Chapter 290 The Powerhouses of the Old Era Get Out of Trouble!

After a battle, both sides suffered damage, but Magellan was more disadvantaged than Blackbeard.

At this time, the Blackbeard Pirates, after a period of crazy lottery, played a key role in the physical strength pills, super fairy beans, fairy beans, etc., which were extremely helpful to the battle.

Magellan is now undead Blackbeard!

In addition, Blackbeard also has a super Zanpakutō, which restrains his venom to death. Although he also has it, the Blackbeard Pirates are better than the crowd.

In addition, during this period of time, Blackbeard used any door to continuously hunt Devil Fruit ability. At this time, all members of the black group have Devil Fruit ability.

On Magellan’s side, he thought he was a strong enough player.

Hannyabal was already bleeding all over at this time!

But even so, Magellan and Hannyabal and others are not going backwards.

They have their own ethics and principles!

This is not the way to go!

Magellan figured in his heart that it didn’t matter if he was defeated, he was not afraid of death.

The most important thing is the prisoners on the sixth floor of the underwater prison. Once Blackbeard releases them, things will become uncontrollable, and the whole world will be in chaos.

No way! Be sure to ask for support!

Thinking of this, Magellan immediately took out the phone bug, intending to notify Naval Headquarters. If Naval Headquarters can’t find time now, he can also notify the CP intelligence agency for help.

However, just as Magellan took out the phone bug, a gunshot echoed in the aisle!

The phone bug in Magellan’s hand was defeated, sticking out his tongue feebly, his head drooping.

Magellan’s pupils shrank, he looked for a sound, and saw Van Oka under Blackbeard’s command holding a gun, the muzzle of which was still smoking.

Magellan’s face turned ugly.

Opposite Blackbeard grinning, he looked at Magellan and said, “We are fully prepared for this time!”

“All communication equipment here has been destroyed by my people!

“Hey hey, at this moment, a feeble voice sounded.

Poison Q was lying on the ground, and he said: “Captain, the avatar that came out of my avatar’s fruit ability has already killed everyone else in the world!!

“Very good!” Blackbeard is more confident!

“Since it’s been so long, let’s end this farce! Then meet our new partners!”

As darkness completely enveloped the corridor on the sixth floor, after a while, only the Blackbeard Pirates were left in the corridor.

Blackbeard glanced at the (bceh) empty corridor and sneered: “I didn’t expect to be run away by this guy Magellan!”

Blackbeard ignored it and looked around at the prison.

The battle in the prison has come to an end, in order to get out this opportunity, everyone has the chance to break their heads and fight chicken blood.

It can be said that there is purgatory on earth.

But for Blackbeard, it is a beautiful picture.

He chuckled: the victors, “Welcome to your freedom!”

Blackbeard opened the cages one by one, and those who were still alive and strong from the old era walked out one by one, walking out full of bright red.

The Big Wine Barrel, the Xuanyue Hunter, the Evil King, etc., and Crocodile, as well as Jinbei, Bullet, Red Earl, Golden Lion, Byrnndi, have all come out of the cage.

Those old-time powerhouses who were truly famous and famous, immediately asked Blackbeard to help them untie the seastone handcuffs.

Blackbeard waved his hand, “I admit that I am not your opponent, and I will not release anyone who threatens me!”

Crocodile, however, laughed and threw the keys to them without authorization.

Everyone is so different, why does Crocodile have a key!?

When everyone took over the key, it turned out that it was made of sand.

All the old-time powerhouses had smiles on their faces, and couldn’t wait to untie the seastones on their bodies.

As soon as the handcuffs were untied, the momentum of an old-time powerhouse swept the audience.

Bullet, Red Earl, Golden Lion, Byrnndi and others were unstoppably excited. They thought about this moment for a long time and looked forward to it for a long time.

They are finally free!

Bullet grinned and stepped directly in front of Blackbeard. Haki’s figure directly pressed Blackbeard’s head.

“Blackbeard, right? You didn’t plan to help us untie the handcuffs just now!??”

Not only Bullet, Golden Lion, Red Earl and other famous old-time powerhouses all looked at Blackbeard with half-smiles.

This made Blackbeard consciously stressed.

You must know that they are different from Magellan, and Magellan thinks that they are top-level powerhouses, and each of these people in front of them is an existence that can dominate one side.

Bullet said lightly: “Blackbeard, show us those prizes, and we won’t embarrass you!

The Golden Lion and other old-time powerhouses also agree with this statement.

“That’s right! Let’s see the prizes from Feith’s raffles.

“Let’s have a good time with our eyes, let’s forget what happened just now!”

“Otherwise don’t blame us for being rude!”

For a moment, Blackbeard was silent.

To be honest, Blackbeard is not really afraid of them. Now the strength of everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates has greatly increased, and basically everyone has Zanpakutō in hand, so there is no hope of winning.

But mainly it was not necessary. He came here to win over his partners, so it would be very uneconomical if there were casualties in the battle.

Blackbeard thought for a moment and said, “There are some things I can say no to, but…

“I can give you what I just got from Magellan.”

“There are also bamboo dragonflies and these can be lent to you!

In order to avoid the battle, Blackbeard relented and took out some less important things.

Of course! Naturally, he wouldn’t believe the nonsense of these people. It would be good if he had passed his eyes.

So the things that are sent out are also prepared to be unnecessary.

Bullet is domineering, and naturally he doesn’t want to.

And Earl Red used his brains a bit more and thought about it to persuade everyone.

Everyone nodded and agreed, after all, Earl Red had a bit of a thin face in the past.

Blackbeard breathed a sigh of relief, and gave these old-time powerhouses some less important things to experience.

Any door, bamboo dragonfly, universal capsule and so on.

Bullet, Red Earl and others couldn’t help but gasp in amazement after the experience.

If “I had this random door back then, Buster Call in the face of Marine could have left calmly!” Bullet sighed.

Others are also brave, thinking that this time they will have to draw a lottery for themselves and others.

At this time, Golden Lion grinned and said, “Would you like to go to Naval Headquarters to use it once?”

“We’ve been locked up for so long, it’s time for us to vent!”

“Anyway, there is any door you can leave at any time, and at the same time announce to the world that we are back!”

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