Chapter 327 Im admitting defeat!

Feith uses the power of all the fruits to converge into a single sword.

The terrifying momentum caused the sea water below him to flow backwards continuously, and a huge pit appeared.

“One Blade Stream Three Thousand Worlds Collapse!”

Feith drank lowly, constantly concentrating on the sword.

The face of Im on the other side was extremely pale, and he did not hide his horror at all.

Even if it was a flying sword, she didn’t have the confidence to block it.

It will die, it will die, it will die…

The thought keeps popping up in my mind, I’m going to die, I’m going to die

A strong death filled her heart, crushing Im’s arrogance as an overlord and an invincible powerhouse.

I saw Im suddenly shouting: “No more! No more!”

“I give up, I give up!” Im repeated, afraid Feith wouldn’t hear, and cut the knife.

On the opposite side, Feith had already prepared the sword, but when he heard Fei’s words, he was stunned.

Admit defeat? No?

Feith looked melancholy, and said, “Don’t! I’m ready for this sword, and it’s not too late to admit defeat when this sword is over!”

On the opposite side, Yimu has already disregarded his image, and waved his hands again and again: “Stop fighting! Stop fighting! With a sword, I will die!”

Feith pouted, then said: “It’s alright! If you really die, I’ll use the time-wrapped resurrection version to help revive you.

“I’m having a good time now, play with me for a while!”

Feith is telling the truth, and Imm can pick up a few tricks from him. If it were someone else, it would be impossible to get so cool, so Feith wants to continue fighting now!

But Im didn’t want to, she heard Feith’s words, and she felt like she had eaten shit.

Look, is this a human word?

Take your life to play with you, who would think?

Although it is said that the skin can be resurrected in time, but who will die if it is good?

Im waved his hands again and again: “Your Excellency Feith, you are really too powerful, I can’t match, w!”

“So I gave up!

Fei looked regretful, and wanted to persuade again: “Imm, let me draw this sword? I’ve been posing for so long, I must be a teacher when I cut this sword!”

Im’s face is black, fuck! You are handsome, what about me? Almost like a beggar.

Today’s Yimu looks like a destitute beggar. The original luxurious aristocratic clothing has long been tattered, but fortunately, it is still covered by clothes, the mask is broken, the crown is dropped, and the hair is scattered, which is extremely embarrassing.

She has lived 800 years, and when has she been so embarrassed?

However, these are also thought about in my heart. Now Im has a fear of Feith in his heart, which is the shadow left by the just confrontation.

I just heard Yimu say: “Your Excellency Feith, you are already handsome, you don’t need to be handsome anymore!”

Feith sighed, with a look of regret: “What a pity! Alas! I still have a bit of something to say, what a hearty battle!”

The words of Sabaody Archipelago, Feith made the corners of the mouths of the pirate powerhouses who oppose Im couldn’t help twitching.

Sir Feith, could you please not speak?

You are really hearty, but your opponent is miserable!

Forcing Yimu to rely on the flying sword to save his life at the last moment.

By the way, shouldn’t you collude with Im to act together and advertise your prizes?

Everyone thought it was very possible, but Feith did not expect such a routine.

When Im heard Feith’s words, the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

She only felt extremely painful, but she didn’t feel hearty at all.

He ignored Feith and hurried back to Sabaody Archipelago using any door.

She was worried that if Feith felt that she wanted to play, and would give herself a blow without admitting defeat, it would be Barbie q.

Im back in front of the coastal villa in Sabaody Archipelago.

When they got close, everyone could clearly see what Yimu looked like now.

Although not too serious injuries, but still suffered a lot of injuries, even the mouth Kakuzu bleeding, the internal injuries are not light.

Yimu came to the Great Elder and asked him for a fairy bean.

Although it is said that fairy beans can be resurrected, but for rich women like Yimu, it is enough to use them directly to restore their injuries.

The first elder did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly brought immortal beans to Yimu.

Looking at Yimu’s current appearance, the Great Elder still felt a little unreal in his heart.

Im able to be in such a state of embarrassment, this is not something Feith can do because of his strength, but he can completely crush Im.

Everyone else is distracted too!

Today they truly saw the terrifying power of Feith, which is completely beyond their ability to overcome.

In the crowd, Kaido kept gulping, his heart full of fear.

Lord Feith’s strength should not be too terrifying. Was I stupid at the beginning? I dared to provoke him. It’s a shame that Lord Feith didn’t care about these things, or else he would still be standing here alive?

Kaido swore that he would never offend Feith in the future.

Feith’s strength was so terrifying that even if everyone present united, they might not be his opponent.

The supernova crowd was a little overjoyed.

Although Feith didn’t say it, they were still allowed to work as bodyguards, which meant that they hugged Feith’s thigh.

Hanging the name of the bodyguard under the seat of Lord Feith, and hiring the sea, who dares to make trouble?

Kizaru, Rayleigh, Redhead and other bigwigs who have known Feith for a long time are a little emotional.

The young man who seemed to be a little obedient at the beginning, now thinks of it and suddenly feels a world away!

Today Feith has become the first person in the whole world!

In the distance, Feith stopped gaining momentum and exhaled.

“,”Alas! It’s boring!”

Even the number one person in the world, Im, has surrendered, and there is no rival in this world.

“It seems that only after reaching the system goal and opening the Myriad Realms Channel, can there be an opponent who can fight (the one who got the money)!”

For example, Saitama, people in the world of Seven Dragon Ball, or Hokage.. These worlds with higher power systems can allow Feith to fight heartily.

However, there are still some dangers in it. Take Qi Dragon Ball as an example. Now, I don’t think I can beat the top one.

Feith chuckled: “I finally know why the system has a request before opening the Myriad Realm Channel, the purpose is to make it stronger during this period…

“Really looking forward to it!”

Feith murmured, and soon stopped thinking about these things, took out any door, and returned to the Sabaody Archipelago as well!

Step in and return to Sabaody Archipelago’s coastal villa, and it immediately becomes the focus of the audience!

Everyone is watching Feith’s eyes are hot, and there is admiration and admiration.

Feith has become a big mountain in everyone’s mind, a big mountain trying to reach the top!

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