Chapter 93 There is even an existence beyond the Supreme Sword!

In the surprised expressions of everyone, Rayleigh’s mind moved, and the huge wine gourd that had disappeared reappeared.

This time, the people in the white group couldn’t help but be amazed.

“Again, it reappears!”

“It’s really stored in the ring!!”

“It’s unbelievable that a wine gourd the size of such a big old man can fit into that small ring.”

“After so many years of debut, I have never seen such a miraculous thing.”

Those ordinary members were amazed, while the captains such as Marko, Bista, Joz and others thought of something more practical.

Marco murmured: “If this thing can be used to transport supplies, transport treasure, or gunpowder shells, it’s a heaven-defying prop!

Rayleigh smiled and said: “All of what you said is fine, as long as it is not a living thing, it can be stored in the space ring, and the space ring can accommodate several large pirate ships, depending on the user’s mind, how to pack wine. Pack.”

This sentence shocked the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Even Whitebeard looked shocked.

This small ring can actually hold several giant pirate ships.

It’s unbelievable.

On the side, Shakky, Rakilu, Yasopp and the others looked at the dignified Four Emperors regiment with a sluggish expression because of shock, and they felt amused for no reason.

It was the exact same expression they had when they had just seen these amazing things from Feith.

It’s not a loss to be able to appreciate the appearance of Whitebeard, the most powerful man, and several captains under his command.

Seeing this scene of Rayleigh’s performance, Whitebeard retracted his sword, he looked at Rayleigh and said, “Rayleigh, are these two things really like what the redhead said, they won by lottery?

Apparently, Whitebeard was beginning to believe it, because this kind of magical heaven-defying, and some incredible things, simply couldn’t be made.

He traversed the sea for so many years, what miraculous thing has he not seen?

However, I have never seen anything like the arbitrary door that can travel through time and space at a long distance, and the space ring that can accommodate huge objects.

It’s really amazing!

Rayleigh nodded and said bluntly: “That’s right! These things are indeed drawn from a little Marine~”.

“That little guy is a lottery fruit person who can draw out many incredible things.”

“Lottery Fruit Ability!?” Whitebeard repeated, showing a strange look.

What the hell is the lottery fruit ability? Why hasn’t he heard of such a Devil Fruit?

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates also looked at each other, and then all shook their heads, saying that they had never heard of it.

Rayleigh waved his hand and smiled: “Devil Fruit has a wide variety, and it is normal that many abilities are not recorded. You only need to know that it is a very magical fruit, and you can get incredible things!”

Having said that, Rayleigh smiled and continued: “Just like this!”

With that said, Rayleigh’s thoughts moved, and he took out a handful of Zanpakutō from the space ring, and displayed it in front of the Whitebeard Pirates as if showing off.

Watching Rayleigh take out Zanpakutō, the redhead, Benn Beckman, and Shakky, who were more familiar with Rayleigh, couldn’t help shaking their heads with wry smiles.

Since Rayleigh got a lot of treasures from Feith by lottery, he can’t wait to show off every day, such as the bamboo dragonfly before, but Rayleigh’s favorite is this Zanpakutō in his hand.

Every time a party is held, it must be displayed. It used to be quite low-key, but now it has changed.

Rayleigh ignored what they were thinking and continued to show off his Zanpakutō to the Whitebeard Pirates.

In the crowd, some young people couldn’t see the quality of the knife, they only knew that the knife looked handsome and domineering, but Whitebeard, Foil Bista and other knife-wielding knives could see Zanpakutō’s extraordinaryness at a glance.

“What a knife! As soon as this knife comes out, you can feel the sharpness and pressing!” Foil Bista said with bright eyes.

“And the workmanship makes people feel that they are striving for perfection, and there is no need for eagle-eyed black knives!”

The redhead chuckled and said, “No! This knife is better than the eagle-eyed Zanpakutō!”

The redhead’s words caused an uproar among the young newcomers of the Whitebeard Pirates.

“This knife is better than Hawkeye’s Black Blade Night?”

“Doesn’t that mean that this knife is going to surpass the Supreme Sword, surpassing Dad’s matching knife?”

“Ah! How is this possible.

Some young people don’t want to believe that there are knives that can surpass the knives of their fathers.

The captains didn’t come to a conclusion easily, but they didn’t believe it in their hearts either.

In the world, the Supreme Sword is the most powerful and sharp, and they have never heard of it.

Rayleigh sneered and didn’t explain, after all, how to tell whether a knife is good or bad? Only by getting started can you know whether a weapon is good or bad.

Rayleigh didn’t talk nonsense and threw Zanpakutō directly at Whitebeard.

Whitebeard’s eyes flashed, and he reached out and put Zanpakutō directly into his hand.

This Zanpakutō looked so ill-fitting under Whitebeard’s huge body.

However, Whitebeard did not show any disgust at all, but his eyes lit up.

His eyes were hot and sparkling, and he kept looking at the Zanpakutō in his hand.

It’s as if the man is pleased with the Iraqi beside his pillow.

“,” Rayleigh no wonder you show off your Zanpakutō so much, it’s a good knife!”

“This knife is on the same level as my Naginata in terms of workmanship and material, that’s not right! In terms of feel, this knife is even better than my difficult knife.”

“Hold it in my hand as if the knife was part of my body

Aside, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates widened their eyes when they heard the comments made by their father.

[Does Li’s “Dad actually said that this sword is on the same level as his Naginata!?”

“Didn’t you hear what Daddy said? In all respects, this Zanpakutō is much better than Daddy’s Naginata.”

“The red hair is right, this knife actually surpasses the Supreme Sword.

“Really incredible!”

You must know that in people’s inherent impression, the Twelve Supreme Swords are the top existence in the weapon world, and there is no weapon that can surpass it.

But now there is a weapon that can be compared with it, no!

The red hair said lightly: “Now is not the time to be surprised, this knife still has an extremely powerful ability!”

Everyone’s eyes were attracted by the redhead’s words, and they all looked at him.

Whitebeard also turned his head to look at the red hair, and said solemnly: “What ability?”

The redhead grinned, “That’s the absorptive power!”

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