Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 108 More complex than dimensional technology

After Qin Mo killed the demons in the fortress, the troops besieging the fortress had also killed all the enemies in the fortress.

The two knights played a great role in this battle. Without them, it would still take some time to clear out all the enemies in the entire fortress.

After the battle, the two knights were teleported to the orbital dock, and their servants were teleported up immediately to begin maintaining the knights.

The two knight pilots, holding their helmets and holding their heads high, were walking in the orbital dock, and were led by the drone to Qin Mo.

"Salute to you, Governor." Both of them knelt on one knee and saluted.

"Sit down and talk." Qin Mo motioned for the two of them to stand up.

The two knight drivers immediately stood up and sat on their chairs and started talking to Qin Mo.

"Who is the governor of Tailong 2?" Qin Mo asked, "I am just the governor of the hive world next door. At least for the time being, I can't control the entire Tailong 2. You don't need to call me governor."

"But soon, the entire planet will be ruled by you, and we should be loyal to you." Donna said.

After Donna finished speaking, the middle-aged man next to her motioned for her to be more restrained, and then explained: "The governor of our world was killed by Akon... My daughter is right, you will win soon. War, and become the governor of this world.”

Qin Mo knew a lot about knights. This group of people was equivalent to the ancient knights of Terra, pursuing glory and the like, but their armor was not plate armor, but large war machines.

The attitudes of the father and daughter are very satisfactory, but Qin Mo doesn't think that they really think that they are noble or that they should be loyal to him, but that they are smarter and aware of current affairs.

Both of these men were involved in the Resistance, and they do not represent the entire family.

And if you still want the family to survive, gain the support of the new governor, and gain a position in the future family, you must show your loyalty at this moment.

"I also met a knight in the hive world. That guy was equipped with all long-range weapons..." Qin Mo suddenly mentioned what happened before.

"The Roaring Bullets and Alain." Donna spoke before her father. "The Lannis family is a shame. Just like the other traitors we killed before, they do not represent the entire family."

"Other traitors? What do you mean?" Qin Mo asked curiously.

Then Donna began to tell about the previous events on this planet.

In fact, the Bishop of Wisdom sect has long since grown and seized control of the planet Tyrone 2, but they have blocked news of this planet from outside the planet.

Opposing the Lord of Wisdom are the Loyalists. Loyalists include everyone, nobles, commoners, members of the state church...

Just like the differences between the Wisdom Bishops and the Loyalists, there are also divisions within the Lannis Knight family.

Alan, who piloted the Roaring Rain, joined the Wisdom Bishop sect.

The other two knights in the family do not join the Lord of Wisdom, but cooperate with the Governor.

Then there are the two loyalists, Donna and her daughter.

Before the fleet from the hive world arrived in the orbit of the planet, the loyal resistance forces had been fighting in the sewers for a long time. During this period, Donna and her daughter killed two other knights in the family together and called them traitors.

After explaining all the circumstances, Donna asked Qin Mo: "Mr. Governor, which one of us do you think is the orthodox heir of the Lannis family?"

"What?" Qin Mo was stunned when asked, "Of course it's you. Is this something that needs to be discussed?"

Donna knew that Qin Mo didn't understand some rules very well, so she started to explain the rules.

The legal principles and orthodoxy within the knight family.

The main members of the family and the division of branch branches.

It's exactly the same as that of medieval lord families.

There are also divisions such as knights and earls. Donna and her father are both knights.

"To sum up, this is an issue worth discussing, because it involves honor and inheritance, whether we have the right to inherit the family's property and servants, and whether we can continue to use the family's emblem." Donna said seriously, " Although I don’t want to admit it, most of the people in the family are traitors, and they can represent the entire family, but we are still fighting for the resistance, we are loyalists, and their laws should be passed on to us."

Qin Mo was stunned after hearing these words. He thought to himself that I am not a born noble, and I am not from a knight family. How can I understand such a lot of complicated rules?

This is simply more complicated than studying the dimension engine.

"You might not think it's a big deal, but for us it's very..."

"Stop it."

Qin Mo raised his hand to stop Donna from continuing, and then assured the father and daughter: "If you need my approval, I will issue documents and handwritten certificates, and I will also find someone from the National Religion or the Mechanic Cult to give it to you. Is that enough for us to certify it?”

"Of course, haha." Donna nodded, smiled with satisfaction, and elbowed the father next to her.

Donna's father smiled awkwardly but politely and nodded.

The most important matter in the eyes of father and daughter has been guaranteed to be solved, and in their eyes this guarantee is very effective.

Because Qin Mo will soon be certified by the empire as the real governor, he has pacified two planets, which is a matter of course.

The next step is of course to continue fighting, establish more meritorious deeds, and pursue glory.

"We can continue fighting." Donna stood up and said to Qin Mo, "Send us to the most dangerous and glorious battlefield."

Qin Mo did not agree or refuse this request. Instead, he walked to the holographic image and waved his finger to adjust the image to Tailong No. 3.

Donna was excited when she saw the image of Tyrone III. She felt that everyone was about to attack the planet Tyrone III, and the first landing battle was often the most difficult and glorious.

"Tailong No. 3." Qin Mo pointed at the holographic image, "A planet that is hopeless. If you knew the situation on it, you would probably spit it out."

Donna listened carefully. She felt that Qin Mo's next sentence was to ask her to participate in the landing battle against Tailong No. 3.

"It's only a matter of time before your world is taken over, but I don't plan to wait any longer."

"I decided to mobilize twenty regiments and you two knights, and put them together on the surface of the planet to cover the construction of a facility."

Having said this, the holographic image in Qin Mo's hand changed again, and a tower-like building appeared.

This is the facility that Qin Mo said needs to be covered and established.

"What is this?" Donna asked.

"You will know the effect when it is built. In short, I need you to protect the two facilities with all your strength. These two facilities will be built in the Antarctic and the North Pole." Qin Mo said.

Donna didn't bother to delve deeper and simply saluted and accepted the order: "For the Emperor and the glory! We will complete the mission at the cost of our lives."

"Very good." Qin Mo nodded with satisfaction.

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