Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1114 The wound of reality

Most of the Blackstone constructs in the Maelstrom have been shut down.

The entire maelstrom is in a state of excessive subspace influence.

Star Scroll suddenly felt that its power was amplified a lot. When it used its own will to repair the entire curtain, the essence in the Star God's forge was allowed to be used by it.

A transparent material suddenly appeared somewhere in the maelstrom. This material began to gradually solidify, and finally formed a circular real area with a diameter of one light-year in the southeast direction of the maelstrom.

The influence of the subspace suddenly faded, and the demonic world that once occupied it collapsed and disintegrated due to its weird and grotesque shapes and savage growth that completely ignored the rules of physics. The wizards found that they could no longer perceive the existence of gods, while the subspace creatures As the transparent material spread, it was pushed by an insurmountable and invisible barrier to a place where the influence of subspace still existed.

However, the impact of reality is not just that small light-year. Looking outside the sudden reality area, many demonic worlds have also been slightly affected. For example, spiritual energy has decreased, supernatural phenomena have decreased, and excessively supernatural beings have also been affected by Discomfort caused by the effects of real-life radiation.

"Successful?" Qin Mo sensed that a part of the real universe strangely appeared inside the maelstrom. To be more precise, it was restored.

"We did it." Xingchen Huijuan was surprisingly calm.

"Can you only repair that small piece of reality?" Qin Mo asked eagerly.

Xingchen Huajuan responded: "No, I deliberately controlled it, because I also wanted to try it to see if it would work... I speculate that if I try my best to repair reality, I can probably repair a circle with a diameter of about twenty light years. area."

"Why round?"

"Because I like arcs."

"Well that's not important."

Qin Mo was pleasantly surprised to perceive the part of reality that had been repaired. He was grateful for the help of the Star Scroll, and for himself who had insisted that this matter was feasible, as well as for anyone else who had done something that could affect the real universe. People who contribute.

"It doesn't matter how large an area is to be repaired at one time. Even if you can only repair a side length...a circular area with a diameter of one meter, we only need to slowly repair the wounds of reality. Eventually, one day we will be able to combine the influence of subspace with Reality is completely cut off!”

"Right now, this device is still too manual. I have an idea to automate it. We can put it on the most powerful battleship and slowly repair the wounds in the entire real universe."

"Its effect... is much more powerful than the Black Stone!"

Qin Mo recounted excitedly, until he found that Xingchen Huajuan's mood was not as exciting as he expected.

Xingchen Huijuan was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "I found... I found that when I repaired that part of reality just now, something left my body."

"What?" Qin Mo became solemn.

"I don't know... Assuming I'm a human, it's like something took away a muscle from me." Xingchen Huejuan tried his best to describe his feelings just now.

Qin Mo pondered.

He recalled the device he had built, recalled every repair step he had just performed, and looked for where the problem lay.

"We can try to shape the curtain directly in the subspace." Star Scroll interrupted Qin Mo's thinking, "Maybe it is feasible? Maybe we can use realistic rules to fight subspace creatures in the subspace."

"Try it." Qin Mo agreed, "Concentrate on feeling the state of using this device again and see if the feeling of something being taken away will still appear."

Star Scroll used the device again.

This time it is not an attempt to repair the curtain, but to create it.

The Star Scroll creates a sphere about one light-year in diameter in the subspace, and the curtain completely wraps the center of the sphere.

Qin Mo sat down on the control engine, sensing the changes brought by the Star Scroll to the subspace, and saw the sphere formed by the curtain.

Time appeared in the center of the sphere after it was created, but nothing existed inside it, only nothingness.

But this test once again achieved satisfactory results. It indeed created a small piece of reality. Likewise, its effect was more effective than the false reality created by the Dominion Engine that was composed of psychic energy and obeyed Qin Mo's subconscious. good.

But before Qin Mo had time to observe and collect more data, this piece of reality began to gradually shrink under the influence of subspace, until it was finally completely annihilated.

The total duration is less than ten minutes.

"There is nothingness there, and I cannot use my abilities accurately. I may be able to expand that small piece of reality, or I may be able to shrink it, I'm not sure." Star Scroll said.

"It doesn't matter, this is good." Qin Mo stood up from the command engine and asked, "What did you feel just now? Do you still feel like you were pulled away?"

"No more." Xingchen Huijuan answered decisively.

Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief, but he was not completely relieved and thought about it secretly.

Xingchen Huijuan didn't know what he was thinking, and suddenly asked: "We don't actually need to create reality in subspace, right? Because you can enter subspace, and you don't necessarily need helpers."

"I didn't need helpers during the first two one-day trips to the subspace because I didn't meet any god who was good at war. If I were to go to the demonic realm of Khorne to deal with it, I might need it." Qin Mo thought about it and was hit by himself. The God of measurable imprints.

The demons of Slaanesh are also very strong, but their strength is very different from that of Khorne.

If a person who does not suffer from the disadvantages of skills and speed fights against the demons of Slaanesh, it will be relatively easy.

This is not the case with Khorne.

But what the Star Scroll said is not without reason. Qin Mo really does not have no solution unless he creates a temporary reality in the subspace. After all, there is still a cold sun in the subspace. Maybe one day the condition of this sun will improve, and they can fight side by side.

In addition to the cold sun, there are also the Iron Man Entity and Piccolo.

"Anyway, start with repairing reality." Qin Mo said, "If you have difficulties... I don't have to create reality in the subspace. I just made an attempt. I never prepare more than one solution for myself."

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