Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1156 Only Killing

"Where the Tantric Cult is now, that's what I'm also concerned about. Uslan."

Qin Mo and the emperor raised the same question.

As for what the two of them would do next after learning about the location of the Secret Cult, Uslan was so smart that he could figure it out with his toes.

For Uslan, eradicating the Secret Cult is also a way to solve future threats. He will not refuse to tell the Secret Cult's location, but only if he knows where the Secret Cult is.

Uslan turned to look at Olpeson.

Orpeson saw what was in Uslan's eyes, frowned and spread his hands: "You persuaded me to come to Terra and inform me of the threat of the Secret Cult, but you yourself don't know where the Secret Cult is?"

Uslan obviously didn't know, but admitting that he didn't know in front of these humans was not acceptable to Uslan.

So he changed his explanation: "The Secret Cult owns an industrial ship from the ancient era of mankind, which is like a miniature version of the Ark World. They are not on a certain planet, nor are they in the Sea of ​​Souls. Since they are composed of multiple races, So it is possible that they have mastered the use of the Webway. As far as I know, the last time they appeared was 1,200 light years north of the earth."

"How long was the last time?" Qin Mo asked.

"When I was just expelled from the Uswe Arkworld." Uslan still had a charmed smile on his handsome face, "That's when they invited me to join the Secret Cult."

"How many years ago was it specifically?" Qin Mo asked.

Uslan shook his head slightly: "Not sure. The Secret Cult has many powerful anti-psionic measures or devices. I was almost killed by the anti-psionic device after I refused. I can't remember how many years ago it was. I can only use One of the big things that happened in the thread of my destiny was my expulsion, to anchor the image of that event in my mind.”

Hearing this, the Emperor began to think deeply.

Counter-psionic measures and devices... these may take some effort, but there are people here who can handle them easily.

The only problem is how to deal with this organization called the Secret Cult.

Thinking of this, the emperor looked at Qin Mo. He already had an opinion in his mind, but he still had to seek the opinions of his allies.

"What should I do?" Qin Mo shrugged, "The only option is to kill."

The Emperor nodded.

"We are avoiding any threats." Qin Mo looked at Uslan. "If there is a threat, we will not wait for the threat to ferment. We will clean it up and use the simplest and most direct method to completely eradicate the secret religion in your mouth."

Uslan nodded, obviously agreeing.

"As for how to find the Secret Cult." Qin Mo recalled what Uslan said after arriving, "You said that the Secret Cult agents have sneaked into Terra. The Secret Cult agents will be found, and then their memories or souls will be read directly Locking on the location of the Secret Cult, I don’t think the Secret Cult’s anti-psionic means can evade psychic detection based on the soul of an agent who was raised under the Secret Cult.”

"It's feasible." Uslan nodded again, "But can the agents of the Secret Cult really be found?"

"I think it's okay." Qin Mo said, "Thank you for what you have done for mankind, and what you may do for mankind in the future. You can get the reward you want, and then choose to leave or stay in Terra until After the esoteric religion was eradicated.”

Uslan thought for a while and responded: "Give me a concession to freely enter and exit the human territory. After your war on the cradle of the human race, the earth, is over, establish an interstellar ruling entity that spans astronomical distances. after."

"Okay." Qin Mo nodded.

"I think it's okay too." The emperor was obviously dissatisfied, but he would pinch his nose and agree to Uslan's request, because he looked at the alien's brain and found that the alien's thoughts were inferior to those of its kind... …extremely interesting.

An imprecise command was conveyed to the master intelligence responsible for management.

[Find out the secret agents]

There is no relevant information in the database of the main control intelligence about what the Secret Cult is, but its logic matrix allows it to determine that it is probably a mysterious organization.

This is not important, the key is that this order was issued, which means that members of the hostile organization have infiltrated into Terra.

What the main control intelligence needs to do is to find the agents of the organization called the Secret Cult, or to prove through factual conclusions that the Secret Cult agents are not within the jurisdiction of Terra, so the order is unreasonable.

After determining how to execute the order, the level of control that was gradually relaxed due to the smooth progress of the Unification War was changed from [Loose] to [Extremely Strict].

The civilians who originally had a relatively free life were once again put under control just like when the flames and thunder first descended outside the Himalayas. Their lives became step-by-step, and they were stared at by countless "eyes" from the master intelligence.

Everyone's behavior is monitored, everyone's logic is analyzed, and the psychological test that was originally once a month becomes once a day.

The main control intelligence has personally designed a large number of psychological test questions. These questions, which seem to be useless as always, will strictly control the psychological trends of each monitored person. Anyone with suspicious test results will be marked more strictly. The imprint of monitoring is then analyzed by the master intelligence using more testing methods to a level that is extremely rigorous.

Strict analysis of suspicious targets will screen out some of the more suspicious targets, and will also exclude targets that are beyond suspicion from the analysis pool.

The more suspicious targets will be coerced by the sentinel drone to go to a completely sealed room.

The master intelligence will use a lot of means to conduct a new round of tests on more suspicious targets, including but not limited to test questions once an hour, noise harassment, rest deprivation... These things that may or may not be meaningful to human interrogators will make the most mentally resilient people enter and continue to be in a state of imminent collapse.

In this round of tests, those who are proven to be innocent among the more suspicious targets will be eliminated from the analysis pool, and the remaining people will be branded as absolutely suspicious and enter the evidence search stage.

If the tested target who is forced to collapse has really received strict anti-detection and interrogation training since childhood, then he will still firmly deny everything and refuse to cooperate.

But in the stage of refusing to cooperate, the master intelligence will use countless subtle tests and the results of these tests to explore the target's psychology and subconsciousness, and finally come to the conclusion of the argument.

All of this is designed by the master intelligence itself, not the ingenuity and whims of its owner.

In the view of the master intelligence, organic life has its limits after all, no matter how much training it has received or how talented it is, it has its limits after all.

After a series of procedures were carried out, only one person was finally determined to be a suspected secret cult agent.

According to the speculation of human officials, once this strict investigation procedure was initiated, a large number of agents or spies from other Terran forces would be investigated.

But in fact, there were no such people.

Because spies or agents from other forces on Terra often cannot even survive the daily investigation under the [loose] control state.

The powerful agent was found, and the [extremely strict] control state that lasted for two hours and forty-three minutes ended, and normal life returned.

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