Chapter 254 The Blackbeard god-level lottery is announced!

Hear World government and Marine ready to draw 100 billion baileys.

The Four Emperors Whitebeard and the red-haired aunt couldn’t help but look at each other.

You can see the seriousness in each other’s eyes.

On the other hand, Marine and the World government were extremely proud and proud.

That’s it? That’s it?

Even you pirates in the sea are too embarrassed to compete with our official lottery?

On Feith’s side, his eyes are also very sharp.

100 billion Baileys!

The side of Marine and World government is directly 100 billion baileys. Today, his lottery draw is going to be soft!

Thinking of this, Feith’s mouth twitched again.

He seems to have been soft on the draw, this 500-time advanced lottery of the Fuck Revolutionary Army

Then, although everyone in the Marines was very proud, only the high-level leaders such as Marshal Sengoku, Commander of the Three Armies Kong and Three Admiral understood that the 100 billion Bailey was not easy to come by.

After all, it is too difficult to get the 19 Celestial Dragons families to spit out their gold.

If it wasn’t for what happened in the underwater prison just now, the Five Elders were determined, and after they went back, they issued a strong order, which made every noble spit out more than 5 billion Baileys, and made up the 100 billion Baileys.

Feith couldn’t wait, “Alright, alright! Let’s announce Blackbeard’s god-level lottery first.”

This sentence made Marine’s people’s expressions rise. Blackbeard actually drew a god-level lottery?

For the god-level lottery, everyone is very interested.

God-level arbitrary gates, nerve Zanpakutō these are epic strategy-level artifacts.

And so far, they haven’t drawn many god-level lottery prizes, and I don’t know what other heaven-defying babies are out there.

And the supernovas want to see what kind of prizes will appear in the 20 billion Bailey lottery.

Soon Feith pulled out a golden random door.

In an instant, golden flashes lit up the audience.

Immediately, the Four Emperors, Doflamingo, Marine and other three forces all looked solemn.

God-level arbitrary door!!

It’s out of stock!

In a god-level lottery, the prizes were given out directly, instead of tobacco and alcohol bye.

Blackbeard is so lucky, isn’t it?

But Blackbeard looked at the golden random door with a confused expression on his face.

He didn’t know what was the use of this golden random door.

Is it made of pure gold?

He tentatively said: “Brother Feith, what function does this golden random door have~?”

Feith grinned: “This is called a god-level random door, Blackbeard, you are lucky!”

Blackbeard scratched his head and smirked in front of Feith: “Hehe! Brother Feith, you have won!”

How humble and humble it must be.

“The appearance of this arbitrary gate means that you are completely liberated from the arbitrary gate. The number of times this god-level arbitrary gate can be used is unlimited.”

“And you don’t need to go where you’ve been, just a photo to go where you haven’t been.

Hearing the words, Blackbeard, who was smirking originally, immediately had big eyes.

He was startled.

Doesn’t that mean that he doesn’t have to count the number of times any door is used in the future?

It’s not so cool!

For a pirate group like them who often go out to hunt, this is simply the best prize.

One can imagine how much help they have for the Pirates.

And you don’t need to go there, you can get there directly with photos.

This means that in the future, they only need to rely on the photos on the bounty to find the ability on the bounty.

It’s as convenient as it can be, right?

And it can also better avoid the pursuit of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Yes! With a photo, Laozi went to a place that Whitebeard had not been to, how did Whitebeard catch himself?

Only incompetent rage!

Except for the supernovas with their heads screaming and the mush, other people present who saw this god-level random door for the first time were shocked when they heard Feith’s introduction.

The Golden Emperor, Kaido and the three disasters under his command looked at this golden random door with green eyes.

Even if the number of times of use is unlimited, there is still a bug function that only looks at photos?

Doesn’t this mean that with just a picture of Raftel you can go straight to the final island?

Kaido was excited at the thought of this, and he had coveted that treasure for a long time.

This made him very much want to get the god-level arbitrary door in front of him.

You have to make money yourself and do a big one.

As a scientist, Quinn is even more fiery. If he can analyze this thing, he can achieve mass production.

This can undoubtedly surpass Vegapunk and become the world’s first scientist!

If this idea is known to Kizaru, I’m afraid he will laugh.

Dr. Vegapunk is now living in a wheelchair. Wouldn’t it be a deep depression that was directly hit by Quinn?

And Fan’s heart was also shaken. As Hou Yi of the kingdom of God, he was regarded as a god before, and he had never seen such a bug.

Feith ignored them and waved his hand: “, “OK, Blackbeard’s lottery draw is complete, and the next line is Doflamingo!”

Blackbeard laughed: “Yes yes yes!”

Immediately, any door emitting golden light was closed.

Because he always felt that the eyes of the people around him were not right, especially Kaido and the three disasters, their faces seemed to be eager to snatch.

Doflamingo followed suit, waiting for Feith to reveal his prize.

Doflamingo’s lottery this time is a super lottery and a top lottery, so the prizes are nothing special.

There is no god-level arbitrary door to give too many shocks to the people around.

However, as the emperor of the underground dark world, the prizes Feith brought out were basically just what Doflamingo needed, and they still made him smile.

In fact, if it is not just needed, Doflamingo will not continue to choose to draw super lottery and top lottery.

Super Maotai, Super Huazi, these are all routine operations, followed by any door with 7,500 uses, Super Fairy Bean, (Li Li’s) Top Stamina Dan, Super Stamina Dan and so on.

The strength of the family has increased again.

Too bad it didn’t get Super Zanpakutō.

However, what made Doflamingo most delighted was his second Devil Fruit draw.

After eliminating the curse of the sea, he once again reached a new height after possessing the second Devil Fruit ability.

Feith feels that Luffy is no match for Doflamingo and the Donquixote family even if he has a fifth gear.

Going to Dressrosa, Luffy’s gang just finished the flower!

By the way, the supernovas are basically all there, what are Luffy and the others doing?

Why hasn’t it appeared yet?

Feith is still waiting to see his Robin and Nami!

Now that the Empress has entered the fish pond, it is time to consider putting more fish.

And these things like Doflamingo are normal for the old fritters in the lottery, but for everyone in the supernova, it is once again subverting the three views!

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