Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1149 Past Bonds

The Emperor was in the most secret laboratory, a place that even Erda, who was working with him on the Primarch Project, had never set foot in.

Erda's extremely unique and important gene sequence was extracted, experimented, and applied.

And the Emperor's own gene sequence was also added.

While carrying out all these processes that were enough to shock human biologists in the Golden Age, the Emperor suddenly thought of a unique but not completely unique gene sequence he had seen before.

The gene of the primitive human with the power of the Star God.

In the early days of the human space age, after conquering some alien civilizations, humans would establish rule on the alien civilization's home planet.

The ruling class is closely linked by genes and race rather than class and power and wealth.

On the alien home planets, there are some backup plans, such as some genetic weapons that can exterminate specific alien races. In order to prevent the enslaved humans from forgetting who they are after the aliens seize power, archives and weapons warehouses that only humans can enter are set up. These things will conduct genetic scans on the users. No matter what the user's purpose is, the first thing to do is to ensure that the user is human.

At that time, human genes were not as different from those of primitive people as in the Golden Age, and genetic technology had not yet been widely used.

But the genes of those primitive people may unlock the heritage of mankind just entering the space age. Compared with the technological products of the ignorant age of mankind today, they seem like toys for young children. They are like the genes of primitive people. Their existence itself is the only value, similar to the human artwork in Malcador's hands.

Humanity has forgotten too many things in the long process of development, even including itself.

Compared with the genes of primitive humans, the genes of immortals are of course different, even if they were born together.

Even the genes within the immortal race are not very similar, just like Erda's genes. Her genes can be used to create the original body, which does not mean that it can be replaced with Malcador's genes.

The Emperor has thought about it many times, thinking about why the immortals were born in the human race, what mission they have, tracing their roots, and which branch route on the human evolutionary tree they belong to...


The device prompt sounded, and the Emperor broke away from his thinking. He found that he was once again thinking about things from the perspective of a biologist.


While extracting the mixed genes, the Emperor thought about how many thousands of years ago he was as a biologist.

After thinking for a while, he gave up this kind of thinking.

Because the Emperor realized that no matter what identity he had, how many identities he had, and what he had done, those things were no longer important in this era.

He must forget himself and the past in order to better become a guide of the human race called the Emperor.

The Emperor recalled that he was afraid of the current choice and the cause and effect it brought. When he was a sentimental person, he also thought that if he forgot his past, he would no longer be himself.

But later, the Emperor only felt that he was really hypocritical at some times in the past. Compared with the fate of countless individuals of the human race, a person's self is as humble as dust and not worth mentioning.

After thinking about many things in the past, the Emperor deliberately stopped what he thought was nonsense in his brain.

And the reason for those so-called nonsense, the Emperor can also find the reason coldly and objectively-Erda.

Erda is not a partner, let alone a like-minded person, and does not look as pleasing as Malcador.

But Erda has something called "past bonds" on him.

The Emperor felt that it was unlikely for him to remain purely rational when facing this abstract thing.

Orpesson also had this thing.

The Emperor sat down and thought seriously.

He thought that if he was really a cold-blooded tyrant, then when Orpesson learned of his plan and stabbed him hard in the back of his waist, he should kill Orpesson, or hunt him down, in order to achieve a certain purpose, or just to make him pay for his disobedience.

But the Emperor just couldn't convince himself to do so.

He couldn't do it.

"Isn't Erda the same?"

The Emperor muttered to himself.

He thought that the bond was not only to bind himself. Erda and he had fallen out a long time ago, but as long as he asked, Erda would still come to do what he wanted her to do.

Thinking of this, the Emperor couldn't help but recall the harsh words he had just said to Erda. It was indeed too much to describe her as Pavlov's dog, and he shouldn't say such harsh words.

Shaking his head vigorously, the Emperor threw out the thoughts in his mind and raised his hand.

In a space that only he could enter, he retrieved two things stored in it.

They were two letters.

One was to Orpesson, and the other was to Erda.

If Qin Mo was here, he would know what was written in the letter to Orpesson - a cheesy apology.

But after taking out the two letters and hesitating whether to send them out, the Emperor put the two letters back to their original place.

"It is wise not to let them have any entanglement with me anymore."

"This is to protect them."

"This is good for them."

The Emperor thought so in his heart.

After calculating the affairs of the two old friends, the Emperor looked at the research equipment and the genes in the equipment.

He couldn't help but start to think about how he should get along with these Primarchs after they were born.

After a little thought, the Emperor took out a pen and a notebook from nowhere, and then drew one child room after another on it.

He recalled the fate and character of each Primarch that Qin Mo had explained to him, and designed a residence that was most suitable for each Primarch's childhood.

He even designed clearly what the Primarchs liked in this residence.

Obviously, this was not a temporary idea or thinking before the battle, but something he started thinking about after hearing about the future of the Primarchs from Qin Mo.

During the Terra Unification War, outsiders did not know how much time and thought the Emperor put on this matter.

But if the Emperor confessed these ideas to Malcador and Qin Mo, the latter two would be surprised by his concern and meticulous mind, and think that the Emperor must have spent a lot of thought and time on the residences of the Primarchs.

Even the Emperor did not infer their childhood personalities from the Primarchs' personalities when they grew up, because he knew that growth would affect the Primarchs. To some extent, what Erda said was not wrong. The Primarchs were children and people, not unchanging tools.

The Emperor had imagined that the two Alpha brothers, the Primarchs, would like to disguise themselves as others when they were young. He followed this idea to figure out the brothers' preferences, but later he felt that this was inappropriate.

The Alpha brothers' adult personalities were mostly influenced by Malcador.

The Emperor thanked Qin Mo for his frankness. It was because of Qin Mo's accurate prediction of the future that he realized that Malcador's ability as a father and elder could only be said to be poor, and he had better not be responsible for cultivating the Primarchs.

Finished this matter.

The Emperor closed the notebook, walked out of the laboratory and called a guard: "Go and send it to the Lord of Flame, and say that this is my suggestion. He doesn't need to refer to it. I just have to show that I am not only responsible for creating the Primarchs and then throwing them all to him."

"My Lord." The guard knelt on one knee and took the notebook with both hands, "Do I explain your words to the Lord of Flame exactly as they are?"

The Emperor shook his head: "No, of course not, you can simplify it and simplify it to what you think is appropriate."

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