Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1117 Blood God Demon Realm

"When I was on the verge of becoming a god, I channeled Tzeentch's powerful psychic energy into the realm of Khorne."

"This means that I don't need to go into the subspace to find where the gods' respective demonic realms are like the previous two times I entered the subspace."

"As long as I want, I can appear in the Demon Realm of Khorne with the Dominion Engine after entering the subspace, or even appear directly in front of Khorne."

The emperor was very determined to support Qin Mo, so Qin Mo accepted the kindness and help and directly started planning for the next trip to subspace.

"I will appear directly in Khorne's Demon Realm, release a signal, and guide the psychic iron men of the subspace Iron Man entity into the Demon Realm."

"And half of the icy sun that can be driven by you."

"And... I have prepared a professional anti-psionic force for a long time."

Hearing Qin Mo talk about the professional anti-psionic force, the Emperor could think with his toes that the anti-psionic force must not be composed of transcendent beings, but mortals.

As a branch of human evolution, the Soulless have developed and grown in the Tyrone sector. They live in a galaxy full of Soulless.

Qin Mo previously revealed that he wanted to use them to form an anti-psionic force.

"Mortals." The Emperor spread his hands and said very seriously, "Don't think about it. Mortals can't survive in the subspace, nor can the soulless ones, unless you can find psykers to form the professional counterattack you call it. The psionic force, and this anti-psionic force must be as good as the Gray Knights per capita, and may be able to stay in the subspace for as long as Kaldor."

Qin Mo understood what the emperor's concerns were.

Mortal mortals are not very strong in terms of physical fitness or mental toughness. Even if they are not corroded by the subspace itself in the subspace, they may go crazy because of seeing those bizarre and strange scenes in the subspace. .

But Qin Mo also considered this issue, otherwise he would not have the idea of ​​bringing in anti-psionic troops.

"The curtain projected by the Star Scroll can exist briefly in the subspace."

Hearing this, the emperor still shook his head: "We haven't conducted experiments yet, so we don't know whether the curtain that can only exist temporarily can protect humans..."

Before he finished speaking, the emperor suddenly realized that the guy in front of him knew the real universe better than he did. If he thought it was feasible, it would definitely be feasible.

"Believe me." Qin Mo held Vanessa's shoulders with both hands and looked down at the golden pupils. "You only need to tell me one thing, that is, if all the preparations I made fail, you and the half of the cold solar energy will You cannot send me to Khorne as a backup plan."

The human part of the emperor that resides in Vanessa smiled softly: "My human nature is weak. That cold sun is not a backup method. You can actually rely on it to kill Khorne directly."

"With your guarantee, I have nothing to worry about anymore." Qin Mo said and exhaled.

The Emperor is the most powerful psyker in the human race, and probably the most powerful psyker in the universe.

Compared to the icy sun of the warp, the psychic powers of the Old Ones were like fireflies in the moonlight.

But the power of the Old Ones is that their entire race is a powerful psyker, and there is only one Emperor among the human race.

But at this stage, Qin Mo believed that he could reach Khorne even if there was only the cold sun standing behind him.

It's just that even the human part of the Emperor can only control half of the icy sun now. Whether it is mentally and behaviorally stable is still unknown.

Suppressing the worries in his heart, Qin Mo began to prepare for entering the subspace.

The realm of Khorne.

The boiling lava, the sky full of smoke, and the copper water flowing like a river in the cracks on the surface are the most common things in the Demon Realm of Khorne.

Of course, equally common are countless skulls, piles of skulls.

Whenever someone in the real universe goes on a killing spree in the name of the Blood God, the skulls chopped off during the battle will appear in the Blood God's demonic realm. The Blood God will reward his followers based on the number of these skulls and the performance of his followers in the battle. Reward or punishment.

The Blood God sits high on a throne of brass.

At its feet are overwhelming demons and vampires. As if to prepare for an upcoming war, the Blood God temporarily withdrew from the great game among the gods and deployed his attention and slaves in the Demon Realm.

In front of the Blood God are countless celestial bodies and stars in the real universe.

They don't belong to just one universe, but to many universes, at least they once did.

These celestial stars are just like the skulls in the Demon Realm of Khorne. They are used to show off the power of the Blood God and become the trophies of the Blood God after his victory in the great game among the gods and the game of invading reality.

A new game is about to begin.

The Blood God's blue brothers have warned it.

The Blood God sits on the brass throne, and its slaves gather in its demonic realm, waiting with their master.

It's the future, it's the past, it's also the present. In this place without a timeline, the imprint left by the power of Tzeentch that had been projected in suddenly came into operation.

The slaves of the Blood God sensed this abominable power, and war cries rose one after another.

And when Tzeentch's brand was fully activated, the power of the dark god, who was now far more powerful than the Blood God, surged in the Demon Realm of Khorne.

The majestic spiritual energy surges like sea water, forming a subspace phenomenon named the Aether Torrent by mortals.

Then the hateful psychic energy dissipated, and a black throne suddenly appeared in the Demon Realm.

Only one person sat on the throne.

Countless demons and bloodletters immediately rushed to the throne, but were then repelled by the psychic shock released by the black throne.

"If you are really the God of Blood and Courage, then don't avoid my challenge!" Qin Mo stood up from the throne, raised the chainsaw sword and pointed it at the Blood God, who was so far away that he couldn't see.

"I look forward to your challenge, but you have to prove that you are qualified to challenge me first!" The voice of the Blood God roared in the Demon Realm, and the molten brass surged like a tsunami, lava erupted, and flames spread to the entire Demon Realm.

All the demons were impulsive because of the anger of the Blood God.

Bloodthirsty demons, bloodletters... not in the real universe, not weakened by the curtain, almost filling the entire Demon Realm, they swept over like the waves of a tsunami.

This scene was enough to make all the Grey Knights want to die bravely, because if all these crazy demons descended into reality, they would easily destroy all creatures in reality and smash the entire universe to pieces with an axe.

Fortunately, they could not descend into the real universe in such large numbers.

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