Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1166 Luo Jia's Value

"But he is the original body." Qin Mo said.

The Emperor nodded again: "Because he is the original body, if we cannot cut off his wings, then we will have to endure it."

"If one day Sanguinius's existence is no longer valuable, will you kill him?" Qin Mo asked seriously.

"No." The Emperor replied very decisively, "Anyway, he is my creation, and his genes are based on mine and Erda's genes, but the wings are an accident. It would be better if he doesn't have wings, but he does. , I am trying to find a way to solve the problem of wings, but if there is no way, then I will not kill him because of the wings."

Qin Mo nodded after hearing this.

The emperor's expression changed, and he was suddenly curious as to why Qin Mo asked him if he would kill Sanguinius.

What appeared in their telescope was a huge combat robot.

"Perhaps their value is just as an army that only belongs to the Lord of Thunder." Taranis added.

"Friendly forces?" Taranis looked puzzled.

"Record all subsequent battles. These video images or written materials about the war will be used as war teaching materials for the original bodies." Qin Mo ordered.

"In other words, if humans reach a stage where they must believe in one god to survive, then humans should not at least believe in the four gods."

"The Astartes have their own advantages." Qin Mo said, and then glanced at the mortal generals of the army.

Only Taranis and Qin Mo are left here.

"But I always think, we all know the truth about this universe, and sooner or later people will know it too."

As for the Custodes, they are not similar in nature to the Thunder Warriors or the Mortal Army or the Titan Legion, although they are indeed very powerful.

"The Titan Legion is preparing for a combat mission against the Pan-Pacific Empire. It cannot be mobilized for the time being, so we can only attack hard."

Qin Mo raised his hand to indicate that Taranis did not need to explain, and then revealed his intention: "Slow down the pace of the attack and establish a new combat plan for the incoming friendly forces."

The Emperor nodded.

"Why does Lorgar like religion so much?"

The Lord of Thunder needs an army all his own.

"The Lord of Flame is coming." An army general put down his telescope.

"I mentioned the Imperial Truth to you, but you said it was a lie. You thought only the scientific part of it could be applied. I didn't refuse."

The generals saluted again, then turned and left.

"Maybe." Qin Mo couldn't deny it.

In today's army under the command of Flame and Thunder, the command of the mortal army belongs to the half of the double-headed eagle entwined with the flame, while the Thunder Warriors are jointly commanded. In return for the Emperor's decision to let the Thunder Warriors accept joint command, The command of the Titan Legion is also jointly owned.

When asked about Lorgar, the Emperor thought for a while and replied: "You told me about Lorgar, but I still let him like religion because he represents another possibility."

Everyone immediately saluted the Lord of Flames.

"Assuming that the most extreme situation I imagined comes true, that is, when the survival of the human race itself is at stake, it is necessary to create an entity in subspace that can accommodate human collective emotions and consciousness."

Qin Mo listened.

“It is my pursuit to make human beings scientific and rational, but if the existence of the human race itself is an unstable thing, then I think we should pursue the existence of the human race first.”

Taranis stepped forward, ready to explain why his plan of attack had been delayed.

With the support of advanced equipment and advanced tactics, the army took less than twelve seconds to capture a city belonging to the warlord, but the robots in the city blocked the army for an hour.

Even the combat effectiveness of the Astartes on paper is not as good as that of the pre-improved Thunder Warriors.

Hearing the Astartes, Taranis suddenly realized: "Those new enhanced warriors whose combat and productivity are not as good as the Thunder Warriors."

Taranis stared at the robot, wondering how he could destroy it more efficiently.

But at this moment, a blue flash of light burst in from outside the atmosphere.

The Emperor spread his hands: "You know what kind of person I am."

"But the Astartes will." Qin Mo looked down the mountain.

After settling the matter, Taranis suddenly said: "The value of the Primarchs is endless, but I really don't know what the meaning of the Astartes plan is. Can't the Thunder Warriors be used as a large army of strengthened warriors? Undertake combat missions that require a large number of reinforced soldiers? "

Qin Mo said nothing.

"Is he an insurance company?" Qin Mo asked.

"Of course not." Taranis did not hesitate. "I don't think they have this ability yet. They will have it in the future, but that will happen in the future."

The Emperor stood up and said something else, "The Astartes plan is going very well. In another two years, the Primarchs will be able to lead their respective Astartes legions. I deliberately accelerated the Primarchs' progress through genetic engineering. They can grow at such a speed, even though they were only less than seven years old at that time.”

"Yes." Taranis knew about the existence of the original bodies. He also entered the dimension space as a combat teacher and taught the original bodies combat skills.

Qin Mo remembered that Taranis had many opinions about the Astartes.

This is not difficult to understand, after all, the ecological niches of Astartes and Thunder Warriors almost overlap.

"As long as there are other possibilities, I will not bet on the Netdao plan." The emperor shook his head, "Now, we have other possibilities."

"Then we can start the plan to reorganize the human settlement in the galaxy." Qin Mo said, "But don't do the webway. As I told you before, the webway is a reliable thing, but the webway we made ourselves is very, very unreliable."

"You have a point, but the Astartes have their own advantages." Qin Mo said, "If the Primarch is now involved in the command of the Thunder Warriors as a general, will you fight completely according to the Primarch's wishes?"

"Well... OK." Qin Mo also nodded.

Taranis and the mortal army generals stood on the mountain and stared at the war in front of them.

Then everyone present heard the explosion of the sound barrier being broken, and then Qin Mo fell from the sky.

The front line of the war against the Caucasus warlords.


"Am I a very cold-blooded person?"

About Lorgar.

Qin Mo did know what the Emperor was like, so he stopped talking about the Emperor himself and asked about what he cared about most.

The mortal generals watched with telescopes in their hands.

"Astartes." Qin Mo said, "You know, this plan."

Taranis witnessed the blue flash piercing the huge robot from head to toe.

The next day.

The Emperor explained the significance and value of Lorgar.

"Just think of them as the main force that needs to be relied on in a strong psychic environment." Qin Mo said, "In the last battle of the Urshi Empire, the Thunder Warriors did not perform well in a strong psychic environment."

A newly born Astartes force has arrived at the front line through teleportation.

Taranis also looked at the Astartes who had just arrived at the front line.

"That's right."

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