The figure stood in the open space outside the shelter.

Holding a chainsword in both hands.

Civilians gathered around him, and the group of soldiers stood not far from him.

The overwhelming fleet was still conducting orbital bombardment.

But the light spear disappeared when it fell into the atmosphere.

There is nothing to prove that orbital bombing has ever caused damage to this world, except for the aurora and deep craters caused by filling the air with large amounts of plasma.

Even other worlds in the entire galaxy are the same.

Lant was still in his mother's arms, holding the souvenir that was used as an amulet and comparing it with the figure in front of him.

Everyone has taken off their protective helmets.

But Lant still couldn't see the figure's face clearly when the eyepiece was not blurry.

It was like a blur appeared on that person's face.

There was a roar in the sky, and Zhao Chen, who claimed to be a guard, landed in everyone's sight wearing armor.

There were broken gaps all over his body, and one arm had even been torn off, revealing extremely complex and precise wounds.

And this disabling wound is gradually being repaired.

When Zhao Chen saw that figure, he was in a trance and remembered the person in his memory.

But Zhao Chen did not dare to confirm, because over a long period of time, many people had pretended to be the great man who once was.

"You..." Zhao Chen took a deep breath and trembled, "Can you... let me see your face?"

In Zhao Chen's eyes, that face was also blurry.

The figure stood tall, as steady as a huge mountain range.

Then he reacts.

The chain sword was lifted with one hand and slowly raised to the face.

The blade of the sword is higher than the head, and the sword body covers half of the face.

In the reflection of the sword, Zhao Chen saw half of the obscured face.

Not a blur, but a clear look.

Zhao Chen's whole body trembled. After being stunned for half a minute, he held his breath and lowered his body gently.

One knee was pushed to the ground and he knelt down.

"Lord of Tyrone."

Zhao Chen shouted softly.

The figure put down the chain sword and still stood there, just raising his head and looking up at the fleet in the sky.

The civilians lowered their bodies in shock and knelt on one knee.

The federal army soldiers also gradually knelt down in shock.

That is Lord Tyrone.

Lord of Tyrone is not an extremely ancient title.

Not a figure holding a chainsword and a scepter.

But unparalleled power, and love and kindness worthy of this power.


Qin Mo slowly lowered his head, looking down from the fleet in the void to the person in front of him.

"I'm back."

In the void.

The fleet, which inherited the ancient and glorious name of the Tyron Navy, ceased its orbital bombardment of all worlds in the galaxy.

The sudden and strange situation forced them to adjust their strategies.

The enemies that appeared later forced them to shift their attention to these enemies.

Six energy bodies.

On the translucent surface are flowing stars, whose general shape looks like a human energy body.

The fleet tried to communicate with them, but they didn't accept the communication.

The order from the marshal who was far away in the celestial engine was conveyed to the fleet, and the entire fleet began to focus fire on these energy bodies.

Countless energy weapons, countless live ammunition weapons...

All attacks stopped for an instant.

One of the energy bodies raised his hand towards the fleet.

When its hand clenched suddenly, all the ship's weapons were instantly disintegrated into atoms floating in the void.

The entire fleet was disarmed because of this simple act.

When the people in the fleet thought that they would suffer a devastating blow for provoking these energy bodies, the energy bodies that disintegrated the weapons put down their hands.

Six energy bodies stand in the void.

Weird, yet powerful.

Then, on the surface of World No. 1, a ray of light flew out and stayed beside those energy bodies.

When the light dissipated, Qin Mo's figure was revealed.

Qin Mo moved his fingers.

The rules of space, sight, and hearing were changed, and all the ships in the entire fleet were instantly pulled closer to less than one meter away from him. These warships overlapped, but there was no collision or destruction.

Everyone in the fleet saw Qin Mo.

Qin Mo's face is no longer blurry, but clear.

Because he no longer needs to hide his identity, he has proven the power he possesses and the authority he represents.

Qin Mo opened his mouth, and a soft and gentle voice came out, reaching everyone's ears.

"Fire on your leader."

The fleet was still in consternation.

The ship's weapons have been reshaped.

The decomposition and reshaping of those weapons brought quite a shock.


Qin Mo continued.

"Follow my orders."

When the people in the fleet reacted, no one was willing to open fire or give the order to open fire.

After a while.

Qin Mo said: "Stop all military operations against this galaxy and leave this galaxy with me."

As soon as the words fell, all the battleships returned to their staggered vertical and horizontal arrangement.

Qin Mo entered the flagship of the Glory Humanity.

Six energy bodies entered together with him.

The captain and personnel on the bridge were so stunned that they were speechless.

Qin Mo came to the tactical table amidst many gazes, gently stroked the tactical table, and then came to the seat on the high platform in the center of the bridge.

"Have you kept my position until now?"

The captain heard the Lord of Tyrone ask him this.

After hesitating and stammering for a long time, the captain calmed down and formally answered: "Yes... This is the tradition of the Invincible Fleet. Your position must be preserved, and no one can or dares to dismantle it."

Qin Mo nodded and sat in that position.

The captain walked over tremblingly and sat below the Lord of Tyrone's position. He began to issue orders using the device in that position to prepare the fleet to leave the galaxy.

"The Admiral wants... wants to see you." The captain looked up at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo leaned back in his seat and shook his head gently.

The captain immediately cut off the communication request of the Admiral of the Navy.

Qin Mo knew very well that it was not an audience with the Admiral of the Navy, but a distinction between the true and the false.

He didn't care.

He didn't want to listen.

After looking around the bridge, Qin Mo felt as if he was in a war ten thousand years ago.

It was just that he knew everyone in the bridge at that time, and they dared to say a few witty words to the Lord of Tyrone, instead of being as silent as now.

A moment later, an energy body left the bridge, and when it came back, there was one more person beside it.

Zhao Chen.

"Where are the other guards who stayed in reality?" Qin Mo motioned Zhao Chen to come forward.

Zhao Chen took a deep breath and answered sadly: "They died in the first human counterattack eleven thousand years ago. They exchanged their sacrifice for the destruction of the Tyranid Zerg Hive Mind."

"What is the human counterattack?" Qin Mo asked.

"The attack on enemies with different thinking and survival methods is an amplified version of the extermination action of the Extinction Fleet against the aliens that cannot coexist before you left."

Hearing Zhao Chen's answer, Qin Mo lowered his head and thought.

He recalled that after killing Slaanesh, he found that the Zerg Hive Mind in the subspace had moved, and then he went to kill the Zerg Hive Mind.

But it was a step too late after all.

There is no time in the subspace, and there was no time before.

Otherwise, Qin Mo could come back the next day after leaving the real universe, but later, there was time, and even things in the subspace would not be able to catch up in the real universe.

And the reason why there is time is that Tzeentch later became too powerful and too difficult to kill.

In order to win Tzeentch in a game, Qin Mo and the Cold Sun created a timeline together.

"How is Tyrone now?" Qin Mo suppressed his regret and sadness and asked Zhao Chen the second question.

"Talon has become history." Zhao Chen replied, "At that time, the Imperial Church was divided, and the Empire was also divided. One part advocated integration with us, and the other part advocated destruction of us."

"The Talon Parliament and the Imperial Regent who advocated integration with Talon announced that the two human forces were completely integrated to form the Human Federation."

"The part of the Empire that advocated the destruction of us was eliminated, and the children of those rebels were taken away and re-educated. They were no longer as extreme as their parents."

"Then the Imperial Regent and the Primarchs left."

"The Human Federation expanded, countless aliens joined, and those powerful alien races also joined, and eventually it was renamed the Galactic Federation."

After Zhao Chen finished speaking, Qin Mo thought.

He was very curious about Guilliman's whereabouts and current situation, but Zhao Chen probably couldn't know.

As for the Space Marines...

"Space Marines, how are they?" Qin Mo asked.

Zhao Chen recalled: "They participated in the first and second human counterattacks, but their lifespans were not as eternal as their gene fathers, and they gradually withered."

When Qin Mo wanted to ask about the weepers, Zhao Chen had already spoken first: "When there was only one veteran left in the weepers, that veteran was still an interstellar ranger, saving anyone who needed to be saved, until he could not even move and returned to Baal."

After hearing this, Qin Mo was silent for a long time.

When he spoke next time, he asked about Zhao Chen: "Why did you fall to this?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Chen became excited.

Zhao Chen was telling an extremely long story, and Qin Mo listened quietly, sorting out what Zhao Chen said in his mind.

Then Qin Mo felt that this was really a tragic thing.

In 621.M58, a big thing happened.

This big thing is called the Iron Man Rebellion.

A group of rebels appeared in a corner of the galaxy.

The Iron Man was ordered to go and suppress the rebellion.

Then the Iron Man killed all the humans and aliens in that galaxy.

Zhao Chen thought that this could not happen. He was present when the Lord of Tyrone shaped the Iron Man. He knew what the Iron Man and the Stone Man had planned. The Iron Man would not kill humans.

As the guarantee of the human race, the Iron Man dealt with humans by simply disintegrating the defense, capturing humans, and then handing them over to humans for disposal.

But the Iron Man just killed everyone in that galaxy.

At the trial meeting of this evil act later, the parliament questioned why the main control intelligence issued an extermination order, and the main control intelligence answered.

"I received an extermination order, and the other party was not human."

Zhao Chen thought this matter was very strange, so he began to investigate, and finally found that the people in that galaxy had undergone some kind of collective genetic modification.

The Iron Men are still shouldering the responsibilities of serving mankind in the past, but they are no longer in the galaxy and are dealing with enemies in another river system.

What they are dealing with now are Tyranid relatives who not only prey, but also manage and produce biomass like farming.

After the Iron Man rebellion ended, Qiaowei became the Federation Governor because he advocated taking drastic measures to calm the Iron Man.

Then it will be the fifty-ninth millennium.

A force that demanded to secede from the Federation suddenly appeared in the sector where Galaxy 44 is located. Zhao Chen came to investigate and found that the force was weird, so he eliminated that force and announced that he would take over the management of the sector with the power of the Imperial Guard. Then he was taken over by the Federation. Defined as rebellion.

Now, the star area has been gradually compressed, and only one galaxy is left.

After sorting out what Zhao Chen said, Qin Mo looked at Zhao Chen and read his brain.


Qin Mo said: "When I return to Tailong... no, when I return to the federal capital galaxy, I will conduct a large-scale time review, and any problem will become clear."

Zhao Chen nodded: "Finally!"

After briefly understanding what happened in the real universe, Qin Mo fell silent.

Zhao Chen asked: "Did you kill the four gods?"

Qin Mo nodded: "To be precise, it's not called killing, but eliminating concepts. It's like peeling off the concepts from the four gods."

Zhao Chen didn't quite understand what he heard, but he understood that it was good news.

The Four Gods have existed in the past, present and future since their birth.

If the four gods are killed, they will not exist in the past, present or future.

The Old Ones' grand plan anchored everything in the real universe, which is why the Four Gods are gone but people still know of their existence.

But that's all in the past.

Zhao Chen looked at the six energy bodies on the side, he was very curious: "They..."

"Your former colleague." Qin Mo said.

Zhao Chen saw an energy body making a fist gesture towards him.

This instantly reminded him of the person named Anreda.

In shock, Zhao Chen turned to look at Qin Mo and heard: "Your former colleague. He is also a human being in the future."

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