Chapter 267 Feith is a proper safe area here!

Feeling the fear of the forces around him, Sengoku burst out laughing and took over the gravity training room from Feith’s hands.

Holding the gravity training room in his hand, Sengoku looked around and said loudly: “God level! Deserved god level prize!”

The faces of the people around were ugly, and they were all silent, and no one refuted.

Because this gravity training room is worthy of the god-level improvement in the overall combat power of the forces.

Three Admiral, Five Elders and others also laughed out loud.

The five elders should be as proud as they are. In the future, whether it is Marine or the CP spy agency, there will be more powerhouses.

This is undoubtedly of great significance to the stability of their World government.

By the way, will Imm-sama be happy if he knows?

Maybe he (she) can sit back and relax from now on, and even this thing is more meaningful to “Five Five Seven” Lord Yimu compared to the Time Room.

In the infinite years of life, he (she) can use this gravity training room to continuously improve his strength until it is lower than 1000 times the gravity.

At that time, the Ancient Weapon and the “big secret treasure” will not be able to shake Lord Yimu.

The first elder planned to find a time to go to the garden after returning and report the good news to Lord Yimu.

On the other hand, the three Admiral’s thoughts are not so complicated, and they are purely singing in front of a group of opposing forces.

Kizaru “giggled” and laughed, a face comparable to that of a group of ants.

In fact, he is the happiest in his heart. With this thing, Marine will give birth to many strong men, so that he, the Admiral, can completely paddle around.

Just don’t be too happy.

Looking at Kizaru’s face, Kaido gritted his teeth.

The most master of beasts, as Zoan’s commander, this gravity training room is the best training artifact for him.

Zoan can constantly break through and improve his existence under constant pressure.

If there is this gravity training room, his Beasts Pirates will surpass other Four Emperors in the near future, achieve the modern version of “Rocks Pirate”, and even surpass, open the era of violence!

And the aunt who was full and well-fed came back to her senses later. After learning about the gravity training room, she was shocked at the time.

At the same time, the greedy color in his eyes instantly appeared.

She couldn’t help but said, “Sengoku, how about I continue to trade things with you?”

“In exchange for this gravity training room!”

Sengoku couldn’t help laughing when he heard the words: “Auntie, is your brain a watt?”

“What do you think?”

Aunt snorted coldly and stopped talking about it. She naturally knew that Marine would never agree to trade this thing, so she just said it casually.

She looked arrogant: “I will draw the lottery myself, as long as I have enough money, am I afraid that I won’t be able to draw?”

After tying the god-level gourmet tablecloth to her hands, the aunt said to the other Four Emperors: “Since the lottery has been completed, this fairy, I will go back!”

She planned to go back and enjoy the food, and after saying this, the aunt glanced at the redhead and Whitebeard coldly again, and said angrily: “Whitebeard, the two of you redhead hurry up and return the money to me, but I want to continue. lottery

Whitebeard and the red-haired two remained silent.

The aunt’s face sank: “Ace’s public execution is imminent, if I can’t see the money before, don’t think that I will appear on the battlefield…

Putting this sentence down, Auntie ignored Whitebeard and the redhead and turned to look at Feith.

The originally calm face immediately changed, and he smiled and said: “Master Feith, since the lottery is over, then I will say goodbye first!”

Feith was silent and nodded.

The aunt thought for a while and said, “Lord Feith, what do you want to eat? Before leaving, I will help you leave what you want to eat!”

“Braised lion’s head, rice rolls, and jade cicadas are sold,” Feith said about some special snacks before the crossing, as well as special delicacies.

This made Auntie stunned when she heard it.

What is braised lion head?

The lion’s to burn?

What is sausage powder

The aunt was a little embarrassed, and said with a dry smile: “Master Feith, these… or I will lend you the tablecloth of a god-level gourmet, and you can make it yourself?”

Feith waved: “Go back, go back!”

He was just a mouthful, just saying a word.

Auntie had to say goodbye respectfully, and then left with the Auntie Pirates.

As soon as Auntie left, the Kaido Pirates didn’t stop.

Kaido said to Feith: “Thank you for your kindness!

“I will definitely come to the lottery with a huge amount of wealth next time to repay the adults!”

Feith waved again: “Welcome anytime!”

Kaido’s Beasts Pirates also use their own random door, and then return to the ghost island of Wanokuni!

Whitebeard, the redhead, and Rayleigh also said goodbye to Feith, but because of the long contact, they did not have the same relationship between Aunt and Kaido, and their tone was relatively relaxed.

Feith also talked to them a few more words, and soon everyone stopped staying and left.

Because this time they didn’t draw a god-level lottery, they were already behind Marine.

In addition, Auntie also traded Super Zanpakutō to Marine, and now Marine has two Super Zanpakutō and one Feijian, it is very difficult for them to win such a war.

They have to come to the god-level lottery a few more times to catch up, and they still owe Auntie 50 billion Bailey. If they want to maintain an alliance with Auntie, this money has to be paid.

The Four Emperors left one after another, and the surroundings became much cleaner in an instant.

The Five Elders also said goodbye to Feith, and thanked Feith.

Feith waved his hand: “There’s nothing to thank you for, it’s all your own money.

“When the Four Emperors have money to draw, they will also get it.”

The first elder grinned: “That’s what you said, but you let us see a wider world and let us have the opportunity to go to a higher sky to see, which is enough to thank you.”

“Victory or defeat, these 4.7 are just the laws of development of civilization in this world, and you let us see higher and wider in it”

Feith nodded. “You’re right!”

He’s too lazy to talk about the truth..

Marine and the Five Elders departed one after another, and this time they left with the greatest joy and returned with a reward.

Although it is said that other forces will definitely come to Feith to continue the lottery, but they Marine are now ahead of schedule and can go one step ahead, and that is enough.

The Revolutionary Army breathed a sigh of relief when Marine and the World government left.

It seems that in Feith, no matter which side of the forces will make a move, this is simply a safe zone in this world!

Long thought in his heart, after returning home, he would have to convene members of the revolutionary army and hold a meeting.

Tell them to run to Feith if they are in danger!

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