Chapter 269 The mainstream of today’s world: lottery draw!

Sparkling fruit, and Thunder Fruit…Double Demon fruit power!?

No! There are also the raffle fruits mentioned earlier

Three Demon fruit power!!

All supernovas have one Ling, three Devil Fruit abilities in their hearts, no! It should not only be three Devil Fruit abilities…

Supernova everyone just felt that the only remaining world view was crumbling again.

How many Devil Fruit abilities can a person have?

Before their answer was definitely yes, isn’t this nonsense?

Surely one, but now they don’t know how to answer…

Everyone let out a sigh of relief as if introducing fate.

No matter what! The opposite is a transcendent existence, and discussing common sense with the transcendent boss is not common sense in itself.

At the same time, Feith’s strike just now sounded a thunderbolt and lit a cigarette, which made the supernova crowd realize that Feith Devil Fruit’s control and development level have also reached a terrifying level.

On the other hand, Bege, the person involved, was still in shock at this time, and he was almost scared and he didn’t think so much at all.

However, after sucking the Hua Zi in his mouth, his eyes, which had been dazed and empty due to being overly frightened, regained their vigor.

This Hua Zi calmed the fear in his heart, and Bege couldn’t help showing an expression of disbelief, and then he took a few more sips.

The more you pumped, the brighter your eyes became, and the more you pumped, the more fear you had just receded, and at the same time there was that infinitely beautiful feeling.

Bege couldn’t help but praise: “Good smoke! Good smoke!”

Hua Zi made him energized, and he had never smoked such a top-quality one in his life.

He used to think his cigars were not bad, but now he smokes Huazi, what the hell is a cigar?

This Hua Zi is the best, isn’t it?

Others also slowly recovered from the panic just now, and everyone tried Moutai.

Feith is staring at Kira, and he is very curious about how Kira drinks while wearing a mask.

This is like how Kakashi eats.

However, Kira is not as mysterious as Kakashi. When drinking Moutai, he pushed the mask up halfway to reveal his mouth.

This makes Feith less interested.

And after the supernova people tasted Moutai, they were all fluttering and immersed in the indescribable beauty.

Everyone was shocked by Maotai liquor.

Later, Feith took out any gates with 50 uses and some random gates with only 3 uses.

Although the number of times is small, it is a good thing for these supernovas who have just met.

Kid got a fan that has been used for 50 times, and can’t wait to experience it.

It is followed by the primary physical strength pill and the intermediate physical strength pill, which are sent to the corresponding supernova.

This surprised the supernovas who got the physical strength pill, and they took it immediately.

Feeling the warm current in the body, filling the whole body, followed by the increase of the upper limit of physical strength, which made the eyes of several people who took the physical strength pill brightened.

Because their strength is still weak, even the primary physical strength pills have added a year or more to them as a result of penance.

Kid couldn’t help but look forward to it, “I have increased the upper limit of physical strength for about a year. If this is a super physical strength pill, or a god-level physical strength pill… Isn’t this going to heaven!~[!”

If you get a few more, your physical strength can reach the terrifying level of the Four Emperors, right?

Soon, the supernova prizes will be distributed, nothing special, basically all

By the way, Bege also got a replacement camera, which is useless to other people, but he is very happy.

I plan to give it to my wife.

That is the aunt’s daughter.

Although the prizes are ordinary, the faces of every supernova are full of joy. After all, these things are not bad prizes for them.

Everyone looked at Feith and thanked them.

Thanks Feith for giving them the chance to draw, otherwise they probably wouldn’t be able to get such a magical thing in their lifetime.

Feith Aah smiled, carrying his hands on his back, that is called a calm.

“As long as you have money, you can come to the lottery anytime!” Feith continued.

Kid grinned, “It’s Lord Nature!”

“If we don’t come to the lottery, we will be used by the Four Emperors to drive further and further away.

Kira also smiled and nodded: “It seems that we need to make good money in the future, so that we can quickly improve and arm ourselves.”

Bege also agrees with this point of view, “If you don’t make money and don’t draw lottery prizes, it is estimated that Marine will be able to sing us with any Rear Admiral in the future.”

Although it is difficult to say in a short period of time, but now Marine has obtained a gravity training room, I am afraid that in a year or two, this can really be achieved.

Everyone in Supernova also deeply knows that if they want to gain a foothold in this era, it is no longer advisable to practice like that before, and they must make money and draw lottery prizes.

Feith listened to their discussion, smiling as brightly as possible.

That’s right! The mainstream of the current era is the lottery!

Maybe you can shout in front of everyone: Do you want to be the pirate king?

Do you want to be the strongest invincible?

Want to experience the coldness of standing on top of the mountain?

Come on! Come and see me Feith – raffle!

Everything you want can be achieved.

Feith thinks to herself that she is no longer happy, she feels like a middle school sophomore!

But it’s really cool!

Find an opportunity to be silent in front of a group of strong people!

The supernova crowd quickly said goodbye to Feith, all respectfully.

Fei didn’t say anything, and after the Supernova crowd left, he started adding points.

Today, except for the Bingbing ability obtained by eating Devil Fruit himself, all other abilities are tens of thousands or even nearly 100,000 East attribute points.

Even if you don’t use Devil Fruit ability fusion attack, just one Devil Fruit ability (Li Li Zhao) is enough to instantly kill any top powerhouse.

Thinking no more, Feith began to consume the harvest this time.

Time flies, and the opening of Summit War is getting closer and closer.

In the past few days, Feith met with Hancock, the empress who was the best friend of his, and at the same time went to The fish men island, and asked Whitebeard for the ownership of The fish men island.

The fish men island was Big Mom’s territory two years later, but now Whitebeard is still alive and protected by Whitebeard.

When Feith spoke, Whitebeard happily agreed, and Feith began to work on putting the second fish into the pond.

And the world is quietly changing.

In the tavern of Sabaody Archipelago, it was originally a place where pirates gathered. The business of the tavern used to be booming, but now it is deserted.

Suddenly, a strong man slapped the table angrily and said, “It’s really grandma’s leg! Is New World crazy?”

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