Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1136 Old Friends

Tyrone One.

Residential Area 44.

A ring of buildings surrounds the activity area of ​​the entire residential area.

People gathered in the activity area, adults held children, and the elderly were supported by iron men. Everyone in the entire residential area stood on the camping square in the center of the forest.

An extremely realistic projection that was magnified several times was presented to everyone.

It was a scene of an old man who looked very old and had a hand-to-hand fight with an alien beast the size of a tank.

That's Grote.

As the protagonist of this projection, Grote is currently holding a child of about six years old, standing in a crowd of people watching the projection with others.

Anyone can tell that the child in Grote's arms is definitely not his grandson, because the child's ears are very big, and Grote's ears are not that long.

But no one cares.

Everyone focuses on the image and Grote’s past.

The main perspective of the projection is a girl with a security recorder hanging on her chest.

"Stop filming! Get up and stand aside!"

Grote growled at the girl.

The main perspective immediately moved up, and then fled backwards, but the recording continued.

Grote turned around and picked up a curled-edged axe from the ground, looking at the alien beast that was staring at him eagerly.

The beast's limbs were tense due to the accumulated strength, and its thick blood vessels appeared on its body in the form of terrifying lines.

Just seeing the projection of this beast, everyone present almost stopped breathing.

"You damn beast!"

"I'm going to dig out your eyeballs and roast them! I'm going to dig out your bones and the elements in your body to make an ax that can never curl its blade!"

There was a laceration on Grote's face from his chin to his forehead, and his skull was even exposed in the wound, which was oozing blood, but he roared and roared at the beast as if the wound did not exist at all.

This makes people wonder if the courage of this old guy is bigger than the size of the tank-sized beast opposite.

The beast seemed to be irritated by this human's arrogance, and opened its bloody mouth, and the smelly breath and blood spurted out along the gaps between the sharp teeth like a chain sword.

Grote was also enraged. He actually opened his mouth and roared at the beast.

One man and one beast roared at each other for a while, and then they began to attack each other at the same time.

Grote swung his ax and was swallowed by the beast the moment he took up his stance.

The people watching the projection were stunned for a few seconds, and then all looked back at Groat at the same time.

Grote gave an awkward smile.

After the beast in the projection devoured Grote, it rushed towards the girl. It suddenly stopped midway and let out a painful roar.

The beast's body trembled, as if something was cutting its neck.

Finally an arm shot out from the beast's eye.

Grote threw the blood-stained ax from his eyes, and used the prosthetic arm he implanted to crazily cut the beast's brain, howling like a madman and tearing away the flesh.

Finally the beast lay down.

Groat emerged from the beast's eye.

He walked towards the girl.

Covered in blood and chunks of flesh.

There was also a laceration on the face that extended from the chin to the top of the head, and a white skull was vaguely visible in the wound.

The girl was obviously extremely frightened and crawled backwards crying.

Grote sighed, his shoulders sank, as if helpless, then walked quickly to the girl's side and grabbed her arm: "Were you injured just now?"

People's cheers continued from the moment Groat's arm pierced the beast's eye to the last moment.

Grote smiled and bowed slightly to everyone.

People were discussing Grote's performance in the square, but Grote no longer cared about that. He hugged the child in his arms and left quietly.

On a certain patch of grass in the forest, Grote sat down, took out an ice cream cone from his arms and handed it to the child.

"You are still as majestic as before."

Grote heard someone talking behind him. He turned his head inadvertently and was stunned.

Qin Mo was wearing casual clothes and leaning against a tree. He was holding a carbonated drink bottle with the "Excellent Beverage" logo in his hand and holding a straw in his mouth.



"No wonder this drink is selling out of stock in the frontline war zones, and no wonder its founder is willing to go to the trenches on the frontline to conduct suicide sales for this product."

Qin Mo finished the drink and threw the bottle away.

The bottle melted on the grass.

"Why are you baring your teeth with the beast again?" Qin Mo walked towards Grote.

Grote stood up subconsciously, and then replied: "I originally wanted to farm on the border of Tyrone. There are such beasts in that agricultural world. There are too many beasts, and eventually I have to come back."

"I heard that the knights from Donna's family are killing giant beasts on the planets that have just been colonized." Qin Mo sat next to Grote and took the child in his arms into his arms, "The place you went to The world has not encountered Donna’s family, nor has it encountered Tyrone’s cleaning fleet.”

"I am one of the first colonists." Grote shrugged helplessly, "In addition to an old fool who dared to go to the primitive world outside Tyrone to explore after buying a transport ship, and a seven-year-old Cady who secretly boarded the ship at the star port. Demihuman girl, who else is willing to go down and colonize before the cleaning fleet arrives."

Qin Mo smiled and nodded, thinking that Groot's adventurous spirit will never change.

Groot was talking about his own things as if reminiscing about the past: "Then I found myself looking for death, so I sold the ship and bought tickets for me and the little girl from the Empire who got on board to the Talon One. I wanted to buy her a house here, but she said she just wanted me to give her some money to help her buy tickets for six people to the Talon border."

"Is the girl in the video a Cadian?" Qin Mo was a little surprised, "Wasn't the Cadian galaxy assisted during the Golden Expedition?"

"War orphans." Groot spread his hands, "During the war, Cadian soldiers would rather let the transport line transport more He didn't even want to bring some birth control supplies to himself. I guess the little guy got lost when his parents moved to the war zone, and he huddled together with other lost children for warmth. "

Qin Mo smiled: "The Cadians really don't like birth control stuff. Creed's deputy Kyle once told me that Cadian male and female soldiers reproduced to increase the number of troops when they fell in love. As for how to raise them, it doesn't matter. Stuff them in tanks, stuff them in ammunition boxes, stuff them with military rations after the battle, and they can survive. Kyle said that they believe that a Cadian child can grow up to be a warrior anyway. "

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