Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1126: Tzeentch's Exclusive Torture

"My brothers and sisters thought I would love you so much because you were the change, you were the wild card."

"But their guesses are not entirely correct. There is at least one thing I hate about you."

"That's your habitual simple and direct communication method."

Tzeentch interrupted Qin Mo's revelation and began to describe his feelings.

"Because you communicate too simply and directly, you will cause many conflicts that would otherwise occur not to occur, misunderstandings will not occur, and thus there will be no changes."

"Is this good? This is not good. This is not enough change!"

Tzeentch felt himself being tortured.

In fact, it could just leave without listening to Qin Mo's words, if it didn't want to listen.

Qin Mo couldn't stop it, at least temporarily.

But this is correct behavior among ordinary creatures, but it is impossible for Tzeentch to appear at all.

Tzeentch looks forward to the variables brought by the unknown, but it also involves the concept of seeking knowledge.

That's why it stayed here to listen to Qin Mo tell him what it already knew, to cut off the last possibility of changes and surprises, but it refused to leave.

This is a torture unique to Tzeentch.

"You clearly guessed what I was going to do." Qin Mo continued, "You suddenly appeared in front of me out of nowhere and asked me to measure you, just for that little change, what kind of bullshit change can there be? You might as well Wait honestly for me to give you a surprise, because this can at least extend to two possibilities: whether I can kill you and enter your demonic realm, or not. "

"Speculating the truth is completely different from already knowing the truth!"

Tzeentch argued.

"Because you don't know the truth, you can enjoy the process of reasoning about the truth and witnessing the truth. If you know the truth in advance, then witnessing and reasoning are meaningless. The happiness you bring to me as a variable is the same as other realities struggling in the gutter. There is no difference between living beings!”

Qin Mo waved his hands impatiently: "I don't care what your happiness is, what I care about is what I want to do and what I must do."

In front of the angry Tzeentch, Qin Mo turned around and waved his hands, preparing to return to the battleship.

Tzeentch watched Qin Mo return to the battleship.

The gaze of the Dark God brought extremely heavy psychological pressure to the soulless people on the entire ship. This was not a pressure caused by psychic energy, but on a psychological level.

The gaze of a dark god who has brought countless catastrophes to the real universe is enough to make mortals feel afraid.

"Where are we going now?" the emperor asked Qin Mo, who was returning to the bridge.

"Go back to the real universe." Qin Mo answered the emperor in a daze, "This operation ended too suddenly... But we really should go back. The original plan was to return to the real universe after measuring the four gods. I Prepare again and come back.”

The Emperor nodded.

Russ took a step forward and interrupted: "Father, please leave me and Corax behind when you are about to leave the maelstrom."

Hearing this, the Emperor suddenly turned his head to look at Russ.

Russ smiled and explained: "The Thousand Sons don't know what they will do. I must continue the previous mission with Corax until the eternal feud between me and Magnus finally comes to a conclusion."

"Your heirs are waiting for you to return." Qin Mo reminded Russ, "There is a legend about the Wolf's Hour circulating among them, saying that you will come back when the legion's life and death are at stake. They are currently fighting in the maelstrom, maybe Just looking for death."

"I know, and I have given them new revelations, just before we met." Ruth's eyes fell on his father's face again, "If I return to my heirs now, my heirs will There is danger. The Thousand Sons and Magnus have planned many things against my descendants, in order to avenge the burning of Prospero."

Only then did the Emperor understand that Russ's obsession with the Thousand Sons and Magnus was not out of hatred or entanglement, but to do a necessary and serious thing.

"Can you help me?" the Emperor asked.

"No, in your opinion, the feud between Wolf Tuan and Qianzi ten thousand years ago is just a trivial matter." Ruth's eyes flickered back and forth between the faces of his father and Qin Mo.

Ruth was right.

Compared to what the Emperor and Qin Mo are doing personally, the hatred between the Wolf Tuan and Qianzi is indeed a trivial matter.

Now the Star Scroll in the real universe is repairing the maelstrom. Once the maelstrom is repaired, psychic energy will be weakened to an even weaker level in the real universe.

Neither the Thousand Sons nor Magnus are likely to make any more waves in reality.

"If you need help, don't be shy, just ask." Qin Mo said.

When Russ was about to thank Qin Mo for his promise to help, he heard Qin Mo continue: "Your father ordered you to go to Prospero to destroy the Thousand Sons. If there is anyone who is most bound to help you, Busy, then it’s obviously your father.”

"No, I am now just a part of the Emperor from ten thousand years ago." The Emperor quickly defended himself, "But if you need help, Russ, both you and Corax, if you need help, come to me That’s it, I’ll do whatever I can.”

Hearing this, Russ turned to look at Corax.

The two brothers looked at each other for a few seconds, then nodded with complicated expressions.

The fleet gradually left the warp.

The Star Scroll once again projects a half-reality, allowing the fleet's faster-than-light travel to work locally in the warp.

The entire fleet quickly left the warp and came to the Maelstrom, a place where it is unclear whether it is the intersection of reality and the warp or a wound crack, and the curtain of the Maelstrom has been repaired by 70%.

Without another golden expedition, the 70% repaired part of the Maelstrom is very strong, and the effect of the black stone is difficult to match it.

Qin Mo ordered the ship to put Russ and Corax down halfway.

Then the fleet continued to sail normally.

Until the giant starport of the Maelstrom Research Base could be seen.

Qin Mo stood in front of the string window and asked the Emperor in a deep voice without looking back: "What did you promise to the cold sun to allow it to provide half of its power for you to drive?"

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