Warfare's Ultimate Frontier

Chapter 175 Glass Shard Faction

Since Biao Gong insisted on going with Baron to conquer some land, Baron didn't really feel like turning him down. This person was likely one of the most powerful individuals in the tournament as of right now, anyone would be hard-pressed to decline something from him. Baron and Roxi got ready to go to wage war with some of their neighbors while Biao Gong would come along as a sort of joyride. It was not a sort of situation that they were expecting to be in. The two of them would be expanding their borders southward while Guan Yu and Meng Wu would be going Northwards. The final two, Chen Di and Yue Fei would get together to expand to the West. They were not planning on going East as there were quite a few powerful groups there that they did not feel they could overcome just yet.

Many strategists had fought the Glass Shard thinking they would be able to beat them in a game of wits, but what talent that the cruel faction has shown was beyond belief. Going so far as to mutilate bodies as well as perform rituals with them while in full view of their enemies was not something that was common on the battlefield. Perhaps that was why they were so successful. Their leader was a man by the name of Huan Yi, and he was a brilliant tactician in every sense of the word, if not a bit eccentric. He could produce results that even the best of the other strategists would find it hard to replicate.

For Baron, this battle would not be an easy one, that was why he had decided to bring along a few thousand more soldiers and quite a bit more artillery for this purpose. He had managed to stumble across one of the simulations that Huan Yi had been in and he was mighty impressed by how ingenious someone could be with their warfare. However, no matter how much he was impressed, Baron did not think that such an opponent was able to achieve much with the small and insignificant amount of blueprints that they had in their arsenal.

Baron and his army got there as fast as they could, and set up camp with the main army of the enemy just a few kilometers from them and waited for the night to end so that they would be able to fight in the morning. Once it was morning and everyone had their breakfast, the fighting started. At first, Baron's men were able to completely overwhelm the forces of Huan Yi, that was until a separate detachment of Huan Yi's forces swooped around to the side and actually snuck up to some of the heavy artillery and destroyed quite a few of them.

The loss of these war machines was not that big of a deal to Baron, but what was a big deal was that even with Baron's impressive array of information networks and outposts, some enemies were able to sneak in unnoticed. That detachment immediately bolted after they had accomplished their tasks and slipped away just as fast as they came. Huan Yi and his men sure were a difficult bunch, to say the least. However, several more detachments managed to do the same thing in the following days even with Baron's revised edits of his network. If he could not stop them coming in, the losses would surely pile up.

With this distraction of roaming attachments sneaking about, Baron did not focus much on the battlefield and his men were slowly getting pushed back. Biao Gong was not exactly impressed by Baron's way of doing things. Eventually, Baron decided to just add more soldiers to defend their more valuable weapons and continued to turn his attention towards the main battle.

The battle continued on for a few more days with Baron continually getting outplayed by Huan Yi over and over again. He wasn't taking in many casualties, but it was likely that Huan Yi wasn't even taking him seriously. On the fifth day of battle, Huan Yi led some of his best fighter strategists and elite guard to raid Baron's position in hopes of killing him. Baron had long figured out that this was something that Huan Yi liked to do often after seeing his first simulation so he had Roxi and a couple of others standing by ready to fight on the very first day.

Roxi was stationed on the higher ground almost a kilometer away and had been watching Baron's camp for the past few days just waiting for an enemy attack. What she was doing here was that she was a great sniper and one of her favorite weapons to use was the semi-automatic Barett .50 cal sniper rifle that was quite powerful and quite fast. She was aware that once the raid began, she would have to shoot as many bullets as she could so that none of the enemy fighters would be able to escape.

As soon as the fighting between the strategists of both sides started, she began shooting at her enemies. One direct hit would not be enough to end anyone's life but would be enough to severely hinder them long enough for an ally to fully take them down while they were confused as to what happened to them.

Boom! Boom! Boom! She fired a few more shots and finally, she claimed her first victim.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! The forces of Huan Yi were confused as to what was happening and soon enough, they realized that they were being targeted and retreated like bandits back to their own camp licking their own wounds.

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