Chapter 343 Marine’s morale has greatly increased! Up to terrifying destructive power!

The original G5 branch!

After the Summit War, Marine Duo has changed beyond recognition. Marine simply moved the address of the headquarters, and the G5 branch became the Naval Headquarters today!

Many people have heard about mobile phones, and many people have talked about it, lamenting the magic of mobile phones!

Many veteran Vice Admiral plans to save money, and then go to Feith to try their luck with a top lottery after 200 million Bailey.

Now that the mobile phone Master is in the hands of a few people, everyone can’t see it for the time being, but they have seen a big guy, that is, a building that is nearly ten stories high.

Marine soldiers looked at the Gundam above the square, all of them exclaimed in amazement.

“There is such a tall robot!”

“This is the first time I’ve seen it in my life.”

“Where is this robot, this is a mecha. I heard that this mecha is full of firepower and can blow up an entire country.”

“It’s not even a matter of sinking a small island!”

“It’s… terrifying, isn’t it? It’s comparable to Marine’s most terrifying Buster Call.”

“There is no comparison at all, the size of ten Buster Calls is estimated to be less than that of a Gundam

“And the scary thing about Gundam is that it can fly, or it can enter the sea. It can be called the strongest weapon in the sea, land and air 190!”

“It’s all the same level as Ancient Weapon!”

While everyone was talking about it, Marshal Sengoku also summoned Marine soldiers to the square and planned to hold a meeting.

Now after the Summit War, Marine’s soldiers are in a bit of a slump, and it can’t go on.

Pirates formed an alliance, Roger, the pirate king, was resurrected, and Marine still had a long way to go in the future.

So Sengoku intends to use the appearance of Gundam to boost morale!

Soon, the Marines in the plaza below gathered,

On the high platform, Sengoku looked at the scale of Marine, and sighed slightly in his heart.

This time it seems that Ace is still in Marine’s hands, the pirates retreat, and Marine wins.

In fact, in a way, Marine is actually a failure.

Marine’s original Ma Lin was basically scrapped, and it has collapsed into disrepair. The number of 100,000 people is far more than the number of pirates.

Furthermore, the bastard Blackbeard became the start of the war, attacked the sixth floor of the underwater prison, and released many extremely evil criminals, so Marine did not win this time.

If the scale of Naval Headquarters is gathered from all over the place, it is only about 6w people.

Looks like it’s time to think about the world’s conscription and replenish Marine’s strength.

Soon, Sengoku stopped thinking about these things, and he started the topic of calling the soldiers this time, affirming and praising the performance of the Marine soldiers in this war.

After that, he talked about Marine’s future development and plans. After this speech, Sengoku led the theme to the giant Gundam standing behind him.

“Everyone must have seen this big guy! I also heard that it is called Gundam!”

“This is the top mecha in the world today, both in terms of mobility and destructive power!”

“Even One Piece Roger, who is not the enemy of this Gundam’s one-trick attack, was sent flying by a punch!

This sentence caused an uproar among the soldiers present.

“What? This Gundam defeats One Piece Roger!?”

“I remember that even Whitebeard with Shock Fruit ability is not Roger’s opponent, right?”

“That’s right! More than 20 years ago, the Roger Pirates fought against the Whitebeard Pirates. The two sides fought for three days and three nights. In the end, Roger was slightly better. At that time, Roger was still ill, which shows the horror of Roger!

“The Roger Gundam standing at the top of the pirates can be relaxed, not to mention the others?

“With this Gundam, what are we Marines afraid of in the future?”

“That’s right! If only there was such a big guy in the war at that time, we would definitely wipe out all the pirates!”

Sengoku’s words were undoubtedly a boost for everyone, and the morale of the Marine soldiers was high for a while.

One Piece (bcbf) Roger is a figure who stands at the pinnacle of pirates, even if there should be no Whitebeard, redhead, aunt, etc., who have eaten a lot of physical strength pills, and the rising star of Super Fairy Bean is strong, but the fame is there.

Roger’s rout was the best inspiration for Marine’s soldiers.

Sengoku looked at the Marine soldiers whose morale had risen a lot, and was very satisfied.

Suddenly he thought of a point and wanted to record a video of this scene and upload it to Pirate Douyin.

In this way, he can not only shy in front of the pirates, but also improve his strength. This is undoubtedly a very good choice, but he doesn’t have a mobile phone now.

The only cell phone was in Im’s hands.

With a regretful sigh in his heart, Sengoku no longer thought about these things, and he continued to say loudly: “Next, let Vice Admiral Garp demonstrate the terrifying destructive power of the strongest mecha, Gundam!”

Garp in the cab had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and when he saw Sengoku finally let himself start the demonstration of Gundam, he was immediately refreshed.

Garp said, “Everyone, you can watch it!!

Marine soldiers all stared at Gundam, only to see Gundam’s engine start and lift off directly into the sky.

The huge air wave made the Marine soldiers in the front row almost unable to stand, and all of them showed expressions of astonishment.

This kind of power is too exaggerated!

Immediately, Gundam, who flew into the sky, stretched out his hand, and there was a laser convergence in his hand.

“Laser Cannon!

Garp roared, and the laser in Gundam’s palm shot out a beam of light, blasting toward the sea several kilometers away.

Everyone’s eyes are looking into the distance with the laser.

I saw the laser shot into the sea, and the next moment, a terrible explosion occurred.

With a burst of roars, a huge sea pillar up to a kilometer exploded in that sea area.

This scene looked at everyone, one must know that a 100-meter-high ocean wave is a terrible tsunami, and now that the ocean wave is set off a kilometer high, this scene is too shocking.

The sea began to roughen and even the Naval Headquarters was affected due to the explosion.

The turbulent tides kept hitting the coast, and as the sea pillar fell, there were countless waves of dozens of meters high.

And just as the Marine soldiers were terrified, Qingxiong Admiral shot, “Ice Age!

Freezing all the waves threatening Naval Headquarters has resolved this crisis.

Above the square, the Marine soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, feeling shocked by the terrifying power of Gundam.

“With just one blow, the effect of Whitebeard’s full Shock Fruit has been achieved.

“too frightening!”

“We Marine have this iron lump, what pirates are we afraid of in the future!?”

The Marine soldiers kept shouting for Marine, shouting for Gundam!

And at this moment, Vegapunk heard the sound.

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