Chapter 261 The powerful effect of the god-level physical strength pill, the aunt is surprised!

The god-level physical strength pill melted in the mouth, and it took time for the aunt’s eyes to burst into a heat wave, sweeping the audience.

Even if it is a super physical strength pill, the effect is still in the body, but the effect of the god-level physical strength pill at this time is external.

The aunt couldn’t help screaming up to the sky, her face full of excitement.

Taking advantage of this momentum, Conqueror’s Haki erupted directly!

Dark red lightning instantly scattered to the surroundings, and a cyclone spread out from under the aunt’s feet.

The expressions of everyone around them changed drastically.

The Chinese child in Kizaru’s hand was blown crookedly. He looked at his aunt in surprise, “Ming! This Conqueror’s is really scary!”

Everyone in the outer supernova only felt a huge cold gushing out from the bottom of their hearts.

All of them were trembling all over, and their faces were pale.

The Conqueror’s Haki released by Big Mom made them face an impenetrable mountain.

And they are the building-ants at the foot of this mountain..

“This, this Conqueror’s Haki is too scary!?”

“The might of the Four Emperors…

Everyone almost fainted!

The redhead and Whitebeard raised their brows, they understood that Big Mom’s combat power had improved by several grades.

After a while, the aunt slowly restrained Haki, but at this time she was so excited that her whole body was shaking.

Katakuri swallowed, and then quickly asked, “Mom, how does this god-level physical strength pill work?”

The aunt grinned constantly, and replied with a smile: “The progress this time is equivalent to 10 years of penance for me!”


“ten years!?”

“So exaggerated??”

After hearing the answer ten years ago, everyone’s face was full of astonishment.

This effect is a bit exaggerated!

Kaido couldn’t help swallowing, his voice was a little choked: “Ten, ten years…

In twenty years, he achieved the position of the Four Emperors and achieved the title of the strongest creature today.

And this medicinal pill was worth half of his continuous hard training.

The eyes of Shichibukai and others were already full of longing, and the temptation of this god-level physical strength pill was too great for them.

Monsters like Big Mom can improve for ten years, so what about them?

Could it be fifteen years, or even twenty years?

A physical strength pill can almost increase the strength to break through the sky!

Not a single one of the big bosses present was not fluctuating in their hearts.

The aunt has regained her youth, and at the same time has peak strength. At this time, she will increase such terrifying physical strength, and the combat effectiveness can be imagined.

I ate Super Immortal Beans before, I am afraid that the current aunt has gone beyond the scope of the Four Emperors and entered the level of overlords like Roger and Rocks.

“Okay, okay!” Feith pulled everyone’s thoughts back.

Immediately, he said, “Auntie’s prizes have all been distributed, and the next one is Marine’s!”

Sure enough, it suddenly attracted everyone’s attention. After all, this is a 100 billion Bailey lottery, and all of them are god-level lottery, so there is no guaranteed lottery.

The Marine executives and the Five Elders were hot in their hearts, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

Seeing so many good things, they want to get them out too.

Don’t do anything like alcohol and tobacco…

On the Four Emperors side, the eyes of Whitebeard, Red Hair, and Rayleigh were extremely solemn.

Seeing so many good things, they felt a little drum in their hearts.

Pray that Marine doesn’t get the good stuff, it’s extremely bad for them to rescue Ace when they do.

Under everyone’s different eyes, Feith took out Marine’s first prize: a god-level random door.

Marshal Sengoku took over the door and said with a smile, “That’s not too much!”

The elders of the Five Elders smiled and nodded: “That’s right!”

The elder said: “In the future, we will travel, and there is no need to count the number of uses!”

Second Elder Ah Dao: “Are you still thinking about traveling?”

“This thing should be paired with Marine’s strong first to improve the control of the sea, and those ordinary arbitrary doors can be returned to the Vice Admiral, or even the Rear Admiral to use:

Although everyone has guessed that the god-level random door is the standard configuration of the god-level lottery, but if this thing can make every strong person have one, then Marine’s control over the sea can be said to be invincible!

No need for Admiral to go to any place, just look at the same local photos, and make Admiral visit in an instant!

Feith went on to take out the second prize: God-level Stamina Pill.

As soon as the god-level physical strength pill came out, it took time. Five Elders, three Admiral, Marshal Sengoku, and veteran Garp couldn’t help laughing.

This thing has just been shown by the aunt’s effect, who doesn’t like it?

…for flowers…

Whoever gives it means that whoever can instantly increase the combat power.

The Marine and the Five Elders were so happy, the Four Emperors looked a little ugly.

The five elders looked at Whitebeard, the redhead and the others with a provocative expression, and took the god-level physical strength pill in Feith’s hands in front of them.

This made the Four Emperors face black.

However, the Great Elder did not take it directly by himself, so he is not in a hurry to improve his strength, after all, there are not many opportunities to take action in person.

Besides, isn’t it more fragrant to let others do it than to do it yourself?

The first elder thought about it, and decisively called Akainu out: “Akainu, this god-level physical strength pill will be given to you!”

“I hope you can work harder in the future, do things for Marine, and win glory for the World government!”

At this moment, even Akainu, who has been keeping his old face all the time, couldn’t help but get excited. He didn’t expect that the Great Elder would give him this god-level physical strength pill!

Now that he has the ability to double fruit, the physical consumption is even greater when fighting, almost twice as much as before, and it is difficult to fight for a long time as before.

With a god-level physical strength pill, it’s completely different, right?

Look at the effect that aunt just said, if he can also have that effect, let alone fighting for ten days and ten nights as before, even if it is thirty days and thirty nights, there is no problem.

Akainu is not a hypocritical person, he took over the god-level stamina pill from the elder, and then ate the god-level stamina pill.

Immediately, just like Aunt, the powerful medicinal power formed a burst of heat.

Akainu was deeply shocked by the effect of this god-level physical strength pill.

Although it is shocking to see others improve, but there is no real feeling, only by improving yourself can you clearly feel the powerful effect of this god-level physical strength pill.

Although it is said that his improvement is not as much as the ten years that Da Code said, there are also the results of more than eight years and nearly nine years of penance.

This also shows that his previous strength is already above the aunt!

This is also normal, Akainu has eaten a lot of physical strength pills before, plus he entered the time room to practice for a day, and finally ate the second Devil Fruit. During this time, Akainu’s strength has already improved by leaps and bounds.

However, the god-level physical strength pill can still bring him such an effect, which is enough to show the strength of the physical strength pill.

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