Chapter 308 New Prize: Immortal Pill!

The Great Elder hurriedly did not dare to neglect any longer, and hurriedly ran to get 100 billion Baileys.

During this time, Feith inquired about the mysteries of Im’s origins.

In the face of Feith of the same level, Im did not hide anything, and told Feith that her real name was actually Syndra!

And there is also a very exciting news for Feith, that is, Im is actually Joey Boy’s wife, and Poseidon, Pluton and Uranus say that they are Ancient Weapons, but they are actually Im’s three children!

I’m going!! Feith calls out the connotation!

Yimu established the World Government, destroyed Raftel, and erased the existence of 100 years of history. It turned out to be to hide her behavior of murdering her husband and her son. Is this family violence so violent?

Feith wanted to continue to ask, but the Great Elder quickly brought 100 billion Baileys, so he had to suppress the doubts in his heart and plan to ask later.

“Lord Yimu, the 100 billion Bailey you asked for has already been brought!” The elder said solemnly.

Money is naturally packed in a universal capsule, otherwise it would be difficult for so many people to take it all.

Yimu didn’t even look at it, he waved his hand indifferently and said, “Give it to Your Excellency Feith!”


“Yes!” The elder responded, and then he looked up at Feith on the Ice Throne helplessly.

The elders are very depressed in their hearts, do the big guys like high places?

How are you going to send it up yourself? Jumping on it directly is rude and unsightly..

Throwing it directly would be disrespectful to Lord Feith.

However, just when he was in trouble, he suddenly discovered that the universal capsule in his hand was actually vacated.

The first elder was stunned for a moment, and looked at the floating omnipotent capsule with a confused look on his face.

Why is it floating!?

Everyone around is also a little bit affectionate, why did this all-purpose capsule suddenly float?

On the throne of the sky, Im’s heroic eyes jumped, and he grinned.

The suspended universal capsule just fell into Feith’s hands.

“I’m going!! Mind manipulation??” Kizaru exclaimed the inner meaning!

And Sengoku and Garp suddenly thought of a person, someone they used to deal with a lot – Golden Lion!

“This, this is the Lion Fruit ability of Golden Lion!!” Sengoku’s voice became disbelieving.

“Feith, you, how much (bceh) do you have Devil Fruit abilities?” Garp’s voice was shocked to the extreme.

Since they have seen Feith’s abilities so far, there have been nearly 10 abilities, right?

Is it really all the Devil Fruit illustrations??

Feith chuckled and didn’t answer.

Directly put the 100 billion Bailey in the universal capsule into the system.

He looked directly at Im and said, “How do you want to draw the lottery?”

“Five times god-level!” Im also very direct, said indifferently.


Feith did not continue talking nonsense in response, and started ten god-level lottery draws.

In my mind, a god-level turntable appeared, turning…

On the opposite side, Im in this waiting period, like Feith, said something about the 100-year history of the blank.

Because Joyboy advocates equality and freedom of all races, and is unwilling to suggest a world where one person is king, and Syndra, that is, Im, has no opinion at first.

However, as time passed, human nature was gradually exposed, and conflicts occurred among various ethnic groups for the sake of interests, resulting in frequent conflicts. Im began to re-examine the status quo and proposed that one person should centralize power and formulate rules for all ethnic groups, so as to suppress conflicts.

Yet Joy Boy, the idealist, refused.

Finally one day a fierce conflict broke out, this time the incident swept almost half of the race, and Joyboy and Im’s four daughters died in this conflict.

This battle made Im completely give up, she had a huge conflict with Joyboy’s ideas, and eventually the two parted ways.

Im used her ability for the god of the sea, Syndra, to pray like the sea and make a request like the sea, thus growing the Devil Fruit tree.

The fruit of the Devil Fruit tree can give people power, but also be cursed by Im.

However, people pursue power and ignore the curse at all. The emergence of the Devil Fruit tree has also exacerbated the contradictions and conflicts among the races. Various races have started large-scale killings for their own power.

And Yimu took the opportunity to draw 20 powerful subordinates, and finally launched the Battle of Suqing when the war of all ethnic groups was the most intense!

I want to use the power of the sea to destroy all races, and then build a centralized state by myself.

At this time, Joey Boy and his three sons came to stop, and finally the family fought.

Im and his 20 subordinates were said to have won in the end, but Im also suffered heavy losses.

Although she used the hidden ability of Op-Op Fruit to gain immortality, the trauma left by that battle made her body unable to withstand the heavy load and began to rot. She needs to drink blood to maintain it, otherwise she will become a zombie Or like a skeleton man.

Yimu was talking about this blank one hundred years, Feith was listening, and suddenly a voice sounded in his mind: “Congratulations to the Host for getting a new item: Bulao Dan!

“As long as you take this pill, you can keep your youth and vitality forever, the world is not on fire, and I will not be extinguished!

Feith was startled.

It’s too coincidental, isn’t it?

Im just said that her body is now rotten, and this is the undead pill.

If this elixir is given away, won’t Yimu be grateful to himself?

This completely solves her current troubles!

However, Feith is not immortal now, and he is thinking about whether to keep this elixir for himself.

After some deliberation, Feith decided to send this elixir away.

First, he doesn’t need it for a short time now, and secondly, he still has time to wrap his skin around, so he can completely guarantee his youthful vitality.

Thinking of this, the golden light on Feith gradually faded.

Yimu’s eyes moved slightly on the throne of the sky opposite, but he still maintained an indifferent attitude, and said lightly: “Your Excellency Feith, what did I draw?”

“Read it for you, I guess you’ll thank me a lot!” Feith laughed.

Yimu disagreed: “If it was Feijian, Devil Fruit, etc., I wouldn’t even blink!”

“You must know that to a certain extent, I am the creator of the Devil Fruit tree!”

Feith shrugged, stopped talking, and took out the prize.

God-level random door! This is the standard for the god-level lottery, and it is the same bye as Maotai and Huazi.

The second and third are god-level physical strength pills, which made Yimu a little interested.

“Late? Is this thing still effective at my level?”

Feith touched his nose: “You’ll know if you try it?”

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