War Paradise

Chapter 1367: Battle of the trapped beasts

The black hole in the sky swallowed the nearby dark clouds and stood in the ruins slaughtered by the devil. Lin Chi dragged the right hand holding the holy sword behind him, and the dark golden light shining on the blade dispelled the shadows around him.

The dark blade in the Terminator's hand is even darker than the "black hole" in the air. The sword is not purely cast from black metal, but absorbs nearby light.

A characterless and indescribable male voice whispered in Lin Chi's ear:

"Look, that's the name of the opponent's weapon."

In this ultimate duel, the two contestants with the highest authority were liberated and directly saw the attributes of each other's equipment. Lin Chi stared at the black sword in the Terminator's hand, and a few lines of text appeared in front of him:

The sword of the overlord.

Melee weapons.

Item level: Legend.

No proficiency is required to use, and a minimum strength value: 11. Requires minimum agility value: 12. To reach the maximum attack power requires agility value: 15.

Those who hold this sword will be controlled. And get the following two skills.

Gourmet feast:

When blocking, it can absorb all long-range and energy attacks.


When activated, cause fatal damage to the target enemy.

"Only the warriors who have signed the overlord contract can pick up this sword. These madmen, who are unscrupulous for their power, sacrificed their own reason."

"Can you absorb everything..."

Seeing the equipment held by the opponent, Lin Chi swung the holy sword abruptly, and a 100-meter-high arc of light swept toward the Terminator, swallowing the opponent's body in an instant.

Then, the light of the holy sword disappeared.

The power is comparable to the powerful attack of the hydrogen bomb, all absorbed by the sword of the overlord in the hand of the terminator. There is no upper limit for the energy that this weapon can absorb!


Realizing that even the Holy Sword could not break through the opponent's "gluttonous feast", Lin Chi, who sensed the danger, turned his head suddenly, but a tingling sensation suddenly came from his chest.

The pitch-black sword directly pierced the heart and pierced it from behind. Lin Chi didn't even see the opponent's movements. The Terminator appeared in front of him like a teleport!


Lin Chi spouted a mouthful of old blood, his body tilted to the right and fell to the ground, watching the Terminator draw out the dark long sword, the short figure turned and left.

——Is this "execution"?

Lin Chi, who experienced this skill for the first time, finally felt the horror of "execution". It seems that at the moment this skill is activated, it will directly kill the opponent with super speed.

The power of the Overlord's Sword has exceeded Lin Chi's expectations. But... this duel is not over yet.

Lin Chi, who had a big hole in his left chest, suddenly swung the holy sword sharply, and the golden beam of light bombarded the Terminator's back. At the last moment before the light burned that guy, the Terminator suddenly turned his head—


This time, the terminator who hurriedly blocked, failed to absorb all the energy. The whole person was directly blown up, and the fireball quickly rose up to 30 meters into the air, turning into a gray solidified cloud.

Lin Chi stretched out his hand to cover his pierced chest, supported his body with the holy sword, and stood up swayingly:

The "unable to die" effect bestowed by the inquisitor made him still alive despite the fatal and severe damage. But the big hole in the chest was not automatically repaired. It seems that this immortality is completely inferior to the immortal body obtained by the blood blade, it is just that his "corpse" can move.

——If this is the case, as long as one's own body is completely erased, this immortality will also disappear. The opponent must be resolved before this body collapses to end this chaotic duel!

Thinking of this, Lin Chi tried to lift the holy sword with trembling hands. The weakness caused by the fatal wound made his movements slow by a beat.


Feeling the abnormal change in his body, Lin Chi hurriedly covered his chest with his left hand and stuffed the organ that was about to slide out.

Fortunately, the Terminator's injury should not be light, the guy is still behind the smoke, and there is no sign of rushing over.

The injured Lin Chi steadied his figure with difficulty, and the remaining dark clouds in the sky began to gather. When the last cloud was sucked in by the black hole, the world in front of him was completely darkened.

Then... he came to another world.

The picture in front of him suddenly brightened, and the ruins of Hall City were replaced by a vast grassland. The sky here is flawlessly blue, and there are no signs of human activity in the grasslands or nearby rain forests.

Lin Chi lowered his head and found that the holy sword in his hand had disappeared, replaced by a rough wooden stick. He coughed, and then heard the nervous voice of the war watcher:

"The Creator has the highest authority and cannot completely erase the other's existence. You and the'Terminator' are the agents of the struggle between us. As long as you can win this war, it means that my philosophy is correct!"

"Are you kidding, are you such a joke?" Lin Chi whispered: "Besides, my concept is completely different from yours."

"That's not important!" The observer took the topic in one stroke and said loudly: "Show your power to the puppet of the death messenger and let him succumb to our ideas! Defeat him in every era and every place, let He thoroughly understands that the observer's idea is true!"

"Don't get me wrong, I am not fighting for you." Lin Chi smiled, "I don't want to look outside into chaos."

——It seems that the death messenger is the real behind-the-scenes master of the "Oasis Army". If the death messenger's plan is successful, a large number of AIs from the war paradise will enter the real world for revenge, and the outside will definitely become a "world chaos" Situation.

Although he is completely uninterested in the great goal of saving the world, Lin Chi also knows very well that if the death messenger's men spread into the real world, his salted fish life will also be affected.

Therefore, the **** must be resolved.

Lin Chi looked down at his body, the previous armor had disappeared, replaced with rough animal skins, and the skin color was much darker than the previous body. Only the big hole in the chest still bleeding, as always, shows no signs of shrinking.

"Is this going back tens of thousands of years ago?"

Lin Chi said laboriously, dragging his injured body forward, and on the grass not far away, another "primitive" with bruises and bruises was also standing up.

The Terminator who was blown up just now, although no fatal injuries were visible on his body, there were so many skin injuries. There was no intact skin on his whole body. The animal skins on his body had been scorched and were still scorching. White smoke comes out.

The Terminator with the explosive head slowly climbed up, his face was still covered with a dark "mask", and the positions of his eyes and mouth were replaced by thin red lines.

"You must have revenge." The Terminator said dumbly.

"Yeah, don't think you can leave if you make a hole in me."

Lin Chi looked down at his chest, wrapped the scary wound with animal skins, and strode towards the Terminator, the broken wooden stick in his hand trembling slightly.


The wooden sticks collided with the bone sticks, and the two wounded primitive men began their second confrontation on the breezy prairie.

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