give up and destroy the revolutionary army?”

The first elder shook his head helplessly: “In the current situation, we can only give Feith face, or push him to the opposite side, whether it is the World Government or Marine, it will be extremely troublesome.

“But we still have a chance. I believe that now that the revolutionary army has intervened, the revolutionary army will inevitably intervene in the war, because this is a good opportunity for them to take advantage of the fire.”

“What we have to do now is to rectify the army, and at the same time raise more funds for lottery draws, and take advantage of the upcoming war to destroy the Four Emperors and the Revolutionary Army in one fell swoop!”

The other Five Elders also nodded.

The only thing that can be done now is to prepare for battle. As long as he is strong enough, no matter what the Four Emperors or the Six Emperors and Seven Emperors, he can deal with them calmly.

Soon, the Five Elders and the commander-in-chief Kong of the three armies left.

The sixth floor of the underwater prison, only the Marine high-rise remains.

Marshal Sengoku looked at the corpses everywhere, his eyes flickered, and he rubbed his brows and said: “Tea pig, you lead a group of soldiers to take charge of the aftermath~[!”

Tea dolphin took the lead.

Sengoku’s voice was sullen again: “Hannyabal, where’s that bastard from Warden Magellan?”

Hannyabal came limping, this time he participated in the battle, but unfortunately he was not strong enough and his leg was directly broken, but fortunately, his life was safe.

Hannyabal said: “The Magellan warden should still be on the toilet now, Marshal, or remove him and let me be the warden.

Sengoku ignored Hannyabal’s words and was speechless, Fuck! We fought so hard, Magellan as the warden, this bastard is still on the toilet!?

His grandma’s.

However, there is no way out, this is a side effect of Devil Fruit.

Sengoku had no choice but to say solemnly: “Hannyabal, you lead a group of people to repair the damaged areas of the underwater prison.”

“By the way, count the number of prisoners, if anyone escapes, report it to me immediately!

Soon Hannyabal also led the way.

After doing all this, Sengoku looked at the three Admiral with a very serious expression, and said, “Now that all the Four Emperors have been to the underwater prison, I don’t want to say, everyone must be very clear about what this means.”

Three Admiral did not say a word, they naturally knew.

All the Four Emperors came to the sixth floor of the underwater prison, which meant that they could use any door to come at any time in the future.

“In the future, I will set up multiple random doors in the square of the headquarters to connect to the random doors on the sixth floor of the submarine prison, and they will be open for a long time.

“If the Four Emperors dare to come again, they will be caught all over the net!”

“The Marines are in a state of readiness!”

Marine was having a headache, and Feith, who didn’t see it as a big drama, had already put these things out of his mind.

110 billion Bailey has been collected into the system by Feith, so as soon as everyone returned to Sabaody Archipelago, they directly asked everyone about the lottery method.

It is worth mentioning that after the experience of going to the sixth floor of the underwater prison, the attitude of everyone present towards Feith has changed significantly.

The Golden Emperor Tezzolo is more and more respectful to Feith, while Doflamingo is more and more cautious to Feith, Blackbeard is even more pleasing to Feith, and the Revolutionary Army is more afraid of Feith.

No one wants to offend Feith, this powerful man.

The Golden Emperor Tezzolo smiled and said, “I want 2 god-level lottery draws and 5 super-top lottery draws!

The revolutionary army arrived later, so I don’t know how much money the Golden Emperor and the others put out for the lottery. Hearing what the Golden Emperor said, it made everyone feel very emotional.

As expected of the world’s No. 1 local tyrant, he is really a big dog.

Blackbeard also smiled and said, “Brother Feith, I will also draw a god-level lottery for my 30 billion!”

Blackbeard’s goal is a god-level random door, so it’s better to hunt Demon fruit power.

“,”As for the remaining 10 billion, I want 500 advanced draws!”

Feith’s mouth twitched, but he didn’t say anything.

Doflamingo also chooses a safe lottery method: the 20 billion Bailey lottery has chosen the super top 5 times and the top 50 times!

The Revolutionary Army had heard about Bao-kun Xiong and reported it back, so he also understood the rules, and finally decided on 500 advanced lottery draws.

Fight for a full range of prizes in large quantities, making up for the fact that they didn’t have a lottery before.

Feith almost scolded her mother directly.

Fuck! Play with me one by one?

Two 500 times??

How long will this take?

Tucao returned to Tucao, Feith nodded and said: “ojbk, but the number of lottery draws is a bit too many, it will take some time, you can just wait.”

After speaking, Feith’s body lit up, and then in the stunned eyes of everyone, Feith lay directly on the grass, closing his eyes and resting.

Revolutionary Army:???



Golden Emperor Tezzolo:???

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, co-authoring the lottery and being able to lie down and draw??

However, no one dared to say anything, so they had to find a place to rest for a while.

But the people of the revolutionary army did not leave. After all, this was their first lottery, and it was full of freshness.

Although Feith’s operation was a bit speechless, there was still excitement on his face.

Looking forward to being able to pull out something to mess with!

At the same time, on the other side of Sabaody Archipelago, where all the ports, the long overdue people finally appeared.

That’s the guys known as supernovas!

The first batch to land first were Hawkins, Kid, Bonney, Bege, Uraki and the surgical surgeon – Luo!

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