Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1151: Steel Mountains

Spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The seasons that do not bring obvious natural phenomena to Terra rotate in turn.

The Emperor has not left the laboratory under the Himalayas for two years. This is because everything is going on in an orderly manner, and neither he nor the one in the mobile fortress needs to do everything personally.

For the individuals under the rule of Flame and Thunder Eagle, everything is not so peaceful and peaceful.

For the soldiers on the front line, the war is fierce.

For the people in the rear, the war is exciting.

In an orbital transport carrying the new graduates of the Army Academy, Char sat in one of the hundreds of seats, with coffee at his hand, a military cap on his legs and the military emblem that graduates like him will soon pin on their shoulders.

The military emblems of these military academies are different from the military emblems of each major of the previous military academies - a sword inserted in a gear.

The transport ship keeps broadcasting news.

Char always pays attention to the news broadcast in the cabin.

"Thunder Warrior Corps Commander Taranis and the Mortal Field Marshal jointly stated that the attack on the capital fortress of the Urshi Empire will end this month."

"This fortress has resisted us for two years since we went to war with the Urshi Empire. I hope the statements of the two commanders are not optimistic speculations, but facts."


Char was watching the news.

The classmate next to him came over and whispered: "It's been two years and the fortress hasn't been taken down. Two years ago, my dad came to see me at school before he left for Urshi and said that the Urshi people couldn't hold out for a month. As a result, I have graduated now, and my dad is still on the front line."

"There is a reason why the Urshi people can hold out." Charles said calmly, "Their fortress is extraordinary."

"They gave up all their territory, and one fortress carries six large void shields."

"In the failed assault operation of the Thunder Warriors, we also found the Black Khitan warriors of the Pan-Pacific Empire, and the psychics confused the physical space coordinates of the fortress. It is understandable that the orbital assault tactics that we were proud of before did not work."

At this point, Charles looked at his classmates and said firmly: "If everything goes well, why do we need to graduate early?"

The classmate thought about it, smiled and stretched out his hand: "For unification, buddy."

"For unification." Charles held his classmate's hand.

The orbital transport ship sailed to a position 400 kilometers above the Urshi Empire Fortress, and then teleported all the graduates to the surface.

After leaving the dimensional space, Charles looked around.

He saw the army's base.

He saw mobile ammunition factories.

He also saw... mountains.

Under the scorching sun, the mountains shone with metallic light.

The students didn't have much time to stay in the view, and were taken to different places according to the combat team organization that had been organized in the military academy.

On Charles' side, he saw the Tailawat logistics team responsible for providing technical support.

What to do at this time has been learned and practiced countless times in the military academy.

Charles and his classmates in the combat team stood in place, opened their arms and spread their legs.

The Tailawat people came forward with suitcases, opened the suitcases, and showed the equipment inside.

Charles put on boots made of a material used to make army armored vehicles, and his legs were equipped with leg armor-like equipment by the Tailawat people with many appendages.

Starting from the legs, to the waist, to the arms and upper body, and finally the head.

The armor made of high-performance metal materials wrapped Charles' whole body, and so did his classmates.

Finally, the silent Terrawatt people brought a large box and entered the password to open the box.

In the scattered white gas, the external spines appeared.

The Terrawatt people took out a spine and installed it in the slot on the back of Charles' armor.

After the spine was installed, a function inside it was activated, and the entire combat team was teleported into the largest of the steel mountains, and six people appeared directly on the six steel seats on the command deck.

The cables floated up and connected to the external spines of each member of the combat team as if they were alive.

At this moment, they felt that they were no longer weak ants, but giants who could turn the planet upside down with a wave of their hands and feet.

This powerful feeling intoxicated everyone in the combat team.

Their familiar feeling came back.

"Execute the standard startup procedure." Charles waved his hand and glanced at his classmates in every seat in front of him.

The startup procedure began to execute, everyone performed their duties, the lights on the command deck began to light up, and the equipment began to operate normally.

To outsiders, a huge war weapon as big as a mountain gradually stood up, and it no longer looked like a mountain.

Soon all the war weapons stood up, some large and some small.

These were giant war weapons invented by restoring or improving the technology found in the Maurya Dynasty's nest. Their names have not changed today, as the technology was named by the expedition team when it was discovered - Titan.

Inside the largest Titan where Char was, as the weapon officer's spirit connected with the Titan's weapon, the cannon on the Titan's left arm began to be filled with spiritual energy, and the spear on the right arm exuded a transcendent power that could affect space and distance.

Flame and Thunder Class, this is the name of this Titan.

To the right of Char's seat, the faces of the combat team leaders in all Titans were neatly arranged.

As the captain of the Flame and Thunder Titan and the general manager of the "Sword of Unity" Titan Corps, Char should give orders.

"We will help the conventional army win the war against the Urshi Empire today, and we will be one step closer to the goal of unifying Terra."

Char leaned back and looked at the iron wall in front of the command deck, but his eyes had been projected several kilometers away by the Titan's observer.

"For unity! For Flame and Thunder!"

"Go out!"

The Flame and Thunder Titan blew the whistle, and the roar shook the entire plain.

All Titans blew the whistle immediately, and the roar was deafening.

When the people of the Terrawatt tribe controlled the transmission device, the entire Sword of Unity Titan Corps disappeared on the plain in an instant, crossed the dimensional space, and directly arrived at the front line.

Even when operating this most powerful Titan, Char would use the word "horrifying" to describe the artillery fire on the front line.

The fortress of the Urshi Empire launched a huge amount of artillery fire at its own army. Due to the limitations of advanced tactics, the army could only dig trenches to fight, but fortunately, the army had waited for help.

"Destroy the main firepower point." Charles ordered calmly.

The subordinates executed calmly.

Just like every time in the simulated battles repeated countless times in the simulated training.

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