Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1134 The Future of Star God

Qin Mo flew towards Tailong No.1.

The void dragon followed behind him.

"Are you leaving the real universe?"

"To the subspace?"

"I really don't understand why you are obsessed with destroying the gods of subspace. Obviously our real universe may be able to completely get rid of the corrosion of subspace in a few hours. The Star Scroll has repaired 9% of the curtain of the real universe. fifteen."

"The subspace is very dangerous, so dangerous that if you want to sentence a star god to death, you can just throw it in."


The Void Dragon is like a human chatterbox at this time.

Qin Mo flew forward silently, listening silently, without even "responding" to the Void Dragon with his eyes.

Qin Mo understood what Void Dragon said, and he had already considered it.

After Void Dragon repeated what he wanted to say over and over again, Qin Mo confessed to him.

"I am going to subspace, not staying in subspace forever."

"The curtain can stop the gods, but it can't stop me. If I want, I can come back at any time."

Qin Mo used two simple sentences to block out the questions that Void Dragon would ask over and over again.

After receiving the answer, the Void Dragon pondered for a moment before speaking again.

And Qin Mo had already anticipated what Void Dragon would ask.

"The C'tan cannot continue to inhabit the Celestial Engine. This is what I built for my people. It will not belong to the C'tan in the future."

"There is no doubt that the Star Gods will have a place to live in the real universe, but it must be a suitable place to live."

"All Star Gods must abide by the most important rule now, which is that they are prohibited from interacting with mortals."

What Qin Mo said was indeed what Void Dragon wanted to ask.

Regarding the future arrangements of the Star God, and about how the Star God will live in the real universe after Qin Mo enters the subspace.

But regarding the arrangement of the Star Gods, Void Dragon has different opinions: "Perhaps the Star Gods can be allowed to assist mortals when necessary, to prevent mortals from embarking on a road of no return in the future, or to turn the tide."

"I am very satisfied if the Star God can guarantee to abide by the rules. I dare not think about what will happen if the Star God interferes in mortal affairs." Qin Mo finally turned back to look at the Void Dragon.

The Void Dragon thought for a moment, then agreed.

Maybe Qin Mo was right, the Star Gods should not be qualified to interfere in mortal affairs at all.

"The star gods outside the galaxy have not received living metal bodies, nor are they conscious, so there is no need to worry about them." Qin Mo has begun to think about things outside the galaxy, "But within the galaxy, the star gods must be strictly managed. The worry is that they will get out of control after I leave.”

"Why are you worried? You can kill any star god now." Void Dragon asked doubtfully.

Qin Mo suddenly stopped flying, and the Void Dragon also stopped.

"Magradros, if I'm not in front of you now, go and kill all the people on that planet." Qin Mo pointed to an inhabited hive world next to him, "Then I will come back and kill you, and finally What will be lost?”

The Void Dragon was stunned for a moment and replied: "I'm gone."

"No, the loss is everyone in that world." Qin Mo shook his head, "The important thing is not how to punish, but how to prevent tragedies from happening. Even if I can pack them all up and kill them, if you have already done something tragic For vicious behavior, the losses still exist and will not change whether you are punished or not.”

Void Dragon realized that Qin Mo was emphasizing the importance of rules again.

The Void Dragon knows the importance of rules, but its understanding of the rules is: abiding by the rules will prevent the Star God from being reduced to a giant in strength and an ant in thinking, and will not allow the Star God to be defeated by others in cruel internal fighting. Pick up leaks.

As for the importance of this rule to human beings, Void Dragon is not yet able to fully understand it.

Qin Mo does not need the Void Dragon to understand deeply. He only needs the Void Dragon to be the maintainer of the rules, together with the Burner, the Recorder, and the Mimic as maintainers.

"There must be a very clear boundary between Star Gods and mortals." Qin Mo turned around and continued flying, "If necessary, I will come back from the subspace and kill someone who has violated the rules or intends to violate the rules. The Star God was broken into pieces little by little as a warning."

After hearing this, Void Dragon thought this was a good idea.

Nothing can serve as a greater warning than breaking a Star God into pieces bit by bit in front of other Star Gods.

But to be honest, Void Dragon doesn't want this method to be really used as a solution.

"If you are determined to embark on the path of killing the subspace gods, then go ahead. I will not let you have any worries." The Void Dragon's guarantee was cold but powerful, "I will ensure that there will not be any Star God. Because of your stupid and cruel actions, you have to come back from the subspace to deal with the real universe, I guarantee it.”

Qin Mo turned back to stare at the Void Dragon and nodded: "You are always surprisingly reliable."

In Qin Mo's eyes, the Void Dragon was unexpectedly reliable.

Qin Mo never expected the Void Dragon to become a character like Malcador, but the Void Dragon became a character like Malcador.

"As for what happened between you and the Forger thousands of years ago..." Qin Mo took the initiative to mention that matter in the extremely distant past. He didn't think he had to bear any price for the Forger, but there were some things that should be spoken out. Be brave. Only by speaking out can budding conflicts be resolved.

The Void Dragon is now complete, it has normal thinking and can be communicated.

That's why Qin Mo is willing to speak out.

"I know very well that you are not a forger." The Void Dragon said, "I have always known that you are not a forger at all, so of course, my past with the forger has nothing to do with you, you can treat it as if it does not exist at all."

"It is precisely because you are not a forger that you can inspire me."

"I realize the importance of what you do and the importance of your thinking."

The Void Dragon said several sentences in succession, and then took a break like a human taking a deep breath, and added: "Fortunately, you are not a forger, otherwise the Star God will always be a barbaric, ant in the thinking and civilization system."

"You think clearly." Qin Mo nodded.

The Void Dragon is awakened.

It realized one thing.

This thing is... how terrible it is to be a giant in strength and an ant in thinking.

It is terrible enough to make a transcendent existence like the Star God be defeated and enslaved by his own slaves.

"The importance of order and rules." Qin Mo emphasized, "If you do as I say, the Star God will be able to truly coexist with real creatures."

"Yes." The Void Dragon agreed very much.

The Void Dragon accompanied him on this trip just to ask questions, and now that the purpose has been achieved, it will no longer go with him.

When the Void Dragon said goodbye and flew quickly to two hundred light years away, Qin Mo watched the Void Dragon disappear from his sight, and then sped up to rush to Tyrone No. 1.

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