Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1131 The Abandoned

Mo Lan was beaten so hard that his vision was covered with blood.

Before he lost consciousness, he saw himself being dragged to the ground by his hair by a "Terminator".

That's not a Terminator, that's not the Terminator armor that Space Marines wear.

It was a new product modified from the power armor worn by engine room engineers on ships.

Mo Lan was dragged to the ground, and someone injected him with a sobering drug, which instantly made him conscious after losing consciousness.

After opening his eyes, Mo Lan saw the "Terminator" who was much taller than himself squatting in front of him. The thick helmet opened layer by layer, revealing a small mortal head.

"You bunch of shit!"

“You forgotten pieces of shit in the corner!”

The mortal roared angrily and punched Mo Lan in the abdomen. This punch almost caused Mo Lan to be vomited out by the superhuman organ in his body.

"We were supposed to get out of this damn place and away from you shits! Take a solar month off on Tyrone Three!"

"Just because you bullshits come out to disgust people! Just because you caused Tai Lung's people in the legal department to take you seriously! The vacation of all of us will be postponed until you are completely killed!"

The mortal was so angry that veins popped out on his forehead, and his roar made Mo Lan's ears ring.

After he finished scolding, the man punched Mo Lan in the abdomen again.

Blood spurted out of his mouth like a fountain, and Mo Lan felt like his two hearts were in his throat.

But as a space warrior, Mo Lan can still speak.

"You are also abandoned, just like us." Mo Lan sneered and looked around at the battle brothers who were beaten and lying on the ground. "We are all abandoned in this ghost world. We are all abandoned."

Mo Lan was not fooled into talking nonsense.

The mortal police officers present also knew the origins of these Space Marine gang members.

This world is now a trading world, but in the past it was a demonic world where the corruption was not particularly severe in the Eye of Terror.

After the Battle of the Iron Ring, the Chaos Space Marines fled and a Chaos warband dedicated to Slaanesh crashed a ship on the world.

Afterwards, Blackstone suppressed the subspace influence here. In order to show Guilliman that it was really doing something, the State Church sent people to purify this demonic world, and then placed part of the Holy War Army of the State Church believers who participated in the Golden Expedition here. world.

It's a pity that the state religion has not been able to purify the "rats" in the gutter.

"It's sad, isn't it?" The mortal grabbed Mo Lan's hair and stared into his eyes, "You used to be soldiers, but now we are gang members. We do some sneaky things all day long, and we risk our lives for a little chemical. ”

"Correction, sir." Mo Lan raised a finger and sneered, "We lived like this when we were members of the war gang."

"You live quite a long time. People in this world have forgotten how fervently their ancestors believed in the state religion hundreds of years ago, and yet you are still alive." The mortal said with the same sneer.

"Of course, we are space warriors, shouldn't we be able to live longer than you reptiles?" Mo Lan was still unconvinced.

Hearing this, the mortal police officer did not beat Mo Lan, but scanned every Space Marine gang member present.

These people were indeed Space Marines, but they had fallen and betrayed ten thousand years ago.

And the condition of these Space Marines...

Although they are still tall, they are all stooped, with pale skin, sunken eye sockets, and some are even skinny and skinny.

Some Space Marines may have liked to cut off people's faces and stick them on their own faces in the past...but those who do this now will develop sores and suppuration due to long-term contact with ulcerated skin on their faces.

Some Space Marines may have hung jars with combat auxiliary drugs directly on their backs and connected them to their internal organs.

And now it looked like there were only two iron rods embedded in the bones that were used to fix the medicine jars on his withered back. The flesh and blood near the iron rods had rotted away, all the way to the internal organs where the tubes were originally inserted.

In short, everything done by these Space Marines who once believed in Slaanesh will now have more...realistic consequences.

The Eye of Terror has been closed for hundreds of years.

These guys can no longer carry medicine jars that are almost heavier than their upper bodies and jump back and forth at an astonishing speed.

"Get out of here." The mortal police officer stood up and motioned to the guys to take off the chemical barrels from the backs of these Space Marines.

And those bound Space Marines were also released.

Mo Lan looked at the person in front of him in confusion, not understanding what he was trying to do.

It wasn't until the mortals suddenly pointed their guns at Mo Lan and the others that Mo Lan and the others turned around and ran away in confusion.

"We just let them go?"

someone asked.

"Yes, let them go."

"These bastards will waste time if they go through the process and impose penalties..."

"When I injected the sobering potion into the guy named Mo Lan, the potion contained a tracker."

"They will go back to their safest place and expose that place and expose their other associates."

"In the end...the bat will use the simplest and most direct way to solve them, once and for all."

The mortal police officer said as he took out a portable device that could check the location from his power armor backpack, then threw the device on the ground, waved his hand, and left with his partners.

In the distance, the figure of the "bat" observing everything flashed, and after the mortals left, it came to the equipment thrown on the ground, put the equipment away, and hid in the darkness again.


Molan and his party returned to the nest in the bottom nest.

This was originally a fully automatic factory used to produce supplies for the army passing through this world at the end of the battle during the Golden Expedition, and now it has been abandoned for hundreds of years.

For some reason, the entire factory was dark tonight.

This is very abnormal.

Molan and his party carefully entered the factory and moved closer to the inside along the familiar passage.

They were in darkness all the way.

Until they finally came to the deepest part of this gang's nest, Molan and his party were relieved and confirmed that nothing bad had happened here.

Because the former leader of the Sons of Joy war gang, the current boss of the Sons of Joy gang, was lying under an oil lamp that released a faint light.

This person who Molan respected very much is now skinny and lying in a dirty and smelly nest.

The two black eye sockets were originally blessed with super vision organs, but now without the supply of spiritual energy, the vision organs have long died, leaving only two holes.

Molan was relieved and sure that everything was fine here, but he suddenly noticed a vague outline in the shadow behind the boss.

It looked like a bat...

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