Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1129 A stable human force

"Why don't you take part in this meeting yourself?"

Foros listened for a while and asked the Lord of Tailong in confusion.

Qin Mo's eyes showed emotions such as relief, joy, and appreciation.

After a moment, Qin Mo spoke softly.

"I was drawn into the warp during the Battle of Tyron."

"What I was most afraid of in the subspace at that time was not whether I would be killed by the gods, or whether I would never be able to live without him... The only thing I really feared was Talon."

"I'm afraid that Talon will fall apart after I leave. I'm afraid that Talon can't live without his shaper for even a moment. I'm afraid that Talon's top leaders are all careerists who hide their true colors under the power beyond mortals and astonishing material conditions."

"But then I left the warp and realized my fears were unnecessary."

Foros listened quietly.

He also led the Lamenters to support Taillon during the Battle of Taillon, so he knew these things.

"In the army, navy, Tyrone administration, Praetorian Guard... among these departments, the conflicts and dissatisfactions between these departments were put aside, and everyone immediately reached a unanimous opinion, which was to form a temporary council to govern Tyrone in my place until my return. "

"And those star gods whose reliability far exceeds my expectations..."

Speaking of this, Qin Mo thought of Burner.

The first thing I have to admit is...

Regardless of whether he is an enemy or a friend of the Burner, no matter who looks at this extremely cruel Star God, he will feel that this bastard covered in fire is no ordinary beast.

Some C'tan combat teams will complain to the Chronicler and the Void Dragon about the Burner's abuse. However, when the Void Dragon comes to the Burner, the Burner will use the coldest logic to list the suspected actions of the C'tan that it abused. Actions that may violate the rules.

But Qin Mo never punished Burner, not only because Burner was bad and foresighted and never violated the rules, nor because of the time Burner had been with him, nor because of Burner's contribution and Webway technology.

Just for one reason.

When Qin Mo himself was lost in the subspace, the Burner did not run away or sit idly by. It used its own force and cruelty to provide force protection for the Provisional Council.

When a C'tan demands more council power from the mortals when the Provisional Council is formed, it is not greedy for the management rights of an ant nest.

Rather, it is suspicious of those Tailong people who are hostile and distrustful of it, and is worried about whether Tailong will function normally and whether it will belong to Qin Mo.

"Now." Qin Mo watched the meeting going on and said softly, "They are more reliable. I don't have to worry about being overwhelmed, nor do I have to worry about having to do everything myself. Even if I need to leave for a while because of something, Everything will continue to operate normally.”

Foros doesn't understand so many things about governance. He only cares about one thing: "You want to leave?"

"Yes, but not now." Qin Mo nodded and admitted, "I have something that only I can do that needs to be done, and I must do it, and I am willing to do it."

"Dark Gods?" Foros shook his head. "The Gene Father told us that as long as we wait for the day when the curtain is completely repaired, we will never have to live under the influence of the gods..."

"Sanguinius is right." Qin Mo smiled, "But he made it simpler."

Foros was stunned for a moment and fell silent.

It was not that Fros had nothing to say, but he didn't know how to say what he was thinking, or whether he could say it.

Finally, he no longer hesitated and spoke decisively: "If you are not in Tailong, just like the regent is not in the empire, future conflicts may evolve into a civil war that affects the entire human race."

"What would you do if a civil war started?" Qin Mo asked Foros.

Foros thought for a while and replied: "I will rescue civilians injured in the war, whether they are Imperials or Tyrones."

"There are many people who think like you. This is why I don't worry about the future." Qin Mo said, "The only way to solve problems is war. The Tailong people understand this truth. The problem now is that the Imperial people Can you understand this?"

"There are many ways to solve problems without war."

"For example, we can use economic and material conditions to influence the empire, and provide unconditional aid and support to those poor and backward worlds, including education, industry, medical care, and all aspects of influence."

“It will only take a generation, or even less, for us humans to be inextricably linked.”

Hearing this, a look of joy appeared on Foros's face.

Qin Mo continued: "But I am not guaranteeing that the civil war of the human race will not proceed. Just like there are still people in the Supreme Council of Ministers established by Roboute who dare to challenge Roboute, the empire will not be all honest people. And those who follow orders, there are careerists on both sides of Tyrone and the Empire.”

"But no matter what the problem is, we will find a solution, whether it is gentle, cruel, peaceful, violent... all problems will be solved, just like the external threats faced by the human race."

"What matters is, as influential people like you, how you make your choices."

Foros nodded thoughtfully.

Qin Mo stopped looking at Foros and continued to observe the meeting.

But Fros had not yet finished what he wanted to say.

After a while, the leader spoke: "The Warmaster has planned a war against the Tau civilization, which will be carried out after the war between us and the Necron..."

Qin Mo nodded.

He learned about this from the intelligence agency after he came back.

"The Gene Father will lead the Blood Angels Legion to carry out this operation." Foros continued, "How should I choose?"

"You don't need to make a decision on this matter, because this operation will not start. Tai Lung will prevent the empire from carrying out this war operation." Qin Mo said calmly, "Among the countless alien races in the galaxy, the Titanium civilization can Those species that coexist are not advisable to exterminate them.”

"The etheric elders of the Tau civilization have arrived in the Talon star sector. They will discuss whether the Tau civilization should accept Talon's protection and participate in this war that is coming to an end."

"In addition to the Titanium, there are also dwarves living in the center of the galaxy. One of their ancestor cores will arrive at Tyrone 1 with the Ether delegation. If the negotiation goes well, their ancestor cores that have developed strange conditions will be repaired, and the dwarf civilization There will be extensive commercial and trade activities with humans.”

Speaking of this, Qin Mo put forward his own reasons.

"In our war with the Necrons, the rage and bravery of the soldiers on the frontline will cause the power of the Blood God to descend on the battlefield. Even in galaxies engaged in the purest material war, it will cause the reality film And the veil is weakened enough to allow demons to penetrate.”

"Unless absolutely necessary, no massacres or wars should continue to exist in this universe."

Qin Mo and Foros did not exist in this meeting at all in the eyes of others.

While they were chatting privately, Empire and Talon also discussed things about aliens.

Gray said that if the Titanium carried out a provocative action, or carried out any offensive behavior against any human force, then they would receive a profound punishment.

But in the recent battle for colonies between the Empire and the Tau civilization, the Tau chose to give in first. There was no performance that could lead to the conclusion that they were fighting against humans, so it was impossible to punish them and conduct war. approved.

Ryan changed the subject.

Gray followed Ryan and changed the topic to whether the empire could accept Tyrone's assistance to the empire's war zone.

Ryan felt that this was an insignificant matter and he didn't care, so he agreed. After all, Talon had already carried out free food distribution and shelter construction in the empire's frontline theaters. The empire's civilian supplies had long been converted into military supplies. Talon There is no reason to refuse the fact that people are willing to take care of it.

At this time, Qin Mo turned around and quietly left the bridge.

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