Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1162: Thank those who deserve thanks

Dimensional space.

Garden world, castle.

In the spacious hall of the castle instead of the dining room, there was a large table filled with sumptuous dishes.

Qin Mo brought some animals and plants from the ancient Terra period that had just been restored by the scientific research department. The Primarchs sat at the table, and the animals and plants were prepared and placed on the table.

Qin Mo sat at the end of the long table, with Ms. Aisha on the left and Angron on the right.

"Thank you, madam." Qin Mo said to Aisha very sincerely, "I know it is not easy to take care of them, but you did it, and you did it very well, just like you took care of the children in the Wanderer tribe. , the Lord of Thunder is as grateful to you as I am.”

Aisha's iron hand shook gently: "I like these little guys, and it is my honor to take care of them."

"Thank you." Qin Mo looked at Angron, "Thank you for helping Ms. Aisha take care of your brothers."

Angron just smiled.

He felt the happiness of his brothers and was so happy that he couldn't even speak.

"Let's start eating." Qin Mo picked up the chopsticks.

"Wait!" Luojia suddenly spoke and raised his hand to suggest, "I suddenly feel that we should pursue a sense of ritual."

Qin Mo nodded.

Lorja closed her eyes and clasped her hands together: "Lord, thank you for giving us such a sumptuous dinner, thank you for giving us a wonderful life, thank you..."

"Didn't I tell you not to steal Magnus's books?" Qin Mo frowned.

Magnus looked at Lorgar with a smirk: "I told you that book on religious development is not for a kid like you to read."

Luojia didn't know what was wrong with this at all. He was at a loss: "Uncle, don't you think religion is very fascinating? Think about it, an abstract concept, a god that does not actually exist, in the ancient times of mankind, that god Nothing is given, but humans just believe in it.”

"Two people who are thousands of miles apart can treat each other as brothers and sisters just because they share the same faith."

"A group of people with no connection can unite to do the same thing because of a belief."

Lorgar was excited.

"And because of different beliefs, two groups that have no hatred for each other will fight and kill each other in rivers of blood."

"In those distant times when false gods would not give back to humanity, people still believed in gods. But now, when gods walk among humans, religion will be particularly powerful."

Luo Jia still had something to say, but he swallowed the rest because he found that Qin Mo's face didn't look good.

He thought he would receive an education in classical mechanics, but he did not.

Qin Mo lowered his head and picked at the pork that Aisha put into his bowl. He was silent for a while, and then started talking about an ancient thing.

"In the eighteenth century when mankind still used the AD calendar..."

"Maybe only Magnus understands what I'm saying, so I'll change the story."

"Thousands of years ago, mankind declined. In a civilized world that once belonged to mankind, aliens brutally enslaved mankind. In order to rule mankind, the aliens cultivated humans as their confidants, and then one day the aliens discovered that they had cultivated The humans who came out were secretly plotting against them."

Qin Mo looked at Luo Jia who was confused.

"Then the aliens asked one of the humans who was trained by them but resisted them, saying that your food and clothing were given to you by your masters since you were a child. How could you help those despicable similar people against your masters? ?”

"Then the human replied, the food I eat is all grown by my enslaved compatriots, and the clothes I wear are all sewn by my enslaved compatriots. How can we talk about the gift?"

"Put it on you, Luojia. It's the same thing on us."

Qin Mo knocked on the plate in front of him.

"What is contained here is cultivated by the learned among mortals, or synthesized by the diligent among mortals. The same is true for what you are wearing."

"With the Himalayas and the Mobile Fortress as the center, extending to 3,700 kilometers to the north, 2,000 kilometers to the south, and 2,200 kilometers to the east and west, all the people living in this human force today have either They are slaves, or barbarians who use the dining table as a toilet. They have no food to eat and no clothes to wear. They hide in their dens and tremble when the powerful ones come to kill them. "

"You say God has given us a rich dinner and a happy life, but no, He has given us nothing."

After speaking, Qin Mo looked at Luo Jia.

After hearing these words, Luo Jia also had something to argue in his mind, but before he spoke, Qin Mo guessed what he would say.

"Of course, it is undeniable that the flames and thunder provided vital help. It can be said that without the two people represented by the double-headed eagle, there probably would not be a human force like us on Terra, and the warlords would still be there. Fighting each other every day, slaves making sacrifices every day, and barbarians still shitting on the table.”

"But if there were no mortals, no mortals who are still crawling around on the battlefield as we speak, no brave men who are still rushing to sign up for irreversible horrific transformations, no hard-working people who are producing weapons and equipment in factories and providing logistical supplies... …”

"Without them, there would be an extraordinary being sitting in a laboratory every day..."

"And one who spent the entire day today taking care of the problem children. The rest of the time, he either spent time in the laboratory or gave instructions on the front line."

"All of us are still cowering in the mountains outside, and the dream of Terra's unification is still out of reach."

Qin Mo glanced at the primarchs.

"Extraordinary beings and mortals have shaped all of this together. We have achieved each other's achievements. We have paid what we can and done what we can for a dream that is grander, more beautiful, and seems more unattainable than the dream of reunification. "

After saying this, Qin Mo waited for the original bodies to gain some insights.

Little Horus thought for a moment and suddenly spoke: "We are born extraordinary, we are stronger than mortals, and we should also bear more... My father seems to have raised us as weapons. Even though he said nothing as usual, I can feel."

Qin Mo nodded in agreement: "What Horus said is very right. I don't want to explain your destiny to you so early, but if there are things that mortals cannot do, and there are responsibilities that mortals cannot shoulder, when you grow up, , you have to do it and bear it.”

After saying that, Qin Mo looked at Luo Jia again: "If you expect that the two extraordinary people you think are gods can be omnipotent and omniscient like gods, then you don't have to bear or do anything. Do it, just think, ah, leave it to the omnipotent God, then you have unrealistic delusions.”

“Your father was still herding sheep in Asia Minor when he was more than ten years older than you. When I was your age, if I didn’t have a dedicated mother like Ms. Elsa watching over me, I would probably choke to death on my pacifier when I rolled over. "

"There are no gods, only supernatural beings and mortals."

After speaking, Qin Mo stared at Luo Jia.

"do you understand?"

Faced with this question, Luojia thought for a moment before answering: "Yes, uncle, I understand."

"You understand."

"A temporary language education can't change anything, even for someone like you who was born extraordinary."

Qin Mo said, raising his finger and pointing at Magnus, then pointed at Luojia.

"I can only warn you at this early stage of education, for this is more powerful than words."

"Anyway, if you steal Magnus's books again, I guarantee you'll have to sleep with your tummy hunched over for the next month."

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