Chapter 353 Feith’s terrifying combat power

Today’s Whitebeard has not only eaten super fairy beans, but also various physical strength pills, but also has two extremely powerful Shock Fruit and Lava-Lava Fruit.

And there is another reason why his fighting power is so high, so Whitebeard also has terrible physical skills and Haki.

So even under normal conditions, Whitebeard’s combat effectiveness is so high.

Feith also wanted to understand, but he still didn’t understand it at first.

Why Garp’s combat power is so high, in fact, as long as the reason is that Garp’s physical skills are strong, the physique is naturally strong, and under normal circumstances, it is naturally beyond the ability.

Whitebeard was very happy when he learned that he was the first person in the combat power rankings.

Verbally provoking old foes Sengoku, Garp and Roger.

Everyone is powerless to refute, the combat power is indeed there.

Among the crowd, only Roger was the most lost.

He used to be the most peak existence, but now that he is resurrected, he is almost out of ranking.

Seeing Whitebeard smiling happily, Im interrupted: “Whitebeard, don’t be too happy too soon!”

“I haven’t detected it yet, do you think you can hold this position as the number one person in the world?

Im was quite confident in his own strength.

After Whitebeard heard the words, the laughter stopped, and he couldn’t help but look at Im.

The others were on hindsight too, yes! They overlooked one person, Im, and Feith.

These two are at the level of invincible powerhouses, what will their combat strength be?

Everyone couldn’t help but be curious.

Im the 800 year old monster and Feith is the one who defeated Im

Im Aa smiled, “Elder, help me detect how much my combat power is.

Im is also very curious about his combat effectiveness.

What is her fighting power under normal circumstances?

Give the Combat Power Detector to the Great Elder and let him help detect it.

The elder didn’t talk nonsense, just as Feith said just now, he injected his physical strength, and then began to focus on detecting Im’s combat power.

The screen of the combat power detector soared wildly, and the elder’s expression was dull, “98w, 99w, 100w”

Im’s combat power quickly broke through the million-one level.

Everyone fell silent, waiting for the result of Imam’s combat power.

“110w, 120w. Sudden, breaking through 200w and still rising!” The big elder excitedly reported the number.

The expressions of everyone around were shocked.

It has broken through the combat power of 200w, and it is still rising.

Garp and Sengoku both looked at each other.

They finally understood why Im was able to abuse them so easily.

This has broken through the two million combat power, which is twice as much as theirs.

Alliance powerhouses such as Whitebeard, Redhead, and Dragon had solemn expressions.

Im’s fighting power is really scary.

Soon, the jumping of numerical values ​​stopped, and Im’s combat strength numerical results came out.

Everyone is silently waiting, waiting for the final result.

The Great Elder said excitedly and excitedly: “3002100!

“Master Yimu’s combat power has reached 300w level!”


Everyone around was shocked.

“300w level!?”

“Doesn’t that mean, 3 times as much as Whitebeard!?”

The 300w level of combat power means that Whitebeard, Roger Redhead, etc. combined are difficult to fight against Im.

If you don’t improve your strength, you are completely invincible.

Before, everyone still held a glimmer of hope that as long as they teamed up to deal with Yimu, they would be able to defeat, but now it seems that they are completely imaginative.

The 300w level is not something that can be dealt with by adding up three million levels. Fundamentally, the 300w level is completely crushing the million level, just like a father beating his son.

Yimu looked at the expressions of the people around him and was very satisfied.

That’s right! That’s how it should be, to fear me, to fear me, to show despair and powerlessness in front of me.

Im really enjoying being treated like this by others.

Im thought for a while and then said: “Yes (bcbf)! Your Excellency Feith, do you want to test what the normal combat strength is?”

Im wants to see how much Feith’s combat power is, and how many times more than his own?

There is even a trace of psychology in Yimu’s heart. Will Feith’s normal combat power be lower than his own?

You must know that she has lived for 800 years. She is more confident than Feith in terms of physical body and physical skills.

And in the previous fight, Im also found out that Feith’s strength lies in his Devil Fruit ability, combined with Devil Fruit ability,

So Feith’s fighting power might not be as good as her own.

Feith didn’t refuse, “Yes! Help me probe it too!

Feith is still very interested in his own combat power.

Seeing that Feith agreed to detect the combat power, the elder hurriedly detected it for Feith, not daring to be slighted at all.

Soon he started counting again: “200w, 210w..

“The value is going up like crazy!!”

This time, the first elder was even more surprised, “Is this value rising too fast?”

Everyone was startled, wondering what the final result would be?

“It has exceeded 300w, and the value is still rising wildly.. 400w… The voice of the elders began to tremble at this moment.


Im’s expression was also a little unsteady.

She just swore an oath, and felt that Feith’s normal state was not as good as her own, and that Feith’s strength was because Devil Fruit had more abilities, well developed abilities, and even able to integrate.

However, she never thought that Feith’s normal combat power would surpass him in no time.

Soon, the detector value tends to stabilize.

Everyone looked at the elder, waiting for his answer.

The first elder swallowed his saliva and said in a hoarse voice: “…500w normal combat power!”

Everyone around was shocked.

“500w combat power..


If everyone just felt that they would be abused by Im, now Feith’s fighting power is to tell them that Feith can crush them with just a touch of his finger, even under normal conditions.

Golden Lion, Red Earl and Bullet felt relieved.

It turned out that Lord Feith’s fighting power was so powerful, no wonder the three of them were directly suppressed by Feith before.

Now that there are exact numbers, the three feel that this is what they should be, and other people will be directly suppressed by Lord Feith, not just them.

The normal combat power of everyone has basically been detected, and the combat power rankings have also been generated.

On the list, Feith ranks first in combat power, followed by Im, followed by Whitebeard

With this ranking, everyone is more clear, Feith is the number one person in this world, and it’s the kind of people who can’t even compete with their hands.

At this moment, Feith grinned and said: “This is just your normal combat power, you can try to explode and see how much the combat power will increase.

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